--- - block: - name: Ensuring Libvirt, Qemu and support packages are present become: true when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution == 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux' yum: name: - libguestfs-tools - libvirt - libvirt-devel - libvirt-daemon-kvm - qemu-kvm - virt-install state: present - name: Ensuring Libvirt, Qemu and support packages are present become: true when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' apt: name: - qemu - libvirt-bin - libguestfs-tools - qemu-kvm - virtinst - python-lxml - python3-lxml - python3-libvirt - python-libvirt - dnsmasq - ebtables state: present - name: Add user "{{ ansible_user }}" to libvirt group become: true user: name: "{{ ansible_user }}" groups: - libvirt append: yes - name: Reset ssh connection to allow user changes to affect "{{ ansible_user }}" meta: reset_connection - name: Start libvirtd service: name: libvirtd state: started enabled: true become: true