#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Example Usage # CONTROLPLANE_COUNT=1 \ # TEST_SITE=docker-test-site \ # ./tools/deployment/provider_common/30_deploy_controlplane.sh export AIRSHIP_SRC=${AIRSHIP_SRC:-"/tmp/airship"} export KUBECONFIG=${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.airship/kubeconfig"} export CONTROLPLANE_COUNT=${CONTROLPLANE_COUNT:-"1"} export SITE=${SITE:-"docker-test-site"} export TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME=${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME:-"target-cluster"} # Adjust Control Plane Count (default 1) # No. of control plane can be changed using # CONTROLPLANE_COUNT= tools/deployment/docker/30_deploy_controlplane.sh sed -i "/value.*/s//value\": $CONTROLPLANE_COUNT }/g" \ ${AIRSHIP_SRC}/airshipctl/manifests/site/${SITE}/ephemeral/controlplane/machine_count.json echo "create control plane" airshipctl phase run controlplane-ephemeral --debug --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG} --wait-timeout 1000s TARGET_KUBECONFIG="" TARGET_KUBECONFIG=$(kubectl --kubeconfig "${KUBECONFIG}" --namespace=default get secret/"${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}"-kubeconfig -o jsonpath={.data.value} || true) if [[ -z "$TARGET_KUBECONFIG" ]]; then echo "Error: Could not get kubeconfig from secret." exit 1 fi echo "Generate kubeconfig" echo ${TARGET_KUBECONFIG} | base64 -d > /tmp/${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig echo "Generate kubeconfig: /tmp/${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig" echo "add context target-cluster" kubectl config set-context ${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME} --user ${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}-admin --cluster ${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME} \ --kubeconfig "/tmp/${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig" if [ "$TEST_SITE" != "docker-test-site" ]; then echo "apply cni as a part of initinfra" airshipctl phase run initinfra-target --debug --kubeconfig "/tmp/${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig" kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/"${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}".kubeconfig wait --for=condition=Ready nodes --all --timeout 4000s else kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/"${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}".kubeconfig wait --for=condition=Ready nodes --all --timeout 4000s fi echo "Check nodes status" kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/"${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}".kubeconfig wait --for=condition=Ready nodes --all --timeout 4000s kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig /tmp/"${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}".kubeconfig echo "Waiting for pods to come up" kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig wait --for=condition=ready pods --all --timeout=4000s -A kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig get pods -A echo "Check machine status" kubectl get machines --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG} echo "Get cluster state for target workload cluster " kubectl --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG} get cluster echo "Target Cluster Kubeconfig" echo "/tmp/${TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig"