Sets a context entry in arshipctl config. Specifying a name that already exists will merge new fields on top of existing values for those fields. Usage: set-context NAME [flags] Examples: # Create a completely new e2e context entry airshipctl config set-context e2e --namespace=kube-system --manifest=manifest --user=auth-info --cluster-type=target # Update the current-context to e2e airshipctl config set-context e2e --current-context=true Flags: --cluster string cluster for the context entry in airshipctl config --cluster-type string cluster-type for the context entry in airshipctl config --current-context current-context for the context entry in airshipctl config -h, --help help for set-context --manifest string manifest for the context entry in airshipctl config --namespace string namespace for the context entry in airshipctl config --user string user for the context entry in airshipctl config