This relocates tests that were improperly placed within the config pkg for both the pkg/config and cmd/config packages. These were causing testutil to be imported outside of tests causing a cyclic import issue when trying to import the config pkg within the document pkg. This patchset moves the tests as well as refactoring several of them where they were leveraging private attributes which cannot be accessed as an external test pkg. Closes: #109 Relates-To: #107 Change-Id: Ib1bf2aff020599ba0b3f5a7fd7fadf737b8c86b8
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250 lines
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package config_test
import (
kubeconfig "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api"
cmd "opendev.org/airship/airshipctl/cmd/config"
type setClusterTest struct {
description string
givenConfig *config.Config
args []string
flags []string
expectedOutput string
expectedConfig *config.Config
const (
testCluster = "my_new-cluster"
func TestSetClusterWithCAFile(t *testing.T) {
given, cleanupGiven := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupGiven(t)
certFile := "../../pkg/config/testdata/ca.crt"
tname := testCluster
tctype := config.Ephemeral
expected, cleanupExpected := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupExpected(t)
expected.Clusters[tname] = config.NewClusterPurpose()
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype] = config.NewCluster()
clusterName := config.NewClusterComplexName()
clusterName.WithType(tname, tctype)
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype].NameInKubeconf = clusterName.Name()
expkCluster := kubeconfig.NewCluster()
expkCluster.CertificateAuthority = certFile
expkCluster.InsecureSkipTLSVerify = false
expected.KubeConfig().Clusters[clusterName.Name()] = expkCluster
test := setClusterTest{
description: "Testing 'airshipctl config set-cluster' with a new cluster",
givenConfig: given,
args: []string{tname},
flags: []string{
"--" + config.FlagClusterType + "=" + config.Ephemeral,
"--" + config.FlagEmbedCerts + "=false",
"--" + config.FlagCAFile + "=" + certFile,
"--" + config.FlagInsecure + "=false",
expectedOutput: fmt.Sprintf("Cluster %q of type %q created.\n", testCluster, config.Ephemeral),
expectedConfig: expected,
func TestSetClusterWithCAFileData(t *testing.T) {
given, cleanupGiven := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupGiven(t)
certFile := "../../pkg/config/testdata/ca.crt"
tname := testCluster
tctype := config.Ephemeral
expected, cleanupExpected := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupExpected(t)
expected.Clusters[tname] = config.NewClusterPurpose()
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype] = config.NewCluster()
clusterName := config.NewClusterComplexName()
clusterName.WithType(tname, tctype)
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype].NameInKubeconf = clusterName.Name()
expkCluster := kubeconfig.NewCluster()
readData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
expkCluster.CertificateAuthorityData = readData
expkCluster.InsecureSkipTLSVerify = false
expected.KubeConfig().Clusters[clusterName.Name()] = expkCluster
test := setClusterTest{
description: "Testing 'airshipctl config set-cluster' with a new cluster",
givenConfig: given,
args: []string{tname},
flags: []string{
"--" + config.FlagClusterType + "=" + config.Ephemeral,
"--" + config.FlagEmbedCerts + "=true",
"--" + config.FlagCAFile + "=" + certFile,
"--" + config.FlagInsecure + "=false",
expectedOutput: fmt.Sprintf("Cluster %q of type %q created.\n", tname, config.Ephemeral),
expectedConfig: expected,
func TestSetCluster(t *testing.T) {
given, cleanupGiven := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupGiven(t)
tname := testCluster
tctype := config.Ephemeral
expected, cleanupExpected := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupExpected(t)
expected.Clusters[tname] = config.NewClusterPurpose()
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype] = config.NewCluster()
clusterName := config.NewClusterComplexName()
clusterName.WithType(tname, tctype)
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype].NameInKubeconf = clusterName.Name()
expkCluster := kubeconfig.NewCluster()
expkCluster.Server = ""
expkCluster.InsecureSkipTLSVerify = false
expected.KubeConfig().Clusters[clusterName.Name()] = expkCluster
test := setClusterTest{
description: "Testing 'airshipctl config set-cluster' with a new cluster",
givenConfig: given,
args: []string{tname},
flags: []string{
"--" + config.FlagClusterType + "=" + config.Ephemeral,
"--" + config.FlagAPIServer + "=",
"--" + config.FlagInsecure + "=false",
expectedOutput: fmt.Sprintf("Cluster %q of type %q created.\n", tname, config.Ephemeral),
expectedConfig: expected,
func TestModifyCluster(t *testing.T) {
tname := "testCluster"
tctype := config.Ephemeral
given, cleanupGiven := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupGiven(t)
given.Clusters[tname] = config.NewClusterPurpose()
clusterName := config.NewClusterComplexName()
clusterName.WithType(tname, tctype)
given.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype] = config.NewCluster()
given.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype].NameInKubeconf = clusterName.Name()
cluster := kubeconfig.NewCluster()
cluster.Server = ""
given.KubeConfig().Clusters[clusterName.Name()] = cluster
expected, cleanupExpected := testutil.InitConfig(t)
defer cleanupExpected(t)
expected.Clusters[tname] = config.NewClusterPurpose()
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype] = config.NewCluster()
expected.Clusters[tname].ClusterTypes[tctype].NameInKubeconf = clusterName.Name()
expkCluster := kubeconfig.NewCluster()
expkCluster.Server = ""
expected.KubeConfig().Clusters[clusterName.Name()] = expkCluster
test := setClusterTest{
description: "Testing 'airshipctl config set-cluster' with an existing cluster",
givenConfig: given,
args: []string{tname},
flags: []string{
"--" + config.FlagClusterType + "=" + config.Ephemeral,
"--" + config.FlagAPIServer + "=",
expectedOutput: fmt.Sprintf("Cluster %q of type %q modified.\n", tname, tctype),
expectedConfig: expected,
func (test setClusterTest) run(t *testing.T) {
// Get the Environment
settings := &environment.AirshipCTLSettings{}
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
cmd := cmd.NewCmdConfigSetCluster(settings)
err := cmd.Flags().Parse(test.flags)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "unexpected error flags args to command: %v, flags: %v", err, test.flags)
// Execute the Command
// Which should Persist the File
err = cmd.Execute()
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "unexpected error executing command: %v, args: %v, flags: %v", err, test.args, test.flags)
// Loads the Config File that was updated
afterRunConf := settings.Config()
// Get ClusterType
tctypeFlag := cmd.Flag(config.FlagClusterType)
require.NotNil(t, tctypeFlag)
tctype := tctypeFlag.Value.String()
// Find the Cluster Created or Modified
afterRunCluster, err := afterRunConf.GetCluster(test.args[0], tctype)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, afterRunCluster)
afterKcluster := afterRunCluster.KubeCluster()
require.NotNil(t, afterKcluster)
testKcluster := test.givenConfig.KubeConfig().
assert.EqualValues(t, afterKcluster.Server, testKcluster.Server)
// Test that the Return Message looks correct
if len(test.expectedOutput) != 0 {
assert.EqualValues(t, test.expectedOutput, buf.String())