We don't use clustertype anymore, so all the related functions must be deleted or adjusted as well as appropriate config fields. Change-Id: I3931fdc71d4318e916f8bbc2d94e062c9df5f641 Signed-off-by: Ruslan Aliev <raliev@mirantis.com> Relates-To: #349
407 lines
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407 lines
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package document
import (
utilyaml "opendev.org/airship/airshipctl/pkg/util/yaml"
// KustomizeBuildOptions contain the options for running a Kustomize build on a bundle
type KustomizeBuildOptions struct {
KustomizationPath string
LoadRestrictions types.LoadRestrictions
// BundleFactory contains the objects within a bundle
type BundleFactory struct {
// Bundle interface provides the specification for a bundle implementation
type Bundle interface {
Write(out io.Writer) error
SetFileSystem(FileSystem) error
GetFileSystem() FileSystem
Select(selector Selector) ([]Document, error)
SelectOne(selector Selector) (Document, error)
SelectBundle(selector Selector) (Bundle, error)
SelectByFieldValue(string, func(interface{}) bool) (Bundle, error)
GetByGvk(string, string, string) ([]Document, error)
GetByName(string) (Document, error)
GetByAnnotation(annotationSelector string) ([]Document, error)
GetByLabel(labelSelector string) ([]Document, error)
GetAllDocuments() ([]Document, error)
Append(Document) error
// A singleton for the kustomize plugin path configuration
var pluginPath string
var pluginPathLock = &sync.Mutex{}
// BundleFactoryFunc is a function that returns bundle, can be used to build bundle on demand
// instead of inplace, useful, when you don't know if bundle will be needed or not, see phase for detail
type BundleFactoryFunc func() (Bundle, error)
// NewBundleByPath is a function which builds new document.Bundle from kustomize rootPath using default FS object
// example: document.NewBundleByPath("path/to/phase-root")
func NewBundleByPath(rootPath string) (Bundle, error) {
return NewBundle(NewDocumentFs(), rootPath)
// NewBundle is a convenience function to create a new bundle
// Over time, it will evolve to support allowing more control
// for kustomize plugins
func NewBundle(fSys FileSystem, kustomizePath string) (Bundle, error) {
var options = KustomizeBuildOptions{
KustomizationPath: kustomizePath,
LoadRestrictions: types.LoadRestrictionsRootOnly,
// init an empty bundle factory
bundle := &BundleFactory{}
// set the fs and build options we will use
if err := bundle.SetFileSystem(fSys); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := bundle.SetKustomizeBuildOptions(options); err != nil {
return nil, err
var o = krusty.Options{
DoLegacyResourceSort: true, // Default and what we want
LoadRestrictions: options.LoadRestrictions,
DoPrune: false, // Default
PluginConfig: &types.PluginConfig{
AbsPluginHome: PluginPath(),
PluginRestrictions: types.PluginRestrictionsNone,
kustomizer := krusty.MakeKustomizer(fSys, &o)
m, err := kustomizer.Run(kustomizePath)
if err != nil {
return bundle, err
err = bundle.SetKustomizeResourceMap(m)
return bundle, err
// PluginPath returns the kustomize plugin path
func PluginPath() string {
if pluginPath == "" {
defer pluginPathLock.Unlock()
return pluginPath
// InitPluginPath sets the location to look for kustomize plugins (including airshipctl itself).
func InitPluginPath() {
defer pluginPathLock.Unlock()
// Check if we got the path via ENVIRONMENT variable
pluginPath = os.Getenv(config.AirshipPluginPathEnv)
if pluginPath != "" {
// Otherwise, we'll try putting it in the home directory
homeDir := util.UserHomeDir()
pluginPath = filepath.Join(homeDir, config.AirshipConfigDir, config.AirshipPluginPath)
// GetKustomizeResourceMap returns a Kustomize Resource Map for this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetKustomizeResourceMap() resmap.ResMap {
return b.ResMap
// SetKustomizeResourceMap allows us to set the populated resource map for this bundle. In
// the future, it may modify it before saving it.
func (b *BundleFactory) SetKustomizeResourceMap(r resmap.ResMap) error {
b.ResMap = r
return nil
// GetKustomizeBuildOptions returns the build options object used to generate the resource map
// for this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetKustomizeBuildOptions() KustomizeBuildOptions {
return b.KustomizeBuildOptions
// SetKustomizeBuildOptions sets the build options to be used for this bundle. In
// the future, it may perform some basic validations.
func (b *BundleFactory) SetKustomizeBuildOptions(k KustomizeBuildOptions) error {
b.KustomizeBuildOptions = k
return nil
// SetFileSystem sets the filesystem that will be used by this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) SetFileSystem(fSys FileSystem) error {
b.FileSystem = fSys
return nil
// GetFileSystem gets the filesystem that will be used by this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetFileSystem() FileSystem {
return b.FileSystem
// GetAllDocuments returns all documents in this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetAllDocuments() ([]Document, error) {
docSet := make([]Document, len(b.ResMap.Resources()))
for i, res := range b.ResMap.Resources() {
// Construct Bundle document for each resource returned
doc, err := NewDocument(res)
if err != nil {
return docSet, err
docSet[i] = doc
return docSet, nil
// GetByName finds a document by name
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByName(name string) (Document, error) {
return b.SelectOne(NewSelector().ByName(name))
// Select offers an interface to pass a Selector, built on top of kustomize Selector
// to the bundle returning Documents that match the criteria
func (b *BundleFactory) Select(selector Selector) ([]Document, error) {
// use the kustomize select method
resources, err := b.ResMap.Select(selector.Selector)
if err != nil {
return []Document{}, err
// Construct Bundle document for each resource returned
docSet := make([]Document, len(resources))
for i, res := range resources {
var doc Document
doc, err = NewDocument(res)
if err != nil {
return docSet, err
docSet[i] = doc
return docSet, err
// SelectOne serves the common use case where you expect one match
// and only one match to your selector -- in other words, you want to
// error if you didn't find any documents, and error if you found
// more than one. This reduces code repetition that would otherwise
// be scattered around that evaluates the length of the doc set returned
// for this common case
func (b *BundleFactory) SelectOne(selector Selector) (Document, error) {
docSet, err := b.Select(selector)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// evaluate docSet for at least one document, and no more than
// one document and raise errors as appropriate
switch numDocsFound := len(docSet); {
case numDocsFound == 0:
return nil, ErrDocNotFound{Selector: selector}
case numDocsFound > 1:
return nil, ErrMultiDocsFound{Selector: selector}
return docSet[0], nil
// SelectBundle offers an interface to pass a Selector, built on top of kustomize Selector
// to the bundle returning a new Bundle that matches the criteria. This is useful
// where you want to actually prune the underlying bundle you are working with
// rather then getting back the matching documents for scenarios like
// test cases where you want to pass in custom "filtered" bundles
// specific to the test case
func (b *BundleFactory) SelectBundle(selector Selector) (Bundle, error) {
// use the kustomize select method
resources, err := b.ResMap.Select(selector.Selector)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create a blank resourcemap and append the found resources
// into the new resource map
resourceMap := resmap.New()
for _, res := range resources {
if err = resourceMap.Append(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
// return a new bundle with the same options and filesystem
// as this one but with a reduced resourceMap
return &BundleFactory{
KustomizeBuildOptions: b.KustomizeBuildOptions,
ResMap: resourceMap,
FileSystem: b.FileSystem,
}, nil
// SelectByFieldValue returns new Bundle with filtered resource documents.
// Method iterates over all resources in the bundle. If resource has field
// (i.e. key) specified in JSON path, and the comparison function returns
// 'true' for value referenced by JSON path, then resource is added to
// resulting bundle.
// Example:
// The bundle contains 3 documents
// ---
// apiVersion: v1
// kind: DocKind1
// metadata:
// name: doc1
// spec:
// somekey:
// somefield: "someValue"
// ---
// apiVersion: v1
// kind: DocKind2
// metadata:
// name: doc2
// spec:
// somekey:
// somefield: "someValue"
// ---
// apiVersion: v1
// kind: DocKind1
// metadata:
// name: doc3
// spec:
// somekey:
// somefield: "someOtherValue"
// Execution of bundleInstance.SelectByFieldValue(
// "spec.somekey.somefield",
// func(v interface{}) { return v == "someValue" })
// will return a new Bundle instance containing 2 documents:
// ---
// apiVersion: v1
// kind: DocKind1
// metadata:
// name: doc1
// spec:
// somekey:
// somefield: "someValue"
// ---
// apiVersion: v1
// kind: DocKind2
// metadata:
// name: doc2
// spec:
// somekey:
// somefield: "someValue"
func (b *BundleFactory) SelectByFieldValue(path string, condition func(interface{}) bool) (Bundle, error) {
result := &BundleFactory{
KustomizeBuildOptions: b.KustomizeBuildOptions,
FileSystem: b.FileSystem,
resourceMap := resmap.New()
for _, res := range b.Resources() {
val, err := res.GetFieldValue(path)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no field named") {
// this resource doesn't have the specified field - skip it
} else {
return nil, err
if condition(val) {
if err = resourceMap.Append(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := result.SetKustomizeResourceMap(resourceMap); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
// GetByAnnotation is a convenience method to get documents for a particular annotation
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByAnnotation(annotationSelector string) ([]Document, error) {
// Construct kustomize annotation selector
selector := NewSelector().ByAnnotation(annotationSelector)
// pass it to the selector
return b.Select(selector)
// GetByLabel is a convenience method to get documents for a particular label
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByLabel(labelSelector string) ([]Document, error) {
// Construct kustomize label selector
selector := NewSelector().ByLabel(labelSelector)
// pass it to the selector
return b.Select(selector)
// GetByGvk is a convenience method to get documents for a particular Gvk tuple
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByGvk(group, version, kind string) ([]Document, error) {
// Construct kustomize gvk object
selector := NewSelector().ByGvk(group, version, kind)
// pass it to the selector
return b.Select(selector)
// Append bundle with the document, this only works with document interface implementation
// that is provided by this package
func (b *BundleFactory) Append(doc Document) error {
yaml, err := doc.AsYAML()
if err != nil {
return err
res, err := resource.NewFactory(kunstruct.NewKunstructuredFactoryImpl()).FromBytes(yaml)
if err != nil {
return nil
return b.ResMap.Append(res)
// Write will write out the entire bundle resource map
func (b *BundleFactory) Write(out io.Writer) error {
for _, res := range b.ResMap.Resources() {
err := utilyaml.WriteOut(out, res)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil