This commit removes any assertion from Go's "testing" package, preferring instead to use an assertion from the testify package. All tests now have uniformity. This also decrease the number of iterations in the password generation test, decreasing test runtime tenfold Change-Id: I8799110e93dfa19bebe9050528e865b4c991c3df
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package testutil
import (
// UpdateGolden writes out the golden files with the latest values, rather than failing the test.
var shouldUpdateGolden = flag.Bool("update", false, "update golden files")
const (
testdataDir = "testdata"
goldenDirSuffix = "GoldenOutput"
goldenFileSuffix = ".golden"
// CmdTest is a command to be run on the command line as a test
type CmdTest struct {
// The name of the test. This will be used when generating golden
// files
Name string
// The values that would be inputted to airshipctl as commands, flags,
// and arguments. The initial "airshipctl" is implied
CmdLine string
// The instatiated version of the root airshipctl command to test
Cmd *cobra.Command
// The expected error
Error error
// RunTest either asserts that a specific command's output matches the expected
// output from its golden file, or generates golden files if the -update flag
// is passed
func RunTest(t *testing.T, test *CmdTest) {
cmd := test.Cmd
actual := &bytes.Buffer{}
args := strings.Fields(test.CmdLine)
err := cmd.Execute()
checkError(t, err, test.Error)
if *shouldUpdateGolden {
updateGolden(t, test, actual.Bytes())
} else {
assertEqualGolden(t, test, actual.Bytes())
// ReadFixtureBytes is a convenience function for opening a test fixture
func ReadFixtureBytes(t *testing.T, filename string) []byte {
fixtureData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Unexpected error while reading fixture at %s", filename)
return fixtureData
// ReadFixtureString is a convenience function for opening a test fixture
func ReadFixtureString(t *testing.T, filename string) string {
return string(ReadFixtureBytes(t, filename))
func updateGolden(t *testing.T, test *CmdTest, actual []byte) {
goldenDir := filepath.Join(testdataDir, t.Name()+goldenDirSuffix)
err := os.MkdirAll(goldenDir, 0775)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Failed to create golden directory %s", goldenDir)
t.Logf("Created %s", goldenDir)
goldenFilePath := filepath.Join(goldenDir, test.Name+goldenFileSuffix)
t.Logf("Updating golden file: %s", goldenFilePath)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(goldenFilePath, normalize(actual), 0666)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Failed to update golden file at %s", goldenFilePath)
func assertEqualGolden(t *testing.T, test *CmdTest, actual []byte) {
goldenDir := filepath.Join(testdataDir, t.Name()+goldenDirSuffix)
goldenFilePath := filepath.Join(goldenDir, test.Name+goldenFileSuffix)
golden, err := ioutil.ReadFile(goldenFilePath)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Failed while reading golden file at %s", goldenFilePath)
assert.Equal(t, string(actual), string(golden))
func checkError(t *testing.T, actual, expected error) {
if expected == nil {
require.NoError(t, actual)
} else {
require.Error(t, actual)
func normalize(in []byte) []byte {
return bytes.Replace(in, []byte("\r\n"), []byte("\n"), -1)