This commit updates the iso generation process to pull the network data from the ephemeral host network data from the baremetalhost spec of the host with the right label, namely: airshipit.org/ephemeral-node=true It will back into the secret name and namespace specified for the given host and extract the network data from this secret which should be identical to the network configuration the host would receive during normal provisioning. It also pulls the user-data for the iso generation process which is specific to the iso generation process from a secret with a similar special label: airshipit.org/ephemeral-user-data=true Change-Id: Iae6edeb231d9dbae0b316aa73009f145d57ac316
11 lines
312 B
11 lines
312 B
# in this document set, we lack a document that contains our ephemeral
# iso generation userdata
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
test: userdatamissing
name: userdatamissing-somesecret
type: Opaque
userData: "this secret lacks the label airshipit.org/ephemeral-user-data: true" |