This pins krm function calls to version `v2` which represents [0] [1] the latest 2.x.x semantic version. If we need to make breaking changes to any krm functions, that can now be done by incrementing their major version and thus not breaking these references. [0]: https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/762924 [1]: https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/780875 Closes: #419 Change-Id: I6cf6519511c77da6cac7e46a6b56ea338bcf150c
Function: hwcc
Controller for classifying host hardware characteristics to expected values.
The HWCC (Hardware Classification Controller) compares and validates the workload profile against Baremetal Hosts and classifies right match host and label the host. Also it displays the count for matched, unmatched and error hosts.
Comparison and validation is done on baremetalhost list provided by BMO
against hardware profile mentioned in
HWCC will label matched hosts.
User Provided
HWCC also label hosts which are in error state if
label is given in workload profile.
HWCC status shows multiple items w.r.t applied profile :
- Name of the profile
- Profile match status
- Matched Host count
- Error Host count
Example Usage
User can validate and classify the hosts based on hardware requirement. User will get to know how many hosts matched to user profile and how many hosts are in error state. HWCC status will also show number of hosts falling under different error states. User can select any of matched host and go for provisioning.