Yasin, Siraj (SY495P) 8d97d5d7ee [#57] - Added --current flag to set-context
* Added --current flag to set-context command to use current-context
when context not provided
* Added validation to throw error when both context and --current flag
* Updated golden files to match the recent change
* Added validation to check if current context is set when --current
flag is provided

Old Format: airshipctl config set-context default --manifest default --namespace default
New Format: airshipctl config set-context --current --manifest default --namespace default

Change-Id: I9ffe3a34f33ffd7ff03ca42de7609f91f5386b37
2020-02-24 19:02:20 +00:00

66 lines
2.0 KiB

package config
// OutputFormat denotes the form with which to display tabulated data
type OutputFormat string
// Constants related to the ClusterType type
const (
Ephemeral = "ephemeral"
Target = "target"
AirshipClusterNameSep = "_"
AirshipClusterDefaultType = Target
// Sorted
var AllClusterTypes = [2]string{Ephemeral, Target}
// Constants defining default values
const (
AirshipConfigGroup = ""
AirshipConfigVersion = "v1alpha1"
AirshipConfigApiVersion = AirshipConfigGroup + "/" + AirshipConfigVersion
AirshipConfigKind = "Config"
AirshipConfigDir = ".airship"
AirshipConfig = "config"
AirshipKubeConfig = "kubeconfig"
AirshipConfigEnv = "AIRSHIPCONFIG"
AirshipKubeConfigEnv = "AIRSHIP_KUBECONFIG"
AirshipDefaultContext = "default"
AirshipDefaultManifest = "default"
AirshipDefaultManifestRepo = "treasuremap"
AirshipDefaultManifestRepoLocation = "" + AirshipDefaultManifestRepo
// Modules
AirshipDefaultBootstrapImage = ""
AirshipDefaultIsoURL = "http://localhost:8099/debian-custom.iso"
AirshipDefaultRemoteType = "redfish"
// Constants defining CLI flags
const (
FlagAPIServer = "server"
FlagAuthInfoName = "user"
FlagBearerToken = "token"
FlagCAFile = "certificate-authority"
FlagCertFile = "client-certificate"
FlagClusterName = "cluster"
FlagClusterType = "cluster-type"
FlagContext = "context"
FlagCurrentContext = "current-context"
FlagConfigFilePath = "airshipconf"
FlagEmbedCerts = "embed-certs"
FlagImpersonate = "as"
FlagImpersonateGroup = "as-group"
FlagInsecure = "insecure-skip-tls-verify"
FlagKeyFile = "client-key"
FlagManifest = "manifest"
FlagNamespace = "namespace"
FlagPassword = "password"
FlagTimeout = "request-timeout"
FlagUsername = "username"
FlagCurrent = "current"