This commit integrates the Azure provider to the Airship 2.0 project. It adds the following folders: - manifest/function/capz: This folder contains all manifests required for the integration of Azure provider. - manifest/function/k8scontrol-capz: This folder contains the base manifest for the Azure Workload cluster. - manifest/site/az-test-site: This folder contains the manifests used for initializing the CAPI and CAPZ components on the management cluster invoking "airshipctl cluster init" and manifests used for deploying a Workload cluster on the Azure Cloud by invoking the command "airshipctl phase apply azure". - tools/deployment/azure: provides the script shell that are used in the zuul gates and local test. Updated files: - zuul.d/project.yaml and zuul.d/jobs.yaml have been updated to include gates for validating the Azure provider integration. Change-Id: Icbdc7f6f42c159f48dd11e35626da3bc016f5487
Zuul Gate Scripts for Bootstrap Container/Ephemeral Cluster/Azure Target Cluster
This folder container the Zuul Gate Scripts for configuring the tools necessary to automatically validate the building of Bootstrap Container (Go app + Docker Image), deployment of Ephemeral Cluster on Azure Cloud and Google Cloud, then using the Azure Ephemeral Cluster to deploy the Target Cluster on Azure Cloud.
Installing and Configuring Tools
The following scripts are used to install and configure tools such as "kubectl", "Go", "Kustomize" and "airshipctl":
- 01_install_kubectl.sh - installs "kubectl" CLI
- 02_install_go.sh - installs the "Go" language
- 03_install_kustomize_docker.sh - install "kustomize" CLI
- 21_systemwide_executable.sh - build the "airshipctl" CLI
Bootstrap Container and Ephemeral Cluster
The following scrips are used to deploy the Ephemeral cluster on Azure and Google Cloud.
- 41_deploy_azure_ephemeral_cluster.sh - creates the Azure Bootstrap container that deploys the Azure (AKS) Ephemeral cluster
- 41_initialize_management_cluster.sh - creates the GCP Bootstrap container that deploys the GCP (GKE) Ephemeral cluster
NOTE: the Bootstrap container images shall be built and pushed to quay.io registry prior to executing these scripts.
Initializing the Ephemeral cluster and Deploying the Target Cluster
The following scripts initialize the Ephemeral cluster with CAPI and CAPZ components and deploy the Target/Workload cluster on the Azure Cloud platform.
- 41_initialize_management_cluster.sh - initializes the Azure Ephemeral cluster with CAPI and CAPZ components
- 51_deploy_workload_cluster.sh - deploys a Target/Workload cluster on the Azure Cloud platform
And last but not least, the following scripts is a clean up script, deleting all resources created the public clouds, including the ephemeral clusters.
- 100_clean_up_resources.sh
Supporting Local Test Scripts
The scripts in this section are used for testing the end-to-end testing pipeline outside the Zuul environment. It simulates the Zuul pipeline on a clean remote VM, e.g., VM created on Azure Cloud.
- 201_zuul_local_test.sh - simulates the sequence of scripts to run on a Zuul environment.
- 200_transfer_airshipctl.sh - this script transfers the airshipctl local repository to the test VM then executes 201_zuul_local_test.sh
- 200_configure_test_vm.sh - Prepares the test VM with basic tools such as "make" and "docker", then executes 200_transfer_airshipctl.sh.
By executing 200_configure_test_vm.sh on a development server will trigger the entire test pipeline, i.e., "Zero Touch" local test.
Pre-requisite: the 200_configure_test_vm.sh requires a special script file that exports environment variables specific for the Azure and GCP Cloud account credentials. See template for this script below:
# Azure cloud authentication credentials.
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<Your Azure Subscription ID>"
export AZURE_TENANT_ID="<Your Tenant ID>"
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID="<Your Service Principal ID>"
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="<Your Service Principal Secret>"
# To use the default public cloud, otherwise set to AzureChinaCloud|AzureGermanCloud|AzureUSGovernmentCloud
export AZURE_ENVIRONMENT="AzurePublicCloud"
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_B64="$(echo -n "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
export AZURE_TENANT_ID_B64="$(echo -n "$AZURE_TENANT_ID" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID_B64="$(echo -n "$AZURE_CLIENT_ID" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET_B64="$(echo -n "$AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
# GCP Environment Variables
export GCP_PROJECT=<Your Google Cloud Project ID>
export GCP_ACCOUNT=<Your Google Cloud Account ID>