# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Single point of entry to generate the sample configuration file. This module collects all the necessary info from the other modules in this package. It is assumed that: * Every other module in this package has a 'list_opts' function which returns a dict where: * The keys are strings which are the group names. * The value of each key is a list of config options for that group. * The conf package doesn't have further packages with config options. * This module is only used in the context of sample file generation. """ import collections import importlib import os import pkgutil from oslo_config import cfg class DrydockConfig(object): """ Initialize all the core options """ # Default options options = [ cfg.IntOpt('poll_interval', default=10, help='Polling interval in seconds for checking subtask or downstream status'), ] # Logging options logging_options = [ cfg.StrOpt('log_level', default='INFO', help='Global log level for Drydock'), cfg.StrOpt('global_logger_name', default='drydock', help='Logger name for the top-level logger'), cfg.StrOpt('oobdriver_logger_name', default='${global_logger_name}.oobdriver', help='Logger name for OOB driver logging'), cfg.StrOpt('nodedriver_logger_name', default='${global_logger_name}.nodedriver', help='Logger name for Node driver logging'), cfg.StrOpt('control_logger_name', default='${global_logger_name}.control', help='Logger name for API server logging'), ] # API Authentication options auth_options = [ cfg.StrOpt('admin_token', default='bigboss', help='X-Auth-Token value to bypass backend authentication', secret=True), cfg.BoolOpt('bypass_enabled', default=False, help='Can backend authentication be bypassed?'), ] # Enabled plugins plugin_options = [ cfg.MultiStrOpt('ingester', default=['drydock_provisioner.ingester.plugins.yaml.YamlIngester'], help='Module path string of a input ingester to enable'), cfg.MultiStrOpt('oob_driver', default=['drydock_provisioner.drivers.oob.pyghmi_driver.PyghmiDriver'], help='Module path string of a OOB driver to enable'), cfg.StrOpt('node_driver', default='drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.driver.MaasNodeDriver', help='Module path string of the Node driver to enable'), cfg.StrOpt('network_driver', default=None, help='Module path string of the Network driver to enable'), ] # Timeouts for various tasks specified in minutes timeout_options = [ cfg.IntOpt('drydock_timeout', default=5, help='Fallback timeout when a specific one is not configured'), cfg.IntOpt('create_network_template', default=2, help='Timeout in minutes for creating site network templates'), cfg.IntOpt('configure_user_credentials', default=2, help='Timeout in minutes for creating user credentials'), cfg.IntOpt('identify_node', default=10, help='Timeout in minutes for initial node identification'), cfg.IntOpt('configure_hardware', default=30, help='Timeout in minutes for node commissioning and hardware configuration'), cfg.IntOpt('apply_node_networking', default=5, help='Timeout in minutes for configuring node networking'), cfg.IntOpt('apply_node_platform', default=5, help='Timeout in minutes for configuring node platform'), cfg.IntOpt('deploy_node', default=45, help='Timeout in minutes for deploying a node'), ] def __init__(self): self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() def register_options(self): self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.options) self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.logging_options, group='logging') self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.auth_options, group='authentication') self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.plugin_options, group='plugins') self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.timeout_options, group='timeouts') config_mgr = DrydockConfig() conf = config_mgr.conf IGNORED_MODULES = ('drydock', 'config') def list_opts(): opts = {'DEFAULT': DrydockConfig.options, 'logging': DrydockConfig.logging_options, 'authentication': DrydockConfig.auth_options, 'plugins': DrydockConfig.plugin_options, 'timeouts': DrydockConfig.timeout_options } package_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) parent_module = ".".join(__name__.split('.')[:-1]) module_names = _list_module_names(package_path, parent_module) imported_modules = _import_modules(module_names) _append_config_options(imported_modules, opts) return _tupleize(opts) def _tupleize(d): """Convert a dict of options to the 2-tuple format.""" return [(key, value) for key, value in d.items()] def _list_module_names(pkg_path, parent_module): module_names = [] for _, module_name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path=[pkg_path]): if module_name in IGNORED_MODULES: # Skip this module. continue elif ispkg: module_names.extend(_list_module_names(pkg_path + "/" + module_name, parent_module + "." + module_name)) else: module_names.append(parent_module + "." + module_name) return module_names def _import_modules(module_names): imported_modules = [] for module_name in module_names: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) if hasattr(module, 'list_opts'): print("Pulling options from module %s" % module.__name__) imported_modules.append(module) return imported_modules def _append_config_options(imported_modules, config_options): for module in imported_modules: configs = module.list_opts() for key, val in configs.items(): if key not in config_options: config_options[key] = val else: config_options[key].extend(val)