# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import re import logging import drydock_provisioner.error as errors """ A representation of a MaaS REST resource. Should be subclassed for different resources and augmented with operations specific to those resources """ class ResourceBase(object): resource_url = '/{id}' fields = ['resource_id'] json_fields = ['resource_id'] def __init__(self, api_client, **kwargs): self.api_client = api_client self.logger = logging.getLogger('drydock.nodedriver.maasdriver') for f in self.fields: if f in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, f, kwargs.get(f)) """ Update resource attributes from MaaS """ def refresh(self): url = self.interpolate_url() resp = self.api_client.get(url) updated_fields = resp.json() for f in self.fields: if f in updated_fields.keys(): setattr(self, f, updated_fields.get(f)) """ Parse URL for placeholders and replace them with current instance values """ def interpolate_url(self): pattern = '\{([a-z_]+)\}' regex = re.compile(pattern) start = 0 new_url = self.resource_url while (start+1) < len(self.resource_url): match = regex.search(self.resource_url, start) if match is None: return new_url param = match.group(1) val = getattr(self, param, None) if val is None: raise ValueError("Missing variable value") new_url = new_url.replace('{' + param + '}', str(val)) start = match.end(1) + 1 return new_url """ Update MaaS with current resource attributes """ def update(self): data_dict = self.to_dict() url = self.interpolate_url() resp = self.api_client.put(url, files=data_dict) if resp.status_code == 200: return True raise errors.DriverError("Failed updating MAAS url %s - return code %s\n%s" % (url, resp.status_code, resp.text)) """ Set the resource_id for this instance Should only be called when creating new instances and MAAS has assigned an id """ def set_resource_id(self, res_id): self.resource_id = res_id """ Serialize this resource instance into JSON matching the MaaS respresentation of this resource """ def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) """ Serialize this resource instance into a dict matching the MAAS representation of the resource """ def to_dict(self): data_dict = {} for f in self.json_fields: if getattr(self, f, None) is not None: if f == 'resource_id': data_dict['id'] = getattr(self, f) else: data_dict[f] = getattr(self, f) return data_dict """ Create a instance of this resource class based on the MaaS representation of this resource type """ @classmethod def from_json(cls, api_client, json_string): parsed = json.loads(json_string) if isinstance(parsed, dict): return cls.from_dict(api_client, parsed) raise errors.DriverError("Invalid JSON for class %s" % (cls.__name__)) """ Create a instance of this resource class based on a dict of MaaS type attributes """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, api_client, obj_dict): refined_dict = {k: obj_dict.get(k, None) for k in cls.fields} if 'id' in obj_dict.keys(): refined_dict['resource_id'] = obj_dict.get('id') i = cls(api_client, **refined_dict) return i class ResourceCollectionBase(object): """ A collection of MaaS resources. Rather than a simple list, we will key the collection on resource ID for more efficient access. :param api_client: An instance of api_client.MaasRequestFactory """ collection_url = '' collection_resource = ResourceBase def __init__(self, api_client): self.api_client = api_client self.resources = {} self.logger = logging.getLogger('drydock.nodedriver.maasdriver') def interpolate_url(self): """ Parse URL for placeholders and replace them with current instance values """ pattern = '\{([a-z_]+)\}' regex = re.compile(pattern) start = 0 new_url = self.collection_url while (start+1) < len(self.collection_url): match = regex.search(self.collection_url, start) if match is None: return new_url param = match.group(1) val = getattr(self, param, None) if val is None: raise ValueError("Missing variable value") new_url = new_url.replace('{' + param + '}', str(val)) start = match.end(1) + 1 return new_url """ Create a new resource in this collection in MaaS """ def add(self, res): data_dict = res.to_dict() url = self.interpolate_url() resp = self.api_client.post(url, files=data_dict) if resp.status_code in [200,201]: resp_json = resp.json() res.set_resource_id(resp_json.get('id')) return res raise errors.DriverError("Failed updating MAAS url %s - return code %s" % (url, resp.status_code)) """ Append a resource instance to the list locally only """ def append(self, res): if isinstance(res, self.collection_resource): self.resources[res.resource_id] = res """ Initialize or refresh the collection list from MaaS """ def refresh(self): url = self.interpolate_url() resp = self.api_client.get(url) if resp.status_code == 200: self.resource = {} json_list = resp.json() for o in json_list: if isinstance(o, dict): i = self.collection_resource.from_dict(self.api_client, o) self.resources[i.resource_id] = i return """ Check if resource id is in this collection """ def contains(self, res_id): if res_id in self.resources.keys(): return True return False """ Select a resource based on ID or None if not found """ def select(self, res_id): return self.resources.get(res_id, None) """ Query the collection based on a resource attribute other than primary id """ def query(self, query): result = list(self.resources.values()) for (k, v) in query.items(): result = [i for i in result if str(getattr(i, k, None)) == str(v)] return result def singleton(self, query): """ A query that requires a single item response :param query: A dict of k:v pairs defining the query parameters """ result = self.query(query) if len(result) > 1: raise ValueError("Multiple results found") elif len(result) == 1: return result[0] return None """ If the collection contains a single item, return it """ def single(self): if self.len() == 1: for v in self.resources.values(): return v else: return None """ Iterate over the resources in the collection """ def __iter__(self): return iter(self.resources.values()) """ Resource count """ def len(self): return len(self.resources)