- New diagrams and documents for developer overview - Update conf.py for docs to work w/ readthedocs.io - Add policy and config gen to `make docs` - Update zuul-linter to support checked in images - Last fix to document publishing Change-Id: I4faa1b87032ae5b0e786aa0fd998f809124b7987
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' PlantUML file describing the basic task execution
' sequence diagram
actor User
== Task Creation ==
User -> TasksAPI : POST task body
TasksAPI -> oslo_policy : Enforce RBAC
oslo_policy -> TasksAPI : Approved
TasksAPI -> Statemgr : Insert Task as Queued
Statemgr -> TasksAPI : Result
TasksAPI -> User : Serialized Task
== Task Execution ==
Orchestrator -> Statemgr : Poll for Queued Tasks
Statemgr -> Orchestrator : Task ID of Queued Task
Orchestrator -> Statemgr : Update Task to Running
Statemgr -> Orchestrator : Result
Orchestrator -> Orchestrator : Execute task
Orchestrator -> Ingester : Ingest Site Design
Ingester -> Statemgr : Resolve Design Reference
Statemgr -> Ingester : Raw Site Design
Ingester -> Orchestrator : Parsed Site Design
Orchestrator -> Orchestrator : Create Subtask
Orchestrator ->> Driver : Execute Subtask
par Threaded Task Execution
Driver -> Driver : Execute 1 or More Actions
Driver -> Statemgr : Update Subtask to Complete
Statemgr -> Driver : Result
loop Until Subtask Complete or Timeout
Orchestrator -> Statemgr : Poll Subtask Status
Statemgr -> Orchestrator : Subtask Status
Orchestrator -> Statemgr : Update Task to Complete
== Task Query ==
User -> TasksAPI : GET task