- The spec calls it out capitalized strings - Remove pip cache from Dockerfile build Change-Id: I4c8907120ba0213936060d9f0b463fc5e0bcf7db
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660 lines
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# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This data ingester will consume YAML site topology documents."""
import yaml
import logging
import base64
import jsonschema
import os
import pkg_resources
import drydock_provisioner.objects.fields as hd_fields
from drydock_provisioner import error as errors
from drydock_provisioner import objects
from drydock_provisioner.ingester.plugins import IngesterPlugin
class YamlIngester(IngesterPlugin):
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('drydock.ingester.yaml')
def get_name(self):
return "yaml"
def ingest_data(self, **kwargs):
"""Parse and save design data.
:param filenames: Array of absolute path to the YAML files to ingest
:param content: String of valid YAML
returns a tuple of a status response and a list of parsed objects from drydock_provisioner.objects
if 'content' in kwargs:
parse_status, models = self.parse_docs(kwargs.get('content'))
raise ValueError('Missing parameter "content"')
return parse_status, models
def parse_docs(self, doc_blob):
"""Translate a YAML string into the internal Drydock model.
Returns a tuple of a objects.TaskStatus instance to summarize all
document processing and a list of models yields by successful processing
:param doc_blob: bytes representing a utf-8 encoded YAML string
models = []
yaml_string = doc_blob.decode()
self.logger.debug("yamlingester:parse_docs - Parsing YAML string.")
parsed_data = yaml.safe_load_all(yaml_string)
except yaml.YAMLError as err:
if hasattr(err, 'problem_mark'):
mark = err.problem_mark
raise errors.IngesterError(
"Error parsing YAML at (l:%s, c:%s): %s" %
(mark.line + 1, mark.column + 1, err))
raise errors.IngesterError("Error parsing YAML: %s" % (err))
# tracking processing status to provide a complete summary of issues
ps = objects.TaskStatus()
for d in parsed_data:
api = d.get('apiVersion', '')
if api.startswith('drydock/'):
model = self.process_drydock_document(d)
msg="Successfully processed Drydock document type %s."
% d.get('kind'),
except errors.IngesterError as ie:
msg = "Error processing document: %s" % str(ie)
if d.get('metadata', {}).get('name', None) is not None:
ctx = d.get('metadata').get('name')
ctx = 'Unknown'
msg=msg, error=True, ctx_type='document', ctx=ctx)
except Exception as ex:
msg = "Unexpected error processing document: %s" % str(ex)
self.logger.error(msg, exc_info=True)
if d.get('metadata', {}).get('name', None) is not None:
ctx = d.get('metadata').get('name')
ctx = 'Unknown'
msg=msg, error=True, ctx_type='document', ctx=ctx)
elif api.startswith('promenade/'):
(foo, api_version) = api.split('/')
if api_version == 'v1':
kind = d.get('kind')
metadata = d.get('metadata', {})
target = metadata.get('target', 'all')
name = metadata.get('name', None)
model = objects.PromenadeConfig(
msg="Successfully processed Promenade document.",
return (ps, models)
def process_drydock_document(self, doc):
"""Process a parsed YAML document.
:param doc: The dictionary from parsing the YAML document
kind = doc.get('kind', '')
doc_processor = YamlIngester.v1_doc_handlers.get(kind, None)
if doc_processor is None:
raise errors.IngesterError("Invalid document Kind %s" % kind)
metadata = doc.get('metadata', {})
doc_name = metadata.get('name')
return doc_processor(self, doc_name, doc.get('spec', {}))
def validate_drydock_document(self, doc):
"""Validate a parsed document via jsonschema.
If a schema for a document Kind is not available, the document is
considered valid. Schema is chosen by the doc['kind'] field.
Returns a empty list for valid documents, otherwise returns a list
of all found errors
:param doc: dictionary of the parsed document.
doc_kind = doc.get('kind')
if doc_kind in self.v1_doc_schemas:
validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(
errors_found = []
for error in validator.iter_errors(doc):
return errors_found
return []
def process_drydock_region(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a Region document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:param data: the dictionary of the data/spec section
model = objects.Site()
# Need to add validation logic, we'll assume the input is
# valid for now
model.name = name
model.status = hd_fields.SiteStatus.Unknown
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
model.tag_definitions = objects.NodeTagDefinitionList()
tag_defs = data.get('tag_definitions', [])
for t in tag_defs:
tag_model = objects.NodeTagDefinition()
tag_model.tag = t.get('tag', '')
tag_model.type = t.get('definition_type', '')
tag_model.definition = t.get('definition', '')
if tag_model.type not in ['lshw_xpath']:
raise errors.IngesterError('Unknown definition_type in '
'tag_definition instance: %s' %
auth_keys = data.get('authorized_keys', [])
model.authorized_keys = [k for k in auth_keys]
return model
def process_drydock_rack(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a Rack document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:param data: the dictionary of the data/spec section
model = objects.Rack()
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
model.name = name
model.tor_switches = objects.TorSwitchList()
tors = data.get('tor_switches', {})
for k, v in tors.items():
tor = objects.TorSwitch()
tor.switch_name = k
tor.mgmt_ip = v.get('mgmt_ip', None)
tor.sdn_api_uri = v.get('sdn_api_url', None)
location = data.get('location', {})
model.location = dict()
for k, v in location.items():
model.location[k] = v
model.local_networks = [n for n in data.get('local_networks', [])]
return model
def process_drydock_networklink(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a NetworkLink document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:param data: the dictionary of the data/spec section
model = objects.NetworkLink()
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
model.name = name
model.metalabels = data.get('labels', {})
bonding = data.get('bonding', {})
model.bonding_mode = bonding.get(
'mode', hd_fields.NetworkLinkBondingMode.Disabled)
if model.bonding_mode in \
model.bonding_mon_rate = bonding.get('mon_rate', '100')
model.bonding_up_delay = bonding.get('up_delay', '200')
model.bonding_down_delay = bonding.get('down_delay', '200')
if model.bonding_mode == hd_fields.NetworkLinkBondingMode.LACP:
model.bonding_xmit_hash = bonding.get('hash', 'layer3+4')
model.bonding_peer_rate = bonding.get('peer_rate', 'fast')
model.mtu = data.get('mtu', None)
model.linkspeed = data.get('linkspeed', None)
trunking = data.get('trunking', {})
model.trunk_mode = trunking.get(
'mode', hd_fields.NetworkLinkTrunkingMode.Disabled)
model.native_network = trunking.get('default_network', None)
model.allowed_networks = data.get('allowed_networks', None)
return model
def process_drydock_network(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a Network document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:param data: the dictionary of the data/spec section
model = objects.Network()
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
model.name = name
model.metalabels = data.get('labels', {})
model.cidr = data.get('cidr', None)
model.vlan_id = data.get('vlan', None)
model.mtu = data.get('mtu', None)
model.routedomain = data.get('routedomain', None)
dns = data.get('dns', {})
model.dns_domain = dns.get('domain', 'local')
model.dns_servers = dns.get('servers', None)
ranges = data.get('ranges', [])
model.ranges = []
for r in ranges:
'type': r.get('type', None),
'start': r.get('start', None),
'end': r.get('end', None),
routes = data.get('routes', [])
model.routes = []
for r in routes:
'subnet': r.get('subnet', None),
'gateway': r.get('gateway', None),
'metric': r.get('metric', None),
'routedomain': r.get('routedomain', None),
dhcp_relay = data.get('dhcp_relay', None)
if dhcp_relay is not None:
model.dhcp_relay_self_ip = dhcp_relay.get('self_ip', None)
model.dhcp_relay_upstream_target = dhcp_relay.get(
'upstream_target', None)
return model
def process_drydock_hwprofile(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a HardwareProfile document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:param data: the dictionary of the data/spec section
model = objects.HardwareProfile()
model.name = name
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
model.vendor = data.get('vendor', None)
model.generation = data.get('generation', None)
model.hw_version = data.get('hw_version', None)
model.bios_version = data.get('bios_version', None)
model.boot_mode = data.get('boot_mode', None)
model.bootstrap_protocol = data.get('bootstrap_protocol', None)
model.pxe_interface = data.get('pxe_interface', None)
model.devices = objects.HardwareDeviceAliasList()
device_aliases = data.get('device_aliases', {})
for d, v in device_aliases.items():
dev_model = objects.HardwareDeviceAlias()
dev_model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
dev_model.alias = d
dev_model.bus_type = v.get('bus_type', None)
dev_model.dev_type = v.get('dev_type', None)
dev_model.address = v.get('address', None)
return model
def process_drydock_hostprofile(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a HostProfile document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:param data: the dictionary of the data/spec section
model = objects.HostProfile()
model.name = name
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
self.process_host_common_fields(data, model)
return model
def process_drydock_bootaction(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a BootAction document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:Param data: the dictionary of the parsed data/spec section
model = objects.BootAction()
model.name = name
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
assets = data.get('assets')
model.asset_list = objects.BootActionAssetList()
for a in assets:
ba = self.process_bootaction_asset(a)
node_filter = data.get('node_filter', None)
if node_filter is not None:
nfs = self.process_bootaction_nodefilter(node_filter)
model.node_filter = nfs
model.signaling = data.get('signaling', None)
return model
def process_bootaction_asset(self, asset_dict):
"""Process a dictionary representing a BootAction Data Asset.
:param asset_dict: dictionary representing the bootaction asset
model = objects.BootActionAsset(**asset_dict)
return model
def process_bootaction_nodefilter(self, nf):
"""Process a dictionary representing a BootAction NodeFilter Set.
:param nf: dictionary representing the bootaction nodefilter set.
model = objects.NodeFilterSet()
model.filter_set_type = nf.get('filter_set_type', None)
model.filter_set = []
for nf in nf.get('filter_set', []):
nf_model = objects.NodeFilter(**nf)
return model
def process_drydock_node(self, name, data):
"""Process the data/spec section of a BaremetalNode document.
:param name: the document name attribute
:param data: the dictionary of the data/spec section
model = objects.BaremetalNode()
model.name = name
model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
self.process_host_common_fields(data, model)
node_metadata = data.get('metadata', {})
model.boot_mac = node_metadata.get('boot_mac', None)
addresses = data.get('addressing', [])
if len(addresses) == 0:
raise errors.IngesterError('BaremetalNode needs at least'
' 1 assigned address')
model.addressing = objects.IpAddressAssignmentList()
for a in addresses:
assignment = objects.IpAddressAssignment()
address = a.get('address', '')
if address == 'dhcp':
assignment.type = 'dhcp'
assignment.address = None
assignment.network = a.get('network')
elif address != '':
assignment.type = 'static'
assignment.address = a.get('address')
assignment.network = a.get('network')
self.log.error("Invalid address assignment %s on Node %s" %
(address, self.name))
return model
def process_host_common_fields(self, data, model):
"""Process fields common to the host-based documents.
Update the provided model with the values of fields common
to BaremetalNode and HostProfile documents.
:param data: dictionary from YAML parsing of the document data/spec section
:param model: instance of objects.HostProfile or objects.BaremetalNode to update
model.parent_profile = data.get('host_profile', None)
model.hardware_profile = data.get('hardware_profile', None)
oob = data.get('oob', {})
model.oob_parameters = {}
for k, v in oob.items():
if k == 'type':
model.oob_type = oob.get('type', None)
model.oob_parameters[k] = v
model.volume_groups) = self.process_node_storage(
data.get('storage', {}))
interfaces = data.get('interfaces', {})
model.interfaces = objects.HostInterfaceList()
for k, v in interfaces.items():
int_model = objects.HostInterface()
# A null value indicates this interface should be removed
# from any parent profiles
if v is None:
int_model.device_name = '!' + k
int_model.device_name = k
int_model.network_link = v.get('device_link', None)
int_model.hardware_slaves = []
slaves = v.get('slaves', [])
for s in slaves:
int_model.networks = []
networks = v.get('networks', [])
for n in networks:
platform = data.get('platform', {})
model.image = platform.get('image', None)
model.kernel = platform.get('kernel', None)
model.kernel_params = {}
for k, v in platform.get('kernel_params', {}).items():
model.kernel_params[k] = v
model.primary_network = data.get('primary_network', None)
node_metadata = data.get('metadata', {})
metadata_tags = node_metadata.get('tags', [])
model.tags = metadata_tags
owner_data = node_metadata.get('owner_data', {})
model.owner_data = {}
for k, v in owner_data.items():
model.owner_data[k] = v
model.rack = node_metadata.get('rack', None)
return model
def process_node_storage(self, storage):
"""Process the storage data for a node-based document.
Return a tuple of of two lists the first is a StorageDeviceList, the
second is a VolumeGroupList.
:param storage: dictionary of the storage section of a document
phys_devs = storage.get('physical_devices', {})
storage_devices = objects.HostStorageDeviceList()
for k, v in phys_devs.items():
sd = objects.HostStorageDevice(name=k)
sd.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
if 'labels' in v:
sd.labels = v.get('labels').copy()
if 'volume_group' in v:
vg = v.get('volume_group')
sd.volume_group = vg
elif 'partitions' in v:
sd.partitions = objects.HostPartitionList()
for vv in v.get('partitions', []):
part_model = objects.HostPartition()
part_model.name = vv.get('name')
part_model.source = hd_fields.ModelSource.Designed
part_model.part_uuid = vv.get('part_uuid', None)
part_model.size = vv.get('size', None)
if 'labels' in vv:
part_model.labels = vv.get('labels').copy()
if 'volume_group' in vv:
part_model.volume_group = vv.get('vg')
elif 'filesystem' in vv:
fs_info = vv.get('filesystem', {})
part_model.mountpoint = fs_info.get('mountpoint', None)
part_model.fstype = fs_info.get('fstype', 'ext4')
part_model.mount_options = fs_info.get(
'mount_options', 'defaults')
part_model.fs_uuid = fs_info.get('fs_uuid', None)
part_model.fs_label = fs_info.get('fs_label', None)
volume_groups = objects.HostVolumeGroupList()
vol_groups = storage.get('volume_groups', {})
for k, v in vol_groups.items():
vg = objects.HostVolumeGroup(name=k)
vg.vg_uuid = v.get('vg_uuid', None)
vg.logical_volumes = objects.HostVolumeList()
for vv in v.get('logical_volumes', []):
lv = objects.HostVolume(name=vv.get('name'))
lv.size = vv.get('size', None)
lv.lv_uuid = vv.get('lv_uuid', None)
if 'filesystem' in vv:
fs_info = vv.get('filesystem', {})
lv.mountpoint = fs_info.get('mountpoint', None)
lv.fstype = fs_info.get('fstype', 'ext4')
lv.mount_options = fs_info.get('mount_options', 'defaults')
lv.fs_uuid = fs_info.get('fs_uuid', None)
lv.fs_label = fs_info.get('fs_label', None)
return (storage_devices, volume_groups)
def load_schemas(self):
self.v1_doc_schemas = dict()
schema_dir = self._get_schema_dir()
for schema_file in os.listdir(schema_dir):
f = open(os.path.join(schema_dir, schema_file), 'r')
for schema in yaml.safe_load_all(f):
schema_for = schema['metadata']['name']
if schema_for in self.v1_doc_schemas:
"Duplicate document schemas found for document kind %s."
% schema_for)
"Loaded schema for document kind %s." % schema_for)
self.v1_doc_schemas[schema_for] = schema
def _get_schema_dir(self):
return pkg_resources.resource_filename('drydock_provisioner',
# Mapping of handlers for different document kinds
v1_doc_handlers = {
'Region': process_drydock_region,
'Rack': process_drydock_rack,
'NetworkLink': process_drydock_networklink,
'Network': process_drydock_network,
'HardwareProfile': process_drydock_hwprofile,
'HostProfile': process_drydock_hostprofile,
'BaremetalNode': process_drydock_node,
'BootAction': process_drydock_bootaction,