Initially tasks were implemented with the possibility a design may have multiple sites in it and the task would operate on only one of them. Now a site design can contain only a single site, so no need to include the sitename in the operating context
MaaS Node Driver
This driver will handle node provisioning using Ubuntu MaaS 2.1. It expects the Drydock config to hold a valid MaaS API URL (e.g. http://host:port/MAAS/api/2.0) and a valid API key for authentication.
Drydock Model to MaaS Model Relationship
Will provide some attributes used for configuring MaaS site-wide such as tag definitions and repositories.
Network Link
Will provide attributes for configuring Node/Machine interfaces
MaaS will be configured with a single 'space'. Each Network in Drydock will translate to a unique MaaS fabric+vlan+subnet. Any network with an address range of type 'dhcp' will cause DHCP to be enabled in MaaS for that network.
Hardware Profile
A foundation to a Baremetal Node definition. Not directly used in MaaS
Host Profile
A foundation to a Baremetal Node definition. Not directly used in MaaS
Baremetal Node
Defines all the attributes required to commission and deploy nodes via MaaS
- bootdisk fields and partitions list - Define local node storage configuration to be implemented by MaaS
- addressing and interface list - Combined with referenced network links and networks, define interface (physical and virtual (bond / vlan)) configurations and network addressing
- tags and owner data - Statically defined metadata that will propagate to MaaS
- base_os - Select which stream a node will be deployed with
- kernel and kernel params - Allow for custom kernel selection and parameter definition