Add authorized_keys field to Site object Add sshkey to maasdriver models Add ConfigureUserCredentials task Add orchestrator step for ConfigureUserCredentials Add driver logic to implement ConfigureUserCredentials
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# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Site/Region wide definitions. Each design part will be a constituent
# of the design for exactly one Region
apiVersion: 'v1.0'
kind: Region
name: sitename
date: 17-FEB-2017
description: Sample site design
author: sh8121@att.com
# List of query-based definitions for applying tags to deployed nodes
- tag: 'high_memory'
# Tag to apply to nodes that qualify for the query
definition_type: 'lshw_xpath'
# Only support on type for now - 'lshw_xpath' used by MaaS
definition: //node[@id="memory"]/'size units="bytes"' > 137438953472
# an xpath query that is run against the output of 'lshw -xml' from the node
# Image and package repositories needed by Drydock drivers. Needs to be defined
- name: 'ubuntu-main'
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valid ssh key string
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valid ssh key string
apiVersion: 'v1.0'
kind: NetworkLink
name: oob
region: sitename
date: 17-FEB-2017
author: sh8121@att.com
description: Describe layer 1 attributes. Primary key is 'name'. These settings will generally be things the switch and server have to agree on
# Mode can be 'disabled', '802.3ad', 'balanced-rr', 'active-backup'. Defaults to disabled
mode: '802.3ad'
# The below apply to 802.3ad (LACP
# Link selection hash. Supports 'layer3+4', 'layer2', 'layer2+3'. Defaults to 'layer3+4'
hash: 'layer3+4'
# LACP peering rate. Supports 'slow', 'fast'. Defaults to 'fast'
peer_rate: 'fast'
# LACP link monitor rate in milliseconds. Defaults to 100ms
mon_rate: 100
# LACP delay for marking link up in milliseconds. Must be greater than mon_rate. Defaults to 200ms
up_delay: 200
# LACP dleay for marking link down in milliseconds. Must be greater than mon_rate. Defaults to 200ms
down_delay: 200
# Physical link default MTU size. No default
mtu: 1500
# Physical link speed. Supports 'auto', '100full'. Gigabit+ speeds require auto. No default
linkspeed: 'auto'
# Settings for using a link for multiple L2 networks
# Trunking mode. Supports 'disabled', '802.1q'. Defaults to disabled
mode: disabled
# If disabled, what network is this port on. If '802.1q' what is the default network for the port. No default.
default_network: oob
# List of Network names that are supported on this link. A Network can be listed on only one NetworkLink
- 'oob'
apiVersion: 'v1.0'
kind: Network
name: oob
region: sitename
date: 17-FEB-2017
author: sh8121@att.com
description: Describe layer 2 and 3 attributes. Primary key is 'name'.
# CIDR representation of network number and netmask
cidr: ''
# How addresses are allocated on the network. Supports 'static', 'dhcp'. Defaults to 'static'
allocation: 'static'
# VLAN of this network. Defaults to None
vlan: 100
# MTU of this network. Defaults to the MTU specified for the NetworkLink used for this network
# Domain name used to register addresses assigned from this network. Defaults to 'local'
domain: 'aic.att.com'
# Comma-separated list of DNS server IP addresses. These will be configured on the node if
# this network is identified as the node's primary network
servers: ','
# Defined IP address ranges. All node IP address assignments must fall into a defined range
# of the correct type
# Type of range. Supports 'reserved', 'static' or 'dhcp'. No default
- type: 'dhcp'
# Start of the address range, inclusive. No default
start: ''
# End of the address range, inclusive. No default
end: ''
# Routes defined for this network, including the default route (i.e. default gateway)
# The network being routed to in CIDR notation. Default gateway is
- subnet: ''
# Next hop for traffic using this route
gateway: ''
# Selection metric for the host selecting this route. No default
metric: 10
apiVersion: 'v1.0'
kind: HardwareProfile
name: DellR720v2
region: sitename
date: 17-FEB-2017
author: sh8121@att.com
description: Describe server hardware attributes. Not a specific server, but profile adopted by a server defintion.
# Chassis vendor
vendor: 'Dell'
# Chassis model generation
generation: '1'
# Chassis model version
hw_version: '2'
# Certified BIOS version for this chassis
bios_version: '2.2.3'
# Boot mode. Supports 'bios' or 'uefi'
boot_mode: 'bios'
# How the node should be initially bootstrapped. Supports 'pxe'
bootstrap_protocol: 'pxe'
# What network interface to use for PXE booting
# for chassis that support selection
pxe_interface: '0'
# Mapping of hardware alias/role to physical address
# the device alias that will be referenced in HostProfile or BaremetalNode design parts
- alias: 'pnic01'
# The hardware bus the device resides on. Supports 'pci' and 'scsi'. No default
bus_type: 'pci'
# The type of device as reported by lshw. Can be used to validate hardware manifest. No default
dev_type: 'Intel 10Gbps NIC'
# Physical address on the bus
address: '0000:00:03.0'
apiVersion: 'v1.0'
kind: HostProfile
name: lcp_node
region: sitename
date: 17-FEB-2017
author: sh8121@att.com
description: Describe server configuration attributes. Not a specific server, but profile adopted by a server definition
# The HostProfile this profile adopts initial state from. No default.
# See drydock_provisioner/objects/readme.md for information on how HostProfile and BaremetalNode inheritance works
host_profile: 'defaults'
# The HardwareProfile describing the node hardware. No default.
hardware_profile: 'DellR720v1'
# OOB access to node
# Type of OOB access. Supports 'ipmi'
type: 'ipmi'
# Which network - as defined in a Network design part - to access the OOB interface on
network: 'oob'
# Account name for authenticating on the OOB interface
account: 'admin'
# Credential for authentication on the OOB interface. The OOB driver will interpret this.
credential: 'admin'
# How local node storage is configured
# How storage is laid out. Supports 'lvm' and 'flat'. Defaults to 'lvm'
layout: 'lvm'
# Configuration for the boot disk
# Hardware disk (or hardware RAID device) used for booting. Can refer to a
# HardwareProfile device alias or a explicit device name
device: 'bootdisk'
# Size of the root volume. Can be specified by percentage or explicit size in
# megabytes or gigabytes. Defaults to 100% of boot device.
root_size: '100g'
# If a separate boot volume is needed, specify size. Defaults to 0 where /boot goes on root.
boot_size: '0'
# Non-boot volumes that should be carved out of local storage
# Name of the volume. Doesn't translate to any operating system config
name: 'logs'
# Hardware device the volume should go on
device: 'bootdisk'
# Partition UUID. Defaults to None. A value of 'generate' means Drydock will generate a UUID
# Size of the volume in megabytes or gigabytes
size: '10g'
# Filesystem mountpoint if volume should be a filesystem
mountpoint: '/var/logs'
# The below are ignored if mountpoint is None
# Format of filesystem. Defaults to ext4
fstype: 'ext4'
# Mount options of the file system as used in /etc/fstab. Defaults to 'defaults'
mount_options: 'defaults'
# Filesystem UUID. Defaults to None. A value of 'generate' means Drydock will generate a UUID
# A filesystem label. Defaults to None
# Network name of the primary network (default gateway, DNS, etc...)
primary_network: 'mgmt'
# Physical and logical network interfaces
# What the interface should be named in the operating system. May not match a hardware device name
device_name: bond0
# The NetworkLink connected to this interface. Must be the name of a NetworkLink design part
device_link: 'gp'
# Hardware devices that support this interface. For configurating a physical device, this would be a list of one
# For bonds, this would be a list of all the physical devices in the bond. These can refer to HardwareProfile device aliases
# or explicit device names
- 'pnic01'
- 'pnic02'
# Network that will be accessed on this interface. These should each be to the name of a Network design part
# Multiple networks listed here assume that this interface is attached to a NetworkLink supporting trunking
- 'mgmt'
- 'admin'
# Settings for the platform (operating system)
# Which image to deploy on the node, must be available in the provisioner. Defaults to 'ubuntu/xenial'
# Which kernel to enable. Defaults to generic, can also be hwe (hardware enablement)
kernel: generic
# K/V list of kernel parameters to configure on boot. No default. Use value of true for params that are just flags
console: tty1
quiet: true
# Metadata about the node
# Explicit tags to propagate to Kubernetes. Simple strings of any value
- 'lcp_node'
# Key/value mapping that will propagate to the node for next-step bootstrapping
nic_access: 'sriov'
# The rack a node sits in. Simple string
rack: r1
apiVersion: 'v1.0'
kind: BaremetalNode
name: lcp_controller01
region: sitename
date: 17-FEB-2017
author: sh8121@att.com
description: Specify a physical server.
# The HostProfile this server adopts initial state from. No default.
# See drydock_provisioner/objects/readme.md for information on how HostProfile and BaremetalNode inheritance works
host_profile: 'defaults'
# The HardwareProfile describing the node hardware. No default.
hardware_profile: 'DellR720v1'
# OOB access to node
# Type of OOB access. Supports 'ipmi'
type: 'ipmi'
# Which network - as defined in a Network design part - to access the OOB interface on
network: 'oob'
# Account name for authenticating on the OOB interface
account: 'admin'
# Credential for authentication on the OOB interface. The OOB driver will interpret this.
credential: 'admin'
# How local node storage is configured
# How storage is laid out. Supports 'lvm' and 'flat'. Defaults to 'lvm'
layout: 'lvm'
# Configuration for the boot disk
# Hardware disk (or hardware RAID device) used for booting. Can refer to a
# HardwareProfile device alias or a explicit device name
device: 'bootdisk'
# Size of the root volume. Can be specified by percentage or explicit size in
# megabytes or gigabytes. Defaults to 100% of boot device.
root_size: '100g'
# If a separate boot volume is needed, specify size. Defaults to 0 where /boot goes on root.
boot_size: '0'
# Non-boot volumes that should be carved out of local storage
# Name of the volume. Doesn't translate to any operating system config
name: 'logs'
# Hardware device the volume should go on
device: 'bootdisk'
# Partition UUID. Defaults to None. A value of 'generate' means Drydock will generate a UUID
# Size of the volume in megabytes or gigabytes
size: '10g'
# Filesystem mountpoint if volume should be a filesystem
mountpoint: '/var/logs'
# The below are ignored if mountpoint is None
# Format of filesystem. Defaults to ext4
fstype: 'ext4'
# Mount options of the file system as used in /etc/fstab. Defaults to 'defaults'
mount_options: 'defaults'
# Filesystem UUID. Defaults to None. A value of 'generate' means Drydock will generate a UUID
# A filesystem label. Defaults to None
# Physical and logical network interfaces
# What the interface should be named in the operating system. May not match a hardware device name
- device_name: bond0
# The NetworkLink connected to this interface. Must be the name of a NetworkLink design part
device_link: 'gp'
# Whether this interface is considered the primary interface on the server. Supports true and false. Defaults to false
primary: true
# Hardware devices that support this interface. For configurating a physical device, this would be a list of one
# For bonds, this would be a list of all the physical devices in the bond. These can refer to HardwareProfile device aliases
# or explicit device names
- 'pnic01'
- 'pnic02'
# Network that will be accessed on this interface. These should each be to the name of a Network design part
# Multiple networks listed here assume that this interface is attached to a NetworkLink supporting trunking
- 'mgmt'
- 'admin'
# Metadata about the node
# Explicit tags to propagate to Kubernetes. Simple strings of any value
- 'lcp_node'
# Key/value mapping that will propagate to the node for next-step bootstrapping
nic_access: 'sriov'
# The rack a node sits in. Simple string
rack: r1
# How each attached network is accessed by this node
# The name of a defined Network design part also listed in the 'networks' section of a interface definition
- network: 'pxe'
# Address should be an explicit IP address assignment or 'dhcp'
address: 'dhcp'
- network: 'mgmt'
address: ''
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