Scott Hussey 2f1968fa25 Convert the object model to use oslo.versionedobjects (OVO)
- Initially this is a naive implementation and not
fully utilizing the abilites of OVO
- Updated test YAML files to match model
- Did not convert Task objects as they will be refactored
for Celery in the near future
2017-05-02 10:57:22 -05:00

139 lines
4.3 KiB

# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Models for helm_drydock
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
def register_all():
# NOTE(sh8121att) - Import all versioned objects so
# they are available via RPC. Any new object definitions
# need to be added here.
# Utility class for calculating inheritance
class Utils(object):
apply_field_inheritance - apply inheritance rules to a single field value
param child_field - value of the child field, or the field receiving
the inheritance
param parent_field - value of the parent field, or the field supplying
the inheritance
return the correct value for child_field based on the inheritance algorithm
Inheritance algorithm
1. If child_field is not None, '!' for string vals or -1 for numeric
vals retain the value
of child_field
2. If child_field is '!' return None to unset the field value
3. If child_field is -1 return None to unset the field value
4. If child_field is None return parent_field
def apply_field_inheritance(child_field, parent_field):
if child_field is not None:
if child_field != '!' and child_field != -1:
return child_field
return None
return parent_field
merge_lists - apply inheritance rules to a list of simple values
param child_list - list of values from the child
param parent_list - list of values from the parent
return a merged list with child values taking prority
1. All members in the child list not starting with '!'
2. If a member in the parent list has a corresponding member in the
chid list prefixed with '!' it is removed
3. All remaining members of the parent list
def merge_lists(child_list, parent_list):
effective_list = []
# Probably should handle non-string values
filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("!"), child_list))
filter(lambda x: ("!" + x) not in child_list,
filter(lambda x: x not in effective_list, parent_list)))
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Error iterating list argument")
return effective_list
merge_dicts - apply inheritance rules to a dict
param child_dict - dict of k:v from child
param parent_dict - dict of k:v from the parent
return a merged dict with child values taking prority
1. All members in the child dict with a key not starting with '!'
2. If a member in the parent dict has a corresponding member in the
chid dict where the key is prefixed with '!' it is removed
3. All remaining members of the parent dict
def merge_dicts(child_dict, parent_dict):
effective_dict = {}
# Probably should handle non-string keys
use_keys = filter(lambda x: ("!" + x) not in child_dict.keys(),
for k in use_keys:
effective_dict[k] = deepcopy(parent_dict[k])
use_keys = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("!"), child_dict)
for k in use_keys:
effective_dict[k] = deepcopy(child_dict[k])
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Error iterating dict argument")
return effective_dict