openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: Redfish OAPI specification description: 'Partial Redfish OAPI specification for a limited client' version: 0.0.1 components: schemas: BootSource: type: string enum: - None - Pxe - Floppy - Cd - Usb - Hdd - BiosSetup - Utilities - Diags - UefiShell - UefiTarget - SDCard - UefiHttp - RemoteDrive - UefiBootNext BootSourceOverrideEnabled: type: string enum: - Once - Continuous State: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled - StandbyOffline - StandbySpare - InTest - Starting - Absent - UnavailableOffline - Deferring - Quiesced - Updating Health: type: string enum: - OK - Warning - Critical PowerState: type: string enum: - On - Off - PoweringOn - PoweringOff ResetType: type: string enum: - "On" - ForceOff - GracefulShutdown - GracefulRestart - ForceRestart - Nmi - ForceOn - PushPowerButton - PowerCycle IndicatorLED: type: string enum: - Unknown - Lit - Blinking - "Off" ManagerType: enum: - ManagementController - EnclosureManager - BMC - RackManager - AuxiliaryController - Service type: string ConnectedVia: enum: - NotConnected - URI - Applet - Oem type: string TransferMethod: enum: - Stream - Upload type: string TransferProtocolType: enum: - CIFS - FTP - SFTP - HTTP - HTTPS - NFS - SCP - TFTP type: string context: description: The OData description of a payload. format: uri-reference readOnly: true type: string count: description: The number of items in a collection. readOnly: true type: integer name: description: The name of the resource. readOnly: true type: string etag: description: The current ETag of the resource. readOnly: true type: string id: description: The name of the resource. readOnly: true type: string odataId: description: The unique identifier for a resource. format: uri-reference readOnly: true type: string idRef: additionalProperties: false description: A reference to a resource. properties: '': $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' type: object nextLink: description: The URI to the resource containing the next set of partial members. format: uri-reference readOnly: true type: string rtype: description: The type of a resource. readOnly: true type: string UUID: pattern: ([0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}) type: string Message: additionalProperties: false properties: Message: readOnly: true type: string MessageArgs: items: type: string readOnly: true type: array MessageId: readOnly: true type: string RelatedProperties: items: type: string readOnly: true type: array Resolution: readOnly: true type: string Severity: readOnly: true type: string required: - MessageId type: object RedfishError: description: Contains an error payload from a Redfish Service. properties: error: properties: '@Message.ExtendedInfo': items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' type: array code: readOnly: true type: string message: readOnly: true type: string required: - code - message type: object required: - error type: object Root: type: object additionalProperties: false description: Root redfish path. required: - '' - '@odata.type' - 'Name' properties: 'Id': $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' 'Name': $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' 'RedfishVersion': type: string description: redfish version 'UUID': $ref: '#/components/schemas/UUID' '@odata.type': $ref: '#/components/schemas/rtype' '': $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' '@Redfish.Copyright': type: string description: redfish copyright 'Systems': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' 'Managers': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' Collection: type: object additionalProperties: false description: A Collection of ComputerSystem resource instances. required: - 'Members' - '' - '@odata.type' - 'Name' properties: '@odata.context': type: string description: context '@odata.etag': type: string description: etag '': type: string description: id '@odata.type': type: string description: type 'Description': type: string description: "description" nullable: true readOnly: true 'Members': description: Contains the members of this collection. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' readOnly: true type: array 'Members@odata.count': $ref: '#/components/schemas/count' 'Members@odata.nextLink': $ref: '#/components/schemas/nextLink' 'Name': $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' readOnly: true Status: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: Health: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Health' nullable: true readOnly: true HealthRollup: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Health' nullable: true readOnly: true State: $ref: '#/components/schemas/State' nullable: true readOnly: true Boot: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: BootSourceOverrideEnabled: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BootSourceOverrideEnabled' BootSourceOverrideTarget: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BootSource' BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BootSource' ProcessorSummary: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: Count: minimum: 0 nullable: true readOnly: true type: integer Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' MemorySummary: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: TotalSystemMemoryGiB: minimum: 0 nullable: true readOnly: true type: number TotalSystemPersistentMemoryGiB: minimum: 0 nullable: true readOnly: true type: number Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' SystemLinks: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: Chassis: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' ManagedBy: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' ManagerLinks: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: ManagerForServers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' ManagerForChassis: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' ManagerForSwitches: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' ManagerInChassis: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' ComputerSystemReset: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: target: $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetType' ResetRequestBody: additionalProperties: false properties: ResetType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetType' type: object ComputerSystem: type: object additionalProperties: false description: Root redfish path. required: - '' - '@odata.type' - 'Name' properties: 'Id': $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' 'Name': $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' 'RedfishVersion': type: string description: redfish version 'UUID': $ref: '#/components/schemas/UUID' '@odata.type': $ref: '#/components/schemas/rtype' '': $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' '@odata.context': $ref: '#/components/schemas/context' '@Redfish.Copyright': type: string description: redfish copyright 'Bios': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' 'Processors': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' 'Memory': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' 'EthernetInterfaces': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' 'SimpleStorage': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' 'PowerState': $ref: '#/components/schemas/PowerState' 'Status': $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' 'Boot': $ref: '#/components/schemas/Boot' 'ProcessorSummary': $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessorSummary' 'MemorySummary': $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemorySummary' 'IndicatorLED': $ref: '#/components/schemas/IndicatorLED' 'Links': $ref: '#/components/schemas/SystemLinks' 'Actions': type: object properties: "#ComputerSystem.Reset": $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComputerSystemReset' Manager: type: object additionalProperties: false description: Redfish manager resource. required: - '' - '@odata.type' - 'Name' properties: 'Id': $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' 'Name': $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' 'UUID': $ref: '#/components/schemas/UUID' 'ServiceEntryPointUUID': $ref: '#/components/schemas/UUID' '@odata.type': $ref: '#/components/schemas/rtype' '': $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' '@odata.context': $ref: '#/components/schemas/context' '@Redfish.Copyright': type: string description: redfish copyright 'Model': nullable: true readOnly: true type: string 'ManagerType': $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManagerType' readOnly: true 'Status': $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' 'DateTime': #format: date-time format: string nullable: true readOnly: false type: string 'DateTimeLocalOffset': description: 'The time offset from UTC that the DateTime property is set to in format: +06:00 .' nullable: true pattern: ([-+][0-1][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]) readOnly: false type: string 'Description': type: string description: "description" nullable: true readOnly: true 'EthernetInterfaces': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' readOnly: true 'FirmwareVersion': nullable: true readOnly: true type: string 'Links': $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManagerLinks' 'PowerState': $ref: '#/components/schemas/PowerState' 'VirtualMedia': $ref: '#/components/schemas/idRef' readOnly: true VirtualMedia: type: object additionalProperties: false description: Redfish virtual media resource for manager. required: - '' - '@odata.type' - 'Name' properties: 'Id': $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' 'Name': $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' '@odata.type': $ref: '#/components/schemas/rtype' '': $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' '@odata.context': $ref: '#/components/schemas/context' '@Redfish.Copyright': type: string description: redfish copyright 'Description': type: string description: "description" nullable: true readOnly: true 'Image': format: uri-reference nullable: true readOnly: false type: string 'ImageName': nullable: true readOnly: true type: string 'Inserted': nullable: true readOnly: false type: boolean 'ConnectedVia': $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectedVia' nullable: true readOnly: true 'MediaTypes': items: type: string readOnly: true type: array 'WriteProtected': nullable: true readOnly: false type: boolean 'UserName': nullable: true readOnly: false type: string 'Password': nullable: true readOnly: false type: string 'TransferMethod': $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferMethod' nullable: true readOnly: false 'TransferProtocolType': $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferProtocolType' nullable: true readOnly: false 'Actions': type: object additionalProperties: false properties: '#VirtualMedia.EjectMedia': type: object properties: 'target': $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' '#VirtualMedia.InsertMedia': type: object properties: 'target': $ref: '#/components/schemas/odataId' InsertMediaRequestBody: additionalProperties: false properties: Image: type: string Inserted: type: boolean Password: type: string TransferMethod: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferMethod' TransferProtocolType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferProtocolType' UserName: type: string WriteProtected: type: boolean required: - Image type: object EjectMediaRequestBody: additionalProperties: false properties: {} type: object paths: /redfish/v1: get: operationId: get_root responses: '200': description: Get redfish root content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Root' /redfish/v1/Systems: get: operationId: list_systems responses: '200': description: Computer Systems List content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Collection' /redfish/v1/Systems/{systemId}: get: operationId: get_system responses: '200': description: Computer Systems List content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComputerSystem' default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition patch: operationId: set_system requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComputerSystem' required: true responses: '200': description: ComputerSystem Properties set successfully content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComputerSystem' '204': description: Success, but no response data default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition parameters: - name: systemId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string /redfish/v1/Systems/{ComputerSystemId}/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset: parameters: - in: path name: ComputerSystemId required: true schema: type: string post: operationId: reset_system requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetRequestBody' required: true responses: '200': description: Success with response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' '204': description: Success, but no response data default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition /redfish/v1/Managers: get: operationId: list_managers responses: '200': description: Managers List content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Collection' /redfish/v1/Managers/{managerId}: get: operationId: get_manager responses: '200': description: Get Manager content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Manager' default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition parameters: - name: managerId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string /redfish/v1/Managers/{managerId}/VirtualMedia: get: operationId: list_manager_virtual_media responses: '200': description: "Get a list of Manager's virtual media" content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Collection' default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition parameters: - name: managerId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string /redfish/v1/Managers/{managerId}/VirtualMedia/{virtualMediaId}: get: operationId: get_manager_virtual_media responses: '200': description: "Get a list of Manager's virtual media" content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VirtualMedia' default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition parameters: - name: managerId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string - name: virtualMediaId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string /redfish/v1/Managers/{managerId}/VirtualMedia/{virtualMediaId}/Actions/VirtualMedia.InsertMedia: post: operationId: insert_virtual_media requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/InsertMediaRequestBody' required: true responses: '200': description: "Insert virtual media" content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition parameters: - name: managerId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string - name: virtualMediaId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string /redfish/v1/Managers/{managerId}/VirtualMedia/{virtualMediaId}/Actions/VirtualMedia.EjectMedia: post: operationId: eject_virtual_media requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EjectMediaRequestBody' required: true responses: '200': description: "Insert virtual media" content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' default: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RedfishError' description: Error condition parameters: - name: managerId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string - name: virtualMediaId in: path description: ID of resource required: true schema: type: string