# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. SHELL := /bin/bash COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) LABEL ?= org.airshipit.build=community IMAGE_NAME ?= image-builder DOCKER_REGISTRY ?= quay.io IMAGE_PREFIX ?= airshipit IMAGE_TAG ?= IMAGE_TAG_FIRST ?= IMAGE_TYPE ?= iso # iso | qcow PUSH_IMAGE ?= false DISTRO ?= ubuntu_focal WORKDIR ?= ./manifests # Specifiy if you want to use a different profile than the default. # i.e. PROFILE ?= k8s-1.18 PROFILE ?= QCOW_BUNDLE ?= ${WORKDIR}/qcow-bundle # Specify if you want to only build a certain subset of QCOW bundles QCOW_BUNDLE_DIRS ?= # Set to true to skip multistrap.sh script. Useful for testing SKIP_MULTISTRAP ?= # Set to true to skip multistrap playbook. Useful for testing SKIP_MULTI_ROLE ?= # Set to true to skip osconfig playbook. Useful for testing SKIP_OSCONFIG_ROLE ?= # Set to true to skip livecdcontent playbook. Useful for testing SKIP_LIVECDCONTENT_ROLE ?= IMAGE ?= ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}-${DISTRO} TARGET_IMAGE_TAG ?= PROXY ?= NO_PROXY ?= localhost, # Image boot validation timeout. Set to 0 to disable to make console available for manual debugging. BOOT_TIMEOUT ?= 300 #it doesn't matter - we're not going to publish it, because it's useless without jsons KRM_IMAGE_TAG ?= latest KRM_BASE_IMAGE ?= ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/image-profile-krm:${KRM_IMAGE_TAG} # Space delimited list of apt mirror FQDN regex matches that will fallback to upstream ubuntu mirror if specified mirror is not working. APT_MIRROR_PROBLEM_LIST ?= "citycloud" .PHONY: help build images cut_image package_qcow krm_base_image run clean docker_build tag push .ONESHELL: help: ## This help. @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) # Make target name that zuul expects for each project in this repo images: build generate_iso package_qcow clean build: set -ex # Use upstream mirrors as a backup in case local apt mirrors are not working. # Only applies to mirrors on the problem list sudo -E ./tools/fix_mirrors.sh $(APT_MIRROR_PROBLEM_LIST) ifneq ($(PROFILE), ) # Apply any user-defined profiles overrides to playbooks rsync -rc ./../profiles/$(PROFILE)/manifests/ $(WORKDIR)/ endif # Apply any user-defined rootfs overrides to playbooks cp $(WORKDIR)/rootfs/multistrap-vars.yaml assets/playbooks/roles/multistrap/vars/main.yaml cp $(WORKDIR)/rootfs/osconfig-vars.yaml assets/playbooks/roles/osconfig/vars/main.yaml cp $(WORKDIR)/rootfs/livecdcontent-vars.yaml assets/playbooks/roles/livecdcontent/vars/main.yaml export DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.$(DISTRO) export DOCKERFILE_FOLDER="." export IMAGE_NAME=image-builder export SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/${IMAGE_NAME}" export SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG=$${SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO}:${IMAGE_TAG}-${DISTRO} ifneq (,$(findstring latest, $(IMAGE_TAG))) ifneq ($(PROXY), ) sudo -E ./tools/docker_proxy.sh $(PROXY) $(NO_PROXY) export http_proxy=$(PROXY) export https_proxy=$(PROXY) export no_proxy=$(NO_PROXY) export HTTP_PROXY=$(PROXY) export HTTPS_PROXY=$(PROXY) export NO_PROXY=$(NO_PROXY) ifneq ($(SKIP_MULTISTRAP), true) sudo -E ./tools/multistrap.sh $(WORKDIR) endif # run docker build for w/proxy sudo -E make docker_build else ifneq ($(SKIP_MULTISTRAP), true) sudo -E ./tools/multistrap.sh $(WORKDIR) endif # run docker build for wo/proxy sudo -E make docker_build endif imgId=`sudo docker images | grep 'image-builder ' | awk '{print $$3}'` time sudo -E DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker run $$imgId ls -ltra /build/usr/bin/sudo > /tmp/sticky_result time sudo grep '^-rws' /tmp/sticky_result >& /dev/null || \ (echo Could not find sticky bit set on target image sudo binary. Are you using buildkit? && \ sudo cat /tmp/sticky_result && exit 1) else # Set SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG and TARGET_IMAGE_TAG for tagging purposes export SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/${IMAGE_NAME}" export SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG="$${SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO}:${IMAGE_TAG_FIRST}-${DISTRO}" export TARGET_IMAGE_TAG="$${SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO}:${IMAGE_TAG}-${DISTRO}" # Don't repackage image-builder, just tag it. sudo -E make tag endif ifeq ($(PUSH_IMAGE), true) sudo -E make push endif cut_image: krm_base_image set -ex IMAGE_NAME=image-builder ifneq ($(PROXY), ) sudo -E ./tools/docker_proxy.sh $(PROXY) $(NO_PROXY) export http_proxy=$(PROXY) export https_proxy=$(PROXY) export no_proxy=$(NO_PROXY) export HTTP_PROXY=$(PROXY) export HTTPS_PROXY=$(PROXY) export NO_PROXY=$(NO_PROXY) endif ifeq ($(IMAGE_TYPE), iso) sudo -E tools/cut_image.sh $(IMAGE_TYPE) $(WORKDIR)/iso $(IMAGE) $(BOOT_TIMEOUT) "$(PROXY)" "$(NO_PROXY)" else # Assemble all images based on configs defined in each subdirectory # Trailing / allows proper function with symlinks iterDirs="$$(find $(QCOW_BUNDLE)/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \;)" if [[ -z $$iterDirs ]]; then echo "Could not find any qcow images defined for bundle - exiting." exit 1 fi for subdir in $$iterDirs; do # QCOW configs export osconfig_params="$(QCOW_BUNDLE)/$$subdir/osconfig-vars.yaml" export qcow_params="$(QCOW_BUNDLE)/$$subdir/qcow-vars.yaml" # Image name export img_name=$$subdir.qcow2 echo "Image: $(IMAGE)" echo "SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG: $(SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG)" sudo -E tools/cut_image.sh $(IMAGE_TYPE) $(QCOW_BUNDLE) $(IMAGE) $(BOOT_TIMEOUT) "$(PROXY)" "$(NO_PROXY)" # keep profile info [ -e $(QCOW_BUNDLE)/profile_entrypoint.json ] && cat $(QCOW_BUNDLE)/profile_entrypoint.json && mv $(QCOW_BUNDLE)/profile_entrypoint.json $(QCOW_BUNDLE)/profile_qcow_$$subdir.json done endif generate_iso: set -ex export IMAGE_TYPE=iso export IMAGE_NAME=image-builder sudo -E make cut_image package_qcow: set -ex export IMAGE_TYPE=qcow ifneq ($(QCOW_BUNDLE_DIRS), ) bundleDirs="$(QCOW_BUNDLE_DIRS)" else # Assemble all images based on configs defined in each $(IMAGE_TYPE)* subdirectory # Trailing / allows proper function with symlinks bundleDirs="$$(find $(WORKDIR)/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -name "qcow-bundle*" -type d -exec basename {} \;)" endif if [[ -z $$bundleDirs ]]; then echo "Could not find any qcow bundle directories - exiting." exit 1 fi for bundledir in $$bundleDirs; do # if IMAGE_TAG contains latest then docker_build else its a tag ifneq (,$(findstring latest, $(IMAGE_TAG))) # Set vars for docker_build and push export QCOW_BUNDLE="$(WORKDIR)/$$bundledir" export IMAGE_NAME=image-builder sudo -E make cut_image export DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile-qcow.$(DISTRO)" export DOCKERFILE_FOLDER="$(WORKDIR)/$$bundledir" export IMAGE_NAME=$$bundledir export SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/$$bundledir" export SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG="$${SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO}:${IMAGE_TAG}-${DISTRO}" sudo -E make docker_build else # Set SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG & TARGET_IMAGE_TAG for tagging purposes export SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/$$bundledir" export SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG="$${SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO}:${IMAGE_TAG_FIRST}-${DISTRO}" export TARGET_IMAGE_TAG="$${SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO}:${IMAGE_TAG}-${DISTRO}" # Don't repackage qcow, just tag it. sudo -E make tag endif ifeq ($(PUSH_IMAGE), true) sudo -E make push endif done krm_base_image: set -ex ifneq ($(PROXY), ) sudo -E docker build krm-function -t $(KRM_BASE_IMAGE) \ --build-arg http_proxy=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg https_proxy=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg no_proxy=$(NO_PROXY) \ --build-arg NO_PROXY=$(NO_PROXY) else sudo -E docker build krm-function -t $(KRM_BASE_IMAGE) endif docker_build: set -ex ifneq ($(PROXY), ) sudo -E DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker -D -l debug build --tag $(SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG) -f $(DOCKERFILE) $(DOCKERFILE_FOLDER) \ --label $(LABEL) \ --label "org.opencontainers.image.revision=$(COMMIT)" \ --label "org.opencontainers.image.created=$(shell date --rfc-3339=seconds --utc)" \ --label "org.opencontainers.image.title=$(IMAGE_NAME)" \ --build-arg http_proxy=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg https_proxy=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg no_proxy=$(NO_PROXY) \ --build-arg NO_PROXY=$(NO_PROXY) \ --build-arg KRM_BASE_IMAGE=$(KRM_BASE_IMAGE) else sudo -E DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker -D -l debug build --tag $(SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG) -f $(DOCKERFILE) $(DOCKERFILE_FOLDER) \ --label $(LABEL) \ --label "org.opencontainers.image.revision=$(COMMIT)" \ --label "org.opencontainers.image.created=$(shell date --rfc-3339=seconds --utc)" \ --label "org.opencontainers.image.title=$(IMAGE_NAME)" endif tag: set -ex sudo -E DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker tag $(SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG) $(TARGET_IMAGE_TAG) push: set -ex sudo -E DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker image push --all-tags $(SOURCE_IMAGE_REPO) tests: true clean: set -ex sudo -E tools/multistrap.sh clean find $(WORKDIR) -name "*.iso" -exec rm -f {} \; >& /dev/null find $(WORKDIR) -name "*.qcow2" -exec rm -f {} \; >& /dev/null find $(WORKDIR) -name "*.snapshot" -exec rm -f {} \; >& /dev/null find $(WORKDIR) -name "*.md5sum" -exec rm -f {} \; >& /dev/null