When using 'make USE_PROXY=true', the 'docker build' is executed with the correct proxy-related build-args, but the Dockerfile does not actually consume them. This change updates the Dockerfiles to accept the following ARGs: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY (upper or lowercase) Change-Id: I6888d1f15f430e73338c269784ded9a0dea6c9ce
Ubuntu MaaS Region Controller
Ubuntu MaaS Rack Controller
The MaaS project attempts to build highly decoupled metal as a service containers for use on the Kubernetes platform. Today, we only break the MaaS service into the traditional region and rack controllers and breaking it down further is a work in progress.
Building Containers
$ make build
Launching on Kubernetes
This will create the bridge necessary for MaaS provisioning (fixed with the name 'maas' rigt now) and launch the region controller and rack controller containers on kubernetes using kubectl by leveraging the YAML manifests in maas/deployments.
$ make kuber_bridge
$ make kuber_deploy
sudo kubectl create -f deployment/maas-service.yaml
service "maas-region-ui" created
sudo kubectl create -f deployment/maas-region-deployment.yaml
deployment "maas-region" created
sudo kubectl create -f deployment/maas-rack-deployment.yaml
deployment "maas-rack" created
The provisioning network is fixed (and configured by kuber_bridge) as To connect external physical hardware to this network, simply place the network interface into the maas bridge, e.g:
brctl addif maas eth1
To destroy the kubernetes resources, you can run:
$ make kuber_clean
sudo kubectl delete deployment maas-region
deployment "maas-region" deleted
sudo kubectl delete deployment maas-rack
deployment "maas-rack" deleted
sudo kubectl delete service maas-region-ui
service "maas-region-ui" deleted
Once the region controller comes up, and you can login as admin/admin, you must configure a gateway within the UI on the network, setting that to You must also enable DHCP and set the primary rack controller to the maas rack container booted (it will be a drop down choice). This will eventually be automated.
Running Containers
$ make run_region
sudo docker run -d -p 7777:80 -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --privileged --name maas-region-controller maas-region:dockerfile
$ make run_rack
sudo docker run -d -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --privileged --name maas-rack-controller maas-rack:dockerfile
Region Bootstrap
The scripts/create-provision-network.sh
script attempts to bootstrap both an admin user (with the password admin) but also creates a maas provisioning network matching the docker default, namely Turning this into a more configurable setting and also allowing for a dedicated provisioning network that can be plugged in via bridging to an actual physical network is a work in progress. However, with the calls we do make you should be able to see the rack controller connected with an active dhcpd process running in the UI.
Retrieving Region Controller Details
Note that retrieving the API key may not be possible as MaaS region initialization is delayed within the containers init startup. It may take 60 seconds or so in order to retrieve the API key, during which you may see the following message:
$ make get_region_api_key
sudo docker exec maas-region-controller maas-region-admin apikey --username maas
WARNING: The maas-region-admin command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. From now on please use 'maas-region' instead.
CommandError: User does not exist.
make: *** [get_region_api_key] Error 1
When the API is up and the admin user registered you will see the following:
$ make get_region_api_key
sudo docker exec maas-region-controller maas-region apikey --username admin
You can also retrieve the region secret and IP address, used to initialize the rack controller:
$ make get_region_secret
sudo docker exec maas-region-controller cat /var/lib/maas/secret && echo
$ make get_region_ip_address
sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress }}' maas-region-controller
Link Rack and Region
Finally, with the output above we can link the region controller with the rack controller by feeding the rack controller the endpoint and secret it requires. Shortly after MaaS will initiate an image sync with the rack.
$ make register_rack -e URL= SECRET=2036ba7575697b03d73353fc72a01686
sudo docker exec maas-rack-controller maas-rack register --url --secret 2036ba7575697b03d73353fc72a01686
Finally, to access your MaaS UI, visit and login as admin/admin.