Merge "[Ceph]: Ceph-Utility implement utilscli help command"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2019-09-04 16:14:40 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 78a4ec7e86
6 changed files with 97 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Copyright 2019 The Openstack-Helm Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
set -ex
usage() {
set +ex
echo "General Instruction:"
echo "===================="
echo "Commands must be executed in same format and with same arguments as shown below"
echo "Replace .* with value for the preceding key (i.e. rados --pool .* ls. Here .* represent poolname)"
echo "For more information, run help on command. (utilscli rados --help or utilscli rbd help)"
echo $'\n'
echo "General Usage:"
echo "=============="
echo " utilscli <command with argument>"
echo $'\n'
awk -F "CommandFilter, " 'NF>1{print $2}' ${FILTERFILE} | awk -F',' '{print $1}' | awk '$0=" utilscli "$0'
COMMANDS=$(awk -F "RegExpFilter" '{print $2}' ${FILTERFILE} | awk -F ", " '{print $2}' | sort | uniq )
for j in $COMMANDS
awk -F "RegExpFilter, $j, root, " 'NF>1{print $2}' ${FILTERFILE} | sed -e 's/,//g' | awk '$0=" utilscli "$0'
exit 1

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ limitations under the License.
set -ex
function check_osd_status () {
OSD_ID=$(utilscli ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type=="osd")|select(.status == "down")|.id')
OSD_ID=$(ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type == "osd")|select(.status == "down")|.id')
if [ "${OSD_ID}" != '' ];then
for i in $OSD_ID; do
echo "OSD id $i is in Down Status"
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ function osd_remove () {
for id in $OSD_ID; do
read -p "Enter 'yes' to purge OSD=$id and 'no' to skip=" YN
if [[ $YN == "y" || $YN == "Y" || $YN == "yes" || $YN == "YES" ]]; then
if [[ $YN == "y" || $YN == "yes" ]]; then
echo "Purging OSD=$id"
utilscli ceph osd purge $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd purge $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
sleep 3
elif [[ $YN == "n" || $YN == "N" || $YN == "no" || $YN == "NO" ]]; then
elif [[ $YN == "n" || $YN == "no" ]]; then
echo "Not purging OSD=$id"
echo "Invalid Option"
@ -45,12 +45,13 @@ function osd_remove () {
function osd_remove_by_id () {
# Checks if the given OSD is in downstate and then removes OSD by ID
function remove_osd_in_down_state_by_id () {
OSD_STATUS=$(utilscli ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type=="osd")|select(.id == '$OSDID')|.status')
OSD_STATUS=$(ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type == "osd")|select(.id == '$OSDID')|.status')
if [ "$OSD_STATUS" == '"down"' ]; then
echo "OSD id $OSDID is in Down Status, So purging it"
utilscli ceph osd purge $OSDID --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd purge $OSDID --yes-i-really-mean-it
elif [[ -z "$OSD_STATUS" ]]; then
echo "OSD id $OSDID is not found, Please enter correct OSD id"
@ -60,10 +61,11 @@ function osd_remove_by_id () {
# Checks if any OSD has weight '0' and then assgins weight, So Ceph can write data to it
function reweight_osds () {
for OSD_ID in $(utilscli ceph osd df | awk '$3 == "0" {print $1}'); do
OSD_WEIGHT=$(utilscli ceph osd df --format json-pretty| grep -A7 "\bosd.${OSD_ID}\b" | awk '/"kb"/{ gsub(",",""); d= $2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }');
utilscli ceph osd crush reweight osd.${OSD_ID} ${OSD_WEIGHT};
for OSD_ID in $(ceph osd df | awk '$3 == "0" {print $1}'); do
OSD_WEIGHT=$(ceph osd df --format json-pretty| grep -A7 "\bosd.${OSD_ID}\b" | awk '/"kb"/{ gsub(",",""); d= $2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }');
ceph osd crush reweight osd.${OSD_ID} ${OSD_WEIGHT};
@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ else
exit 1
osd_remove_by_id $OSDID
remove_osd_in_down_state_by_id $OSDID
exit 1

View File

@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ timestamp="$(date +%F_%T)"
if [[ ! -z "${restore_file}" ]]; then
if [[ -e "${restore_file}" ]]; then
rbd_image="$(echo "${restore_file}" | rev | awk -v FS='/' '{print $1}' | rev | cut -f 1 -d '.')"
if (utilscli rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
utilscli rbd mv ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}.orig-${timestamp}
if (rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
rbd mv ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}.orig-${timestamp}
echo "WARNING: Existing PVC/RBD image has been moved to ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}.orig-${timestamp}"
utilscli rbd import ${restore_file} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
rbd import ${restore_file} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo "INFO: Backup has been restored into ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}"
echo "ERROR: Missing restore file!"
@ -69,26 +69,26 @@ elif [[ ! -z "${snapshot}" ]]; then
if [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xcreatex" ]]; then
utilscli rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
echo "INFO: Snapshot ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} has been created for PVC ${pvc_name}"
elif [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xrollback" ]]; then
snap_name=$(utilscli rbd snap ls ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image})
utilscli rbd snap rollback ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
snap_name=$(rbd snap ls ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image})
rbd snap rollback ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
echo "WARNING: Rolled back snapshot ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} for ${pvc_name}"
elif [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xremovex" ]]; then
utilscli rbd snap purge ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
rbd snap purge ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo "Removed snapshot(s) for ${pvc_name}"
elif [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xshowx" ]]; then
echo "INFO: This PV is mapped to the following RBD Image:"
echo "${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}"
echo -e "\nINFO: Current open sessions to RBD Image:"
utilscli rbd status ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
rbd status ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo -e "\nINFO: RBD Image information:"
utilscli rbd info ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
rbd info ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo -e "\nINFO: RBD Image snapshot details:"
rbd snap ls ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo -e "\nINFO: RBD Image size details:"
utilscli rbd du ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
rbd du ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo "ERROR: Missing arguement for snapshot option!"
@ -105,17 +105,17 @@ else
volume="$(kubectl -n ${nspace} get pvc ${pvc_name} --no-headers | awk '{ print $3 }')"
rbd_image="$(kubectl get pv "${volume}" -o json | jq -r '.spec.rbd.image')"
if [[ -z "${volume}" ]] || (! utilscli rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
if [[ -z "${volume}" ]] || (! rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
echo "ERROR: PVC does not exist or is missing! Cannot continue with backup for ${pvc_name}"
exit 1
# Create current snapshot and export to a file
utilscli rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
utilscli rbd export ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} ${backup_dest}/${backup_name}
rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
rbd export ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} ${backup_dest}/${backup_name}
# Remove snapshot otherwise we may see an issue cleaning up the PVC from K8s, and from Ceph.
utilscli rbd snap rm ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
rbd snap rm ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
echo "INFO: PV ${pvc_name} saved to:"
echo "${backup_dest}/${backup_name}"

View File

@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ data:
utilscli: |
{{ tuple "bin/utility/_utilscli.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
help: |
{{ tuple "bin/utility/_help.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
osd-maintenance: |
{{ tuple "bin/utility/_osd-maintenance.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}

View File

@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ spec:
mountPath: /tmp/osd-maintenance
subPath: osd-maintenance
readOnly: true
- name: ceph-utility-bin
mountPath: /tmp/help
subPath: help
readOnly: true
- name: ceph-utility-bin
mountPath: /tmp/rbd_pv
subPath: rbd_pv

View File

@ -91,24 +91,20 @@ conf:
# ceph-rootwrap command filters for ceph utility container
# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
# Below are example command filters. access to ceph cluster can be restricted by creating a user with less privilages
ceph: CommandFilter, ceph, root
rados: CommandFilter, rados, root
radosgw-admin: CommandFilter, radosgw-admin, root
rbd: CommandFilter, rbd, root
ceph00: CommandFilter, ceph, root
rados00: CommandFilter, rados, root
rgwadm00: CommandFilter, radosgw-admin, root
rbd00: CommandFilter, rbd, root
osd-maintenance: CommandFilter, osd-maintenance, root
rbd_pv: CommandFilter, rbd_pv, root
kubectl: CommandFilter, kubectl, root
help: CommandFilter, help, root
#Below are examples of RegExpFilter. This will restict access to ceph cluster even with admin user
#rbd00: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, (^((?!clone|copy|cp|create|export|export-diff|flatten|import|import-diff|map|merge-diff|pool|remove|rm|rename|mv|resize|unmap).)*$)
#rbd01: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, image-meta, (^((?!get|remove|set).)*$)
#rbd02: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, journal, (^((?!client|export|import|reset).)*$)
#rbd03: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, lock, (^((?!add|remove).)*$)
#rbd04: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, mirror, image, (^((?!demote|disable|enable|promote).)*$)
#rbd05: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, mirror, pool, (^((?!demote|disable|enable|peer|promote).)*$)
#rbd06: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, nbd, (^((?!map|unmap).)*$)
#rbd07: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, object-map, (^((?!rm|del).)*$)
#rbd08: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, snap, (^((?!create|limit|protect|purge|remove|rm|rename|mv|rollback|revert|unprotect).)*$)
#rbd09: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, trash, (^((?!move|mv|remove|rm|restore).)*$)
#rados00: RegExpFilter, rados, root, rados, --help
#rados01: RegExpFilter, rados, root, rados, df
#rbd02: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, --image, .*, info
#rbd03: RegExpFilter, rbd, root, rbd, snap, ls, .*
#ceph07: RegExpFilter, ceph, root, ceph, fsid
#ceph08: RegExpFilter, ceph, root, ceph, --watch
# Configuration for ceph-rootwrap