Edit nccli string to utilscli for Ceph Utility Container
Updated the nccli string to utilscli to avoid AT&T specific Network cloud terminology. Change-Id: I8dae02559a422dab0bdb8007daaa4f86a67f087e
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ Usage
Get in to the utility pod using kubectl exec. To perform any operation on the ceph cluster use the below example.
nccli ceph osd tree
nccli rbd ls
nccli rados lspools
utilscli ceph osd tree
utilscli rbd ls
utilscli rados lspools
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ limitations under the License.
set -ex
function check_osd_status () {
OSD_ID=$(nccli ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type=="osd")|select(.status == "down")|.id')
OSD_ID=$(utilscli ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type=="osd")|select(.status == "down")|.id')
if [ "${OSD_ID}" != '' ];then
for i in $OSD_ID; do
echo "OSD id $i is in Down Status"
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function osd_remove () {
read -p "Enter 'yes' to purge OSD=$id and 'no' to skip=" YN
if [[ $YN == "y" || $YN == "Y" || $YN == "yes" || $YN == "YES" ]]; then
echo "Purging OSD=$id"
nccli ceph osd purge $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
utilscli ceph osd purge $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
sleep 3
elif [[ $YN == "n" || $YN == "N" || $YN == "no" || $YN == "NO" ]]; then
echo "Not purging OSD=$id"
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ function osd_remove () {
function osd_remove_by_id () {
OSD_STATUS=$(nccli ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type=="osd")|select(.id == '$OSDID')|.status')
OSD_STATUS=$(utilscli ceph osd tree -f json-pretty | jq '.nodes[]|select(.type=="osd")|select(.id == '$OSDID')|.status')
if [ "$OSD_STATUS" == '"down"' ]; then
echo "OSD id $OSDID is in Down Status, So purging it"
nccli ceph osd purge $OSDID --yes-i-really-mean-it
utilscli ceph osd purge $OSDID --yes-i-really-mean-it
elif [[ -z "$OSD_STATUS" ]]; then
echo "OSD id $OSDID is not found, Please enter correct OSD id"
@ -61,18 +61,18 @@ function osd_remove_by_id () {
function reweight_osds () {
for OSD_ID in $(nccli ceph osd df | awk '$3 == "0" {print $1}'); do
OSD_WEIGHT=$(nccli ceph osd df --format json-pretty| grep -A7 "\bosd.${OSD_ID}\b" | awk '/"kb"/{ gsub(",",""); d= $2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }');
nccli ceph osd crush reweight osd.${OSD_ID} ${OSD_WEIGHT};
for OSD_ID in $(utilscli ceph osd df | awk '$3 == "0" {print $1}'); do
OSD_WEIGHT=$(utilscli ceph osd df --format json-pretty| grep -A7 "\bosd.${OSD_ID}\b" | awk '/"kb"/{ gsub(",",""); d= $2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }');
utilscli ceph osd crush reweight osd.${OSD_ID} ${OSD_WEIGHT};
usage() {
set +ex
echo "Usage: nccli osd-maintenance check_osd_status"
echo " nccli osd-maintenance osd_remove"
echo " nccli osd-maintenance osd_remove_by_id --osd-id <OSDID>"
echo " nccli osd-maintenance reweight_osds"
echo "Usage: utilscli osd-maintenance check_osd_status"
echo " utilscli osd-maintenance osd_remove"
echo " utilscli osd-maintenance osd_remove_by_id --osd-id <OSDID>"
echo " utilscli osd-maintenance reweight_osds"
exit 1
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ limitations under the License.
usage() {
echo "Backup Usage: nccli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-d <backup dest> (optional, default: /backup)] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]"
echo "Restore Usage: nccli rbd_pv [-r <restore_file>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]"
echo "Snapshot Usage: nccli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd] [-s <create|rollback|remove|show> (required) ]"
echo "Backup Usage: utilscli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-d <backup dest> (optional, default: /backup)] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]"
echo "Restore Usage: utilscli rbd_pv [-r <restore_file>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]"
echo "Snapshot Usage: utilscli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd] [-s <create|rollback|remove|show> (required) ]"
exit 1
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ timestamp="$(date +%F_%T)"
if [[ ! -z "${restore_file}" ]]; then
if [[ -e "${restore_file}" ]]; then
rbd_image="$(echo "${restore_file}" | rev | awk -v FS='/' '{print $1}' | rev | cut -f 1 -d '.')"
if (nccli rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
nccli rbd mv ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}.orig-${timestamp}
if (utilscli rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
utilscli rbd mv ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}.orig-${timestamp}
echo "WARNING: Existing PVC/RBD image has been moved to ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}.orig-${timestamp}"
nccli rbd import ${restore_file} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
utilscli rbd import ${restore_file} ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo "INFO: Backup has been restored into ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}"
echo "ERROR: Missing restore file!"
@ -69,26 +69,26 @@ elif [[ ! -z "${snapshot}" ]]; then
if [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xcreatex" ]]; then
nccli rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
utilscli rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
echo "INFO: Snapshot ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} has been created for PVC ${pvc_name}"
elif [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xrollback" ]]; then
snap_name=$(nccli rbd snap ls ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image})
nccli rbd snap rollback ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
snap_name=$(utilscli rbd snap ls ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image})
utilscli rbd snap rollback ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
echo "WARNING: Rolled back snapshot ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} for ${pvc_name}"
elif [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xremovex" ]]; then
nccli rbd snap purge ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
utilscli rbd snap purge ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo "Removed snapshot(s) for ${pvc_name}"
elif [[ "x${snapshot}x" == "xshowx" ]]; then
echo "INFO: This PV is mapped to the following RBD Image:"
echo "${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}"
echo -e "\nINFO: Current open sessions to RBD Image:"
nccli rbd status ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
utilscli rbd status ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo -e "\nINFO: RBD Image information:"
nccli rbd info ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
utilscli rbd info ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo -e "\nINFO: RBD Image snapshot details:"
rbd snap ls ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo -e "\nINFO: RBD Image size details:"
nccli rbd du ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
utilscli rbd du ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}
echo "ERROR: Missing arguement for snapshot option!"
@ -105,17 +105,17 @@ else
volume="$(kubectl -n ${nspace} get pvc ${pvc_name} --no-headers | awk '{ print $3 }')"
rbd_image="$(kubectl get pv "${volume}" -o json | jq -r '.spec.rbd.image')"
if [[ -z "${volume}" ]] || (! nccli rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
if [[ -z "${volume}" ]] || (! utilscli rbd info "${rbd_pool}"/"${rbd_image}" | grep -q id); then
echo "ERROR: PVC does not exist or is missing! Cannot continue with backup for ${pvc_name}"
exit 1
# Create current snapshot and export to a file
nccli rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
nccli rbd export ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} ${backup_dest}/${backup_name}
utilscli rbd snap create ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
utilscli rbd export ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name} ${backup_dest}/${backup_name}
# Remove snapshot otherwise we may see an issue cleaning up the PVC from K8s, and from Ceph.
nccli rbd snap rm ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
utilscli rbd snap rm ${rbd_pool}/${rbd_image}@${snap_name}
echo "INFO: PV ${pvc_name} saved to:"
echo "${backup_dest}/${backup_name}"
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ data:
ceph-utility-rootwrap: |
{{ tuple "bin/utility/_ceph-utility-rootwrap.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
nccli: |
{{ tuple "bin/utility/_nccli.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
utilscli: |
{{ tuple "bin/utility/_utilscli.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
osd-maintenance: |
{{ tuple "bin/utility/_osd-maintenance.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $envAll.Release.Name "sudoers" }}
nccli-sudo: |
{{ tuple "bin/_nccli-sudo.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
utilscli-sudo: |
{{ tuple "bin/_utilscli-sudo.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }}
{{- end }}
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ spec:
subPath: managekey.sh
readOnly: true
- name: ceph-utility-bin
mountPath: /usr/local/bin/nccli
subPath: nccli
mountPath: /usr/local/bin/utilscli
subPath: utilscli
readOnly: true
- name: ceph-utility-bin
mountPath: /usr/local/bin/ceph-utility-rootwrap
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ spec:
subPath: rbd_pv
readOnly: true
- name: ceph-utility-sudoers
mountPath: /etc/sudoers.d/nccli-sudo
subPath: nccli-sudo
mountPath: /etc/sudoers.d/utilscli-sudo
subPath: utilscli-sudo
readOnly: true
- name: ceph-etc
mountPath: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ This MOP covers Maintenance Activities related to Ceph.
To check the current status of OSDs, execute the following:
nccli osd-maintenance check_osd_status
utilscli osd-maintenance check_osd_status
### OSD Removal
To purge OSDs in down state, execute the following:
nccli osd-maintenance osd_remove
utilscli osd-maintenance osd_remove
### OSD Removal By OSD ID
To purge OSDs by OSD ID in down state, execute the following:
nccli osd-maintenance remove_osd_by_id --osd-id <OSDID>
utilscli osd-maintenance remove_osd_by_id --osd-id <OSDID>
### Reweight OSDs
To adjust an OSD’s crush weight in the CRUSH map of a running cluster, execute the following:
nccli osd-maintenance reweight_osds
utilscli osd-maintenance reweight_osds
## 2. Replace failed OSD ##
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ In the context of a failed drive, Please follow below procedure. Following comma
Capture the failed OSD ID. Check for status `down`
nccli ceph osd tree
utilscli ceph osd tree
Remove the OSD from Cluster. Replace `<OSD_ID>` with above captured failed OSD ID
nccli osd-maintenance osd_remove_by_id --osd-id <OSD_ID>
utilscli osd-maintenance osd_remove_by_id --osd-id <OSD_ID>
Remove the failed drive and replace it with a new one without bringing down the node.
@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ Once new drive is placed, delete the concern OSD pod in `error` or `CrashLoopBac
Once pod is deleted, kubernetes will re-spin a new pod for the OSD. Once Pod is up, the osd is added to ceph cluster with weight equal to `0`. we need to re-weight the osd.
nccli osd-maintenance reweight_osds
utilscli osd-maintenance reweight_osds
@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ This MOP covers Maintenance Activities related to using the rbd_pv script
to backup and recover PVCs within your kubernetes environment using Ceph.
## Usage
Execute nccli rbd_pv without arguements to list usage options.
Execute utilscli rbd_pv without arguements to list usage options.
nccli rbd_pv
Backup Usage: nccli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-d <backup dest> (optional, default: /tmp/backup)] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]
Restore Usage: nccli rbd_pv [-r <restore_file>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]
Snapshot Usage: nccli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd] [-s <create|rollback|remove> (required)]
utilscli rbd_pv
Backup Usage: utilscli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-d <backup dest> (optional, default: /tmp/backup)] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]
Restore Usage: utilscli rbd_pv [-r <restore_file>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd)]
Snapshot Usage: utilscli rbd_pv [-b <pvc name>] [-n <namespace>] [-p <ceph rbd pool> (optional, default: rbd] [-s <create|rollback|remove> (required)]
## Backing up a PVC/PV from RBD
To backup a PV, execute the following:
nccli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack
utilscli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack
## Restoring a PVC/PV backup
To restore a PV RBD backup image, execute the following:
nccli rbd_pv -r /backup/kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-ab1f2e8f-21a4-11e9-ab61-ca77944df03c.img
utilscli rbd_pv -r /backup/kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-ab1f2e8f-21a4-11e9-ab61-ca77944df03c.img
NOTE: The original PVC/PV will be renamed and not overwritten.
NOTE: Before restoring, you _must_ ensure it is not mounted!
@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ NOTE: Before restoring, you _must_ ensure it is not mounted!
## Creating a Snapshot for a PVC/PV
nccli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s create
utilscli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s create
## Rolling back to a Snapshot for a PVC/PV
nccli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s rollback
utilscli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s rollback
NOTE: Before rolling back a snapshot, you _must_ ensure the PVC/PV volume is not mounted!!
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ NOTE: Before rolling back a snapshot, you _must_ ensure the PVC/PV volume is not
## Removing a Snapshot for a PVC/PV
nccli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s remove
utilscli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s remove
NOTE: This will remove all snapshots in Ceph associated to this PVC/PV!
@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ NOTE: This will remove all snapshots in Ceph associated to this PVC/PV!
## Show Snapshot and Image details for a PVC/PV
nccli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s show
utilscli rbd_pv -b mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 -n openstack -s show
Reference in New Issue
Block a user