# Copyright 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os from pathlib import Path from kube_utility_container.kubecfg.kube_cfg import KubeCfg from kube_utility_container.services.exceptions import \ KubeApiException from kube_utility_container.services.exceptions import \ KubeConfigException from kube_utility_container.services.exceptions import \ KubeDeploymentNotFoundException from kube_utility_container.services.exceptions import \ KubeEnvVarException from kube_utility_container.services.exceptions import \ KubePodNotFoundException from kubernetes import client as kubeclient from kubernetes import config as kubeconf from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException from kubernetes.stream import stream from oslo_log import log as logging from urllib3.exceptions import MaxRetryError LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UtilityContainerClient(object): """Client to execute utilscli command on utility containers""" NAMESPACE = 'utility' def __init__(self): # Initialize variables self._corev1api_client = None self._appsv1api_client = None @property def _corev1api_api_client(self): """Property to get the V1CoreAPI client object""" if self._corev1api_client: return self._corev1api_client else: try: kubeconf.load_kube_config(config_file=self._kubeconfig_file) self._corev1api_client = kubeclient.CoreV1Api() return self._corev1api_client except EnvironmentError as err: LOG.exception( 'Failed to load Kubernetes config file: {}'.format(err)) raise KubeConfigException(err) @property def _appsv1api_api_client(self): """Property to get the V1AppsAPI client object""" if self._appsv1api_client: return self._appsv1api_client else: try: kubeconf.load_kube_config(config_file=self._kubeconfig_file) self._appsv1api_client = kubeclient.AppsV1Api() return self._appsv1api_client except EnvironmentError as err: LOG.exception( 'Failed to load Kubernetes config file: {}'.format(err)) raise KubeConfigException(err) @property def _kubeconfig_file(self): """Property to generate kubeconfig file from environment variables""" key = 'KUBECONFIG' if os.environ.get(key) is not None: kube_conf_filename = os.environ.get(key) else: raise KubeEnvVarException(key) if os.path.isfile(kube_conf_filename): return kube_conf_filename else: self._prepare_kube_config(kube_conf_filename) return kube_conf_filename def _prepare_kube_config(self, kube_conf_filename): """Method to generate the kube config file""" Path(Path.cwd() / 'etc').mkdir(exist_ok=True) Path(kube_conf_filename).touch() conf = KubeCfg(kube_conf_filename) region_key = 'OS_REGION_NAME' kube_server_key = 'KUBE_SERVER' if os.environ.get(region_key) is not None: server = os.environ.get(kube_server_key) else: raise KubeEnvVarException(kube_server_key) if os.environ.get(region_key) is not None: conf.set_cluster( name=os.environ.get(region_key), server=server, insecure_skip_tls_verify=True) else: raise KubeEnvVarException(region_key) username_key = 'OS_USERNAME' if os.environ.get(username_key) is not None: conf.set_context( name='context_uc', user=os.environ.get(username_key), namespace='utility', cluster=os.environ.get(region_key)) else: raise KubeEnvVarException(username_key) conf.use_context('context_uc') exec_command_key = 'KUBE_KEYSTONE_AUTH_EXEC' if os.environ.get(exec_command_key) is not None: conf.set_credentials( name=os.environ.get(username_key), exec_command=os.environ.get(exec_command_key), exec_api_version='client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1') else: raise KubeEnvVarException(exec_command_key) def _get_deployment_selectors(self, deployment_name): """Method to get the deployment selectors of the deployment queried. :param deployment_name: if specified the deployment name of the utility pod where the utilscli command is to be executed. :type deployment_name: string where the utilscli command is to be executed. :return: selectors extracted from the deployment returned as a string in the format: "key=value, key1=value2..." :exception: KubeDeploymentNotFoundException -- A custom exception KubeDeploymentNotFoundException is raised if no deployment is found with the with the parameters namespace and deployment_name which is passed as a field_selector. """ # Get a specific deployment by passing the deployment metadata name # and the namespace deployment = self._appsv1api_api_client.list_namespaced_deployment( self.NAMESPACE, field_selector='metadata.name={}'.format(deployment_name)).items if deployment: # Get the selectors from the deployment object returned. selector_dict = deployment[0].spec.selector.match_labels # Convert the selector dictionary to a string object. selectors = ', '.join( "{!s}={!s}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in selector_dict.items()) return selectors else: raise KubeDeploymentNotFoundException( 'Deployment with name {} not found in {} namespace'.format( deployment_name, self.NAMESPACE)) def _get_utility_container(self, deployment_name): """Method to get a specific utility container filtered by the selectors :param deployment_name: if specified the deployment name of the utility pod where the utilscli command is to be executed. :type deployment_name: string where the utilscli command is to be executed. :return: selectors extracted from the deployment utility_container {V1Pod} -- Returns the first pod matched. :exception: KubePodNotFoundException -- Exception raised if not pods are found. """ deployment_selectors = self._get_deployment_selectors(deployment_name) utility_containers = self._corev1api_api_client.list_namespaced_pod( self.NAMESPACE, label_selector=deployment_selectors).items if utility_containers: return utility_containers[0] else: raise KubePodNotFoundException( 'No Pods found in Deployment {} with selectors {} in {} ' 'namespace'.format( deployment_name, deployment_selectors, self.NAMESPACE)) def _get_exec_cmd_output(self, utility_container, ex_cmd, default=1): """Exec into a specific utility container, then execute the utilscli command and return the output of the command :params utility_container: Utility container where the utilscli command will be executed. :type utility_container: string :params ex_cmd: command to be executed inside the utility container :type ex_cmd: strings :params default: return of cmd_output. optionally can be disabled :type integer: 1 (true) :type ex_cmd: strings :return: Output of command executed in the utility container """ try: container = utility_container.spec.containers[0].name LOG.info( '\nPod Name: {} \nNamespace: {} \nContainer Name: {} ' '\nCommand: {}'.format( utility_container.metadata.name, self.NAMESPACE, container, ex_cmd)) cmd_output = stream( self._corev1api_api_client.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, utility_container.metadata.name, self.NAMESPACE, container=container, command=ex_cmd, stderr=True, stdin=False, stdout=True, tty=False) LOG.info( 'Pod Name: {} Command Output: {}'.format( utility_container.metadata.name, cmd_output)) if default is 1: return cmd_output except (ApiException, MaxRetryError) as err: LOG.exception( "An exception occurred in pod " "exec command: {}".format(err)) raise KubeApiException(err) def exec_cmd(self, deployment_name, cmd): """Get specific utility container using deployment name, call method to execute utilscli command and return the output of the command. :params deployment_name: deployment name of the utility pod where the utilscli command is to be executed. :type deployment_name: string :params cmd: command to be executed inside the utility container :type cmd: strings :return: Output of command executed in the utility container """ utility_container = self._get_utility_container(deployment_name) return self._get_exec_cmd_output(utility_container, cmd)