HTK has been updated to 0.2.48 version that includes local backup verification step before uploading to remote storage.
In mysqlclient-utility chart HTK is used to perform test backup/restore processes. This chart has been updated to match HTK changes.
The main difference that a mariadb verification server has to be running as a side container.
In etcdctl-utility chart .Values.manifests.secret_certificates value was set to False and a condition has been added to deployment-etcdctl-utility.yaml to avoid looking for etcdctl-etcd-secrets secret to mount.
Also in mysqlclient-utility in ensure_ondemand_pod_exists() function of made the folloging adjustment: number of containers in *-ondemand pod in pod existence verification condition set to 2/2. This is because we added the second container to this pod with verification server.
Additionally, bumping up HTK version to 0.2.48 from a commit id obtained from merge of and set proper commit id in this file: tools/
Change-Id: I9d3796500574da3582cf67d8aeeec8c796dd88dd