anthony.bellino de0f60253c Add host paths and openstack/swift clients to etcdctl utility
1) Adds etcd on demand job for backup and restore.
2) Adds dbutils implementation to perform manual local and
   remote backup/restore for etcd.
3) Adds the openstack and swift clients to the etcdctl utlity pod so
   that this pod can access etcd remote gateway backup files via the swift interface.
4) Adds kubectl to create backup/restore etcd jobs.

Change-Id: Iadfaa828366bae3a98552891c24d669f2922e1d1
2020-06-23 19:20:50 +00:00

Etcdctl Utility Container

Prerequisites: Deploy Airship in a Bottle (AIAB)

To get started, deploy Airship and OpenStack Helm (OSH). Execute the following in a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 VM having these minimum requirements:

  • 4 vCPU
  • 20 GB RAM
  • 32 GB disk storage
  1. Add the following entries to /etc/sudoers.
        root    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
        ubuntu  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  1. Install the latest versions of Git, CA Certs, and Make if necessary.
        set -xe \
        sudo apt-get update \
        sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
        ca-certificates \
        git \
        make \
        jq \
        nmap \
        curl \

Deploy Airship in a Bottle (AIAB)

Deploy Airship in a Bottle (AIAB), which deploys the etcdctl-utility pod.

        sudo -i \
        mkdir -p root/deploy && cd "$_" \
        git clone https://opendev.org/airship/treasuremap \
        cd /root/deploy/treasuremap/tools/deployment/aiab \

Usage and Test

Get into the etcdctl-utility pod using kubectl exec. Perform an operation as in the following example.

        kubectl exec -it <POD_NAME> -n utility -- /bin/bash


        utilscli etcdctl member list
        utilscli etcdctl endpoint health
        utilscli etcdctl endpoint status

        nobody@airship-etcdctl-utility-998b4f4d6-65x6d:/$ utilscli etcdctl member list
        90d1b75fa1b31b89, started, ubuntu,,
        ab1f60375c5ef1d3, started, auxiliary-1,,
        d8ed590018245b3c, started, auxiliary-0,,
        nobody@airship-etcdctl-utility-998b4f4d6-65x6d:/$ utilscli etcdctl endpoint health
        https://kubernetes-etcd.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:2379 is healthy:
        successfully committed proposal: took = 1.787714ms
        nobody@airship-etcdctl-utility-998b4f4d6-65x6d:/$ utilscli etcdctl alarm list
        nobody@airship-etcdctl-utility-998b4f4d6-65x6d:/$ utilscli etcdctl version
        etcdctl version: 3.4.2
        API version: 3.3