@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: PhasePlan
name: deploy-baremetal
description: "Phase plan for airship-core deployment on bare metals"
# Deploy ephemeral node using redfish with iso
- name: remotedirect-ephemeral
# Wait for apiserver to become available
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_node/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-node
- name: kubectl-wait-node-ephemeral
# Waiting for any pods to be available
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_pods_any/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-pods-any
- name: kubectl-wait-pods-any-ephemeral
# Deploy calico using tigera operator
- name: initinfra-networking-ephemeral
# Wait for Calico to be deployed using tigera
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_tigera/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait_tigera
- name: kubectl-wait-tigera-ephemeral
# Deploy metal3.io components to ephemeral node
- name: initinfra-ephemeral
# Getting pods as debug information"
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_pods/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-pods
- name: kubectl-get-pods-ephemeral
# Deploy cluster-api components to ephemeral node
- name: clusterctl-init-ephemeral
# Waiting for clusterapi pods to come up
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_deploy/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-deploy
- name: kubectl-wait-deploy-ephemeral
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_pods/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-pods
- name: kubectl-get-pods-ephemeral
# Create target k8s cluster resources
- name: controlplane-ephemeral
# List all nodes in target cluster
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_node/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-node
- name: kubectl-get-node-target
# List all pods in target cluster
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_pods/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-pods
- name: kubectl-get-pods-target
# Deploy calico using tigera operator
- name: initinfra-networking-target
# Wait for Calico to be deployed using tigera
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_tigera/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-tigera
- name: kubectl-wait-tigera-target
# Deploy infra to cluster
- name: initinfra-target
# List all pods
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_pods/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-pods
- name: kubectl-get-pods-target
# Annotate node for hostconfig-operator
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/annotate_node_for_hostconfig_operator/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-annotate-node-for-hostconfig-operator
- name: kubectl-annotate-node-for-hostconfig-operator-target
# Deploy CAPI components to target cluster
- name: clusterctl-init-target
# Waiting for pods to be ready
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_pods_ready/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-pods-ready
- name: kubectl-wait-pods-ready-target
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_pods/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-pods
- name: kubectl-get-pods-target
# Move Cluster Object to Target Cluster
- name: clusterctl-move
# Waiting for pods to be ready
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_pods_ready/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-pods-ready
- name: kubectl-wait-pods-ready-target
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_pods/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-pods
- name: kubectl-get-pods-target
# Wait till crds are created
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_cluster/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-cluster
- name: kubectl-wait-cluster-target
# Power off Ephemeral baremetal host avoid DHCP conflict
- name: power-off-ephemeral
# (TODO) Need to add manifests for controlplane-target phase
# Create target k8s cluster resources
# - name: controlplane-target
# List all nodes in target cluster
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_node/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-node
- name: kubectl-get-node-target
# List all pods in target cluster
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/get_pods/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-get-pods
- name: kubectl-get-pods-target
# Deploy worker node
- name: workers-target
# Waiting for node to be provisioned
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/wait_label_node/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-wait-label-node
- name: kubectl-wait-label-node-target
# Annotate node for hostconfig-operator
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/annotate_node_for_hostconfig_operator/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-annotate-node-for-hostconfig-operator
- name: kubectl-annotate-node-for-hostconfig-operator-target
# Deploy workload
- name: workload-target
# Ensure we can reach ingress controller default backend
# Scripts for this phase placed in manifests/function/phase-helpers/check_ingress_ctrl/
# To get ConfigMap for this phase, execute `airshipctl phase render --source config -k ConfigMap`
# and find ConfigMap with name kubectl-check-ingress-ctrl
- name: kubectl-check-ingress-ctrl-target
# (TODO) Need to verify these phases
# - name: lma-infra
# - name: lma-stack
# - name: lma-configs
# - name: deliver-network-policy
- Clusterctl
- VariableCatalogue
- StorageCatalogue
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: PhasePlan
name: iso
- RemoteDirectConfiguration
- VariableCatalogue
- StorageCatalogue