Added new option --skip, which allows to skip updates to the listed comma-delimited charts and images. Change-Id: I08a458fc107019ee915e8e8086d23215642c9835
359 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
359 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# versions.yaml file updater tool
# Being run in directory with versions.yaml, will create versions.new.yaml,
# with updated git commit id's to the latest HEAD in references of all
# charts.
# In addition to that, the tool updates references to the container images
# with the tag, equal to the latest image which exists on quay.io
# repository and is available for download.
import argparse
import datetime
from functools import reduce
import json
import logging
import operator
import os
import requests
import sys
import time
import git
import yaml
except ImportError as e:
sys.exit("Failed to import git/yaml libraries needed to run" +
"this tool %s" % str(e))
descr_text="Being run in directory with versions.yaml, will create \
versions.new.yaml, with updated git commit id's to the \
latest HEAD in references of all charts. In addition to \
that, the tool updates references to the container images \
with the tag, equal to the latest image which exists on \
quay.io repository and is available for download."
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr_text)
# Dictionary containing container image repository url to git url mapping
# We expect that each image in container image repository has image tag which
# equals to the git commit id of the HEAD in corresponding git repository.
# NOTE(roman_g): currently this is not the case, and image is built/tagged not
# on every merge, and there could be a few hours delay between merge and image
# re-built and published due to the OpenStack Foundation Zuul infrastructure
# being overloaded.
image_repo_git_url = {
# airflow image is built from airship-shipyard repository
'quay.io/airshipit/airflow': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-shipyard',
'quay.io/airshipit/armada': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-armada',
'quay.io/airshipit/deckhand': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-deckhand',
# yes, divingbell image is just Ubuntu 16.04 image, and we don't check it's tag
#'docker.io/ubuntu': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-divingbell',
'quay.io/airshipit/drydock': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-drydock',
# maas-{rack,region}-controller images are built from airship-maas repository
'quay.io/airshipit/maas-rack-controller': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-maas',
'quay.io/airshipit/maas-region-controller': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-maas',
'quay.io/airshipit/pegleg': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-pegleg',
'quay.io/airshipit/promenade': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-promenade',
'quay.io/airshipit/shipyard': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-shipyard',
# sstream-cache image is built from airship-maas repository
'quay.io/airshipit/sstream-cache': 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/airship-maas',
'quay.io/attcomdev/nagios': 'https://github.com/att-comdev/nagios',
'quay.io/attcomdev/prometheus-openstack-exporter': 'https://github.com/att-comdev/prometheus-openstack-exporter'
# Temporary dict of git url's and cached commit id's: {'git_url': 'commit_id'}
global git_url_commit_ids
git_url_commit_ids = {}
# Temporary dict of image repo's and status of image on quay.io
global image_repo_status
image_repo_status = {}
dict_path = None
def __represent_multiline_yaml_str():
"""Compel ``yaml`` library to use block style literals for multi-line
strings to prevent unwanted multiple newlines.
yaml.SafeDumper.org_represent_str = yaml.SafeDumper.represent_str
def repr_str(dumper, data):
if '\n' in data:
return dumper.represent_scalar(
'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|')
return dumper.org_represent_str(data)
yaml.add_representer(str, repr_str, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
def inverse_dict(dic):
"""Accepts dictionary, returns dictionary where keys become values,
and values become keys"""
new_dict = {}
for k, v in dic.items():
new_dict[v] = k
return new_dict
git_url_image_repo = inverse_dict(image_repo_git_url)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/35585837
def lsremote(url, remote_ref):
"""Accepts git url and remote reference, returns git commit id."""
git_commit_id_remote_ref = {}
g = git.cmd.Git()
logging.info('Fetching ' + url + ' ' + remote_ref + ' reference...')
hash_ref_list = g.ls_remote(url, remote_ref).split('\t')
git_commit_id_remote_ref[hash_ref_list[1]] = hash_ref_list[0]
return git_commit_id_remote_ref[remote_ref]
def get_commit_id(url):
"""Accepts url of git repo and returns corresponding git commit hash"""
# If we don't have this git url in our url's dictionary,
# fetch latest commit ID and add new dictionary entry
logging.debug('git_url_commit_ids: %s', git_url_commit_ids)
logging.debug('image_repo_status: %s', image_repo_status)
if url not in git_url_commit_ids:
logging.debug('git url: ' + url +
' is not in git_url_commit_ids dict;' +
' adding it with HEAD commit id')
git_url_commit_ids[url] = lsremote(url, 'HEAD')
return git_url_commit_ids[url]
def get_image_tag(image):
"""Get latest image tag from quay.io,
returns 0 (image not hosted on quay.io), True, or False
if not image.startswith('quay.io/'):
logging.info('Unable to verify if image ' + image +
' is in containers repository: only quay.io is' +
' supported at the moment')
return 0
logging.info('Getting latest tag for image %s' % image)
retries = 0
max_retries = 5
hash_image = image.split('/')
url = 'https://quay.io/api/v1/repository/' + \
hash_image[1] + '/' + hash_image[2] + '/tag'
while retries < max_retries:
retries = retries + 1
res = requests.get(url, timeout = 5)
if res.ok:
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
logging.warning("Failed to fetch url %s" % res.url)
if retries == max_retries:
logging.error("Failed to connect to quay.io")
return 0
if res.status_code != 200:
logging.error('Image %s is not available on quay.io or ' +
'requires authentication', image)
res = res.json()
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # pylint: disable=no-member
logging.error('Unable to parse response from quay.io (%s)' % res.url)
return 0
for tag in res['tags']:
if 'end_ts' not in tag:
if tag['name'] != 'master' and tag['name'] != 'latest':
return tag['name']
except KeyError:
logging.error('Unable to parse response from quay.io (%s)' % res.url)
return 0
logging.error("Image with end_ts in path %s not found" % image)
return 0
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/14692747
def get_by_path(root, items):
"""Access a nested object in root by item sequence."""
return reduce(operator.getitem, items, root)
def set_by_path(root, items, value):
"""Set a value in a nested object in root by item sequence."""
get_by_path(root, items[:-1])[items[-1]] = value
# Based on http://nvie.com/posts/modifying-deeply-nested-structures/
def traverse(obj, dict_path=None):
"""Accepts Python dictionary with values.yaml contents,
updates it with latest git commit id's.
logging.debug('traverse: dict_path: %s, object type: %s, object: %s',
dict_path, type(obj), obj)
if dict_path is None:
dict_path = []
if isinstance(obj, dict):
# It's a dictionary element
logging.debug('this object is a dictionary')
for k, v in obj.items():
# If value v we are checking is a dictionary itself, and this
# dictionary contains key named 'type', and a value of key 'type'
# equals 'git', then
if isinstance(v, dict) and 'type' in v and v['type'] == 'git':
old_git_commit_id = v['reference']
git_url = v['location']
if skip_list and k in skip_list:
logging.info("Ignoring chart %s, it is in a skip list (%s)", k, git_url)
new_git_commit_id = get_commit_id(git_url)
# Update git commit id in reference field of dictionary
if old_git_commit_id != new_git_commit_id:
logging.info('Updating git reference for chart %s from %s to ' +
'%s (%s)',
k, old_git_commit_id, new_git_commit_id,
v['reference'] = new_git_commit_id
logging.info('Git reference %s for chart %s is already up to date (%s) ',
old_git_commit_id, k, git_url)
logging.debug('value %s inside object is not a dictionary, or it does not ' +
'contain key \'type\' with value \'git\', skipping', v)
# Traverse one level deeper
traverse(v, dict_path + [k])
elif isinstance(obj, list):
# It's a list element
logging.debug('this object is a list')
for elem in obj:
# TODO: Do we have any git references or container image tags in
# versions.yaml which are inside lists? Probably not.
traverse(elem, dict_path + [[]])
# It's already a value
logging.debug('this object is a value')
v = obj
# Searching for container image repositories, we are only intrested in
# strings; there could also be booleans or other types we are not interested in.
if isinstance(v, str):
for image_repo in image_repo_git_url:
if image_repo in v:
logging.debug('image_repo %s is in %s string', image_repo, v)
# hash_v: {'&whatever repo_url', 'git commit id tag'}
# Note: 'image' below could contain not just image, but also
# '&ref host.domain/path/image'
hash_v = v.split(":")
image, old_image_tag = hash_v
if skip_list and image.endswith(skip_list):
logging.info("Ignoring image %s, it is in a skip list", image)
new_image_tag = get_image_tag(image)
if new_image_tag == 0:
logging.error("Failed to get image tag for %s" % image)
# Update git commit id in tag of container image
if old_image_tag != new_image_tag:
logging.info('Updating git commit id in ' +
'tag of container image %s from %s to %s',
image, old_image_tag, new_image_tag)
set_by_path(versions_data_dict, dict_path, image + ':' + new_image_tag)
logging.info('Git tag %s for container ' +
'image %s is already up to date',
old_image_tag, image)
logging.debug('image_repo %s is not in %s string, skipping', image_repo, v)
logging.debug('value %s is not string, skipping', v)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Small Main program"""
parser.add_argument('--in-file', default='versions.yaml',
help='/path/to/versions.yaml input file; default - "./versions.yaml"')
parser.add_argument('--out-file', default='versions.yaml',
help='name of output file; default - "versions.yaml" (overwrite existing)')
help='comma-delimited list of images and charts to skip during the update')
args = parser.parse_args()
in_file = args.in_file
out_file = args.out_file
if args.skip:
skip_list = tuple(args.skip.strip().split(","))
logging.info('Skip list: %s', skip_list)
skip_list = None
if os.path.isfile(in_file):
out_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(in_file)), out_file)
with open(in_file, 'r') as f:
f_old = f.read()
versions_data_dict = yaml.safe_load(f_old)
logging.error("Can\'t find versions.yaml file.\n")
# Traverse loaded yaml and change it
with open(out_file, 'w') as f:
if os.path.samefile(in_file, out_file):
logging.info('Overwriting %s' % in_file)
explicit_end=True, explicit_start=True,
logging.info('New versions.yaml created as %s' % out_file)