#!/bin/bash set -xe # TODO (kkalynovskyi) remove this function when zuul is able to gather debug info by itself function vinoDebugInfo () { kubectl get po -A kubectl get ds -A local pod_name pod_name="$(kubectl get pod -n vino-system -l control-plane=controller-manager -o name)" kubectl logs -c manager ${pod_name} -n vino-system exit 1 } kubectl apply -f config/samples/daemonset_template.yaml -f config/samples/vino_cr_daemonset_template.yaml # Remove logs collection from here, when we will have zuul collect logs job if ! kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready vino vino-with-template --timeout=180s; then vinoDebugInfo fi # no need to collect logs on fail, since they are already collected before if ! kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods -l 'vino-test=cr-with-ds-template' --timeout=5s; then vinoDebugInfo fi