# ViNO Cluster Operator [![Docker Repository on Quay](https://quay.io/repository/airshipit/vino/status "Docker Repository on Quay")](https://quay.io/repository/airshipit/vino) ## Overview The lifecycle of the Virtual Machines and their relationship to the Kubernetes cluster will be managed using two operators: vNode-Operator(ViNO), and the Support Infra Provider Operator (SIP). ## Description ViNO is responsible for setting up VM infrastructure, such as: - per-node vino pod: * libvirt init, e.g. * setup vm-infra bridge * provisioning tftp/dhcp definition * libvirt launch * sushi pod - libvirt domains - networking - bmh objects, with labels: * location - i.e. `rack: 8` and `node: rdm8r008c002` - should follow k8s semi-standard * vm role - i.e. `node-type: worker` * vm flavor - i.e `node-flavor: foobar` * networks - i.e. `networks: [foo, bar]` and the details for ViNO can be found [here](https://hackmd.io/KSu8p4QeTc2kXIjlrso2eA) The Cluster Support Infrastructure Provider, or SIP, is responsible for the lifecycle of: - identifying the correct `BareMetalHost` resources to label (or unlabel) based on scheduling constraints. - extract IP address information from `BareMetalHost` objects to use in the creation of supporting infrastructure. - creating support infra for the tenant k8s cluster: * load balancers (for tenant Kubernetes API) * jump pod to access the cluster and nodes via ssh * an OIDC provider for the tenant cluster, i.e. Dex * potentially more in the future ## Development Environment ### Pre-requisites #### Install Golang 1.15+ ViNO is a project written in Go, and the make targets used to deploy ViNO leverage both Go and Kustomize commands which require Golang be installed. For detailed installation instructions, please see the [Golang installation guide](https://golang.org/doc/install). #### Install Kustomize v3.2.3+ In order to apply manifests to your cluster via Make targets we suggest the use of Kustomize. For detailed installation instructions, please see the [Kustomize installation guide](https://kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io/installation/kustomize/). #### Proxy Setup If your organization requires development behind a proxy server, you will need to define the following environment variables with your organization's information: ``` HTTP_PROXY=http://username:password@host:port HTTPS_PROXY=http://username:password@host:port NO_PROXY="localhost,," PROXY=http://username:password@host:port USE_PROXY=true ``` is the Kubernetes service CIDR. ### Deploy ViNO Airship projects often have to deploy Kubernetes, with common requirements such as supporting network policies or working behind corporate proxies. To that end the community maintains a Kubernetes deployment script and is the suggested way of deploying your Kubernetes cluster for development purposes. #### Deploy Kubernetes ``` # curl -Lo deploy-k8s.sh https://opendev.org/airship/charts/raw/branch/master/tools/gate/deploy-k8s.sh # chmod +x deploy-k8s.sh # sudo ./deploy-k8s.sh ``` #### Deploy ViNO Once your cluster is up and running, you'll need to build the ViNO image to use, and to deploy the operator on your cluster: ``` # make docker-build # make deploy ``` Once these steps are completed, you should have a working cluster with ViNO deployed on top of it: ``` # kubectl get pods --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kube-system calico-kube-controllers-7985fc4dd6-6q5l4 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system calico-node-lqzxp 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system coredns-f9fd979d6-gbdzl 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system etcd-ubuntu-virtualbox 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system kube-apiserver-ubuntu-virtualbox 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system kube-controller-manager-ubuntu-virtualbox 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system kube-proxy-ml4gd 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system kube-scheduler-ubuntu-virtualbox 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system storage-provisioner 1/1 Running 0 3h8m vino-system vino-controller-manager-788b994c74-sbf26 2/2 Running 0 25m ``` #### Test basic functionality ``` # kubectl apply -f config/samples/vino_cr.yaml # kubect get pods # kubectl get ds ``` test with user provided template ``` # kubectl apply -f config/samples/daemonset_template.yaml # kubectl apply -f config/samples/vin_cr_daemonset_template.yaml # kubectl get pods # kubectl get ds ``` delete vino CR and make sure DaemonSet is deleted as well ``` # kubectl delete vino vino # kubectl get ds ``` ## Get in Touch For any questions on the ViNo, or other Airship projects, we encourage you to join the community on Slack/IRC or by participating in the mailing list. Please see this [Wiki](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Airship#Get_in_Touch) for contact information, and the community meeting schedules.