# **XXXX Sub-group Introduction**
**Please download this template and fill necessary information. Then upload to corresponding sub-group repository under root directory.**
## Project Facts
Project Creation Date: *YYYY/MM/DD*
Primary Contact: *name & email*
Project Lead: *name & email*
Committers: *name & email*
Mailing List: *The project-specific mailing list or computing-force-network@lists.opendev.org*
Meetings: *The project-specific meeting time and meeting link if there is any*
Repository: *The project-specific opendev repo link under https://opendev.org/cfn*
StoryBoard: *The project-specific story board link under https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/computing-force-network*
Open Bugs: *Link to unsolved bugs (usually described in story board*
## Introduction
*Enter a detailed project description. Include background, architecture, scope of the project. Pictures are welcomed.*
## Documentation & Training
*Link to any project documentation & training & presentation available for your project that can help to understand you project better*
## Release Planning & Release Notes
*Contents about release notes & release plans. This information is likely stored in project’s StoryBoard and **link to StoryBoard Tasks** can be added here. Information should include **Release deliverables** (per release), **Release Milestones** (if following release overall timeline, this info can be skipped), externally consumable APIs, incompatibilities w/ other Projects or previous release, compatibility w/ previous releases, themes and priorities, any test plans.*
***Before filling this part, please plan your tasks in StoryBoard at https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/computing-force-network***
## Previous Releases
*Necessary contents about previous releases including but not limited to release description, release number, release deliverables, link for downloading. For the first release, this part can be left blank.*