Weisen Pan 4ec0a23e73 Edge Federated Learning for Improved Training Efficiency
Change-Id: Ic4e43992e1674946cb69e0221659b0261259196c
2024-09-18 18:39:43 -07:00

187 lines
7.3 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Weisen Pan
__all__ = ['model_summary']
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import os
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
# Format FLOPs value with appropriate unit (T, G, M, K)
def format_flops(flops):
units = [(1e12, 'T'), (1e9, 'G'), (1e6, 'M'), (1e3, 'K')]
for scale, suffix in units:
if flops >= scale:
return f"{flops / scale:.1f}{suffix}"
return f"{flops:.1f}"
# Calculate the number of trainable or non-trainable parameters
def calculate_grad_params(param_count, param):
if param.requires_grad:
return param_count, 0
return 0, param_count
# Compute FLOPs and parameters for a convolutional layer
def compute_conv_flops(layer, input, output):
oh, ow = output.shape[-2:] # Output height and width
kh, kw = layer.kernel_size # Kernel height and width
ic, oc = layer.in_channels, layer.out_channels # Input/output channels
groups = layer.groups # Number of groups for grouped convolution
total_trainable = 0
total_non_trainable = 0
flops = 0
# Compute parameters and FLOPs for the weight
if hasattr(layer, 'weight') and hasattr(layer.weight, 'shape'):
param_count =
trainable, non_trainable = calculate_grad_params(param_count, layer.weight)
total_trainable += trainable
total_non_trainable += non_trainable
flops += (2 * ic * kh * kw - 1) * oh * ow * (oc // groups)
# Compute parameters and FLOPs for the bias
if hasattr(layer, 'bias') and hasattr(layer.bias, 'shape'):
param_count =
trainable, non_trainable = calculate_grad_params(param_count, layer.bias)
total_trainable += trainable
total_non_trainable += non_trainable
flops += oh * ow * (oc // groups)
return total_trainable, total_non_trainable, flops
# Compute FLOPs and parameters for normalization layers (BatchNorm, GroupNorm)
def compute_norm_flops(layer, input, output):
total_trainable = 0
total_non_trainable = 0
if hasattr(layer, 'weight') and hasattr(layer.weight, 'shape'):
param_count =
trainable, non_trainable = calculate_grad_params(param_count, layer.weight)
total_trainable += trainable
total_non_trainable += non_trainable
if hasattr(layer, 'bias') and hasattr(layer.bias, 'shape'):
param_count =
trainable, non_trainable = calculate_grad_params(param_count, layer.bias)
total_trainable += trainable
total_non_trainable += non_trainable
if hasattr(layer, 'running_mean'):
total_non_trainable +=
if hasattr(layer, 'running_var'):
total_non_trainable +=
# FLOPs for normalization operations
flops =[0].shape)
if layer.affine:
flops *= 2
return total_trainable, total_non_trainable, flops
# Compute FLOPs and parameters for linear (fully connected) layers
def compute_linear_flops(layer, input, output):
ic, oc = layer.in_features, layer.out_features # Input/output features
total_trainable = 0
total_non_trainable = 0
flops = 0
# Compute parameters and FLOPs for the weight
if hasattr(layer, 'weight') and hasattr(layer.weight, 'shape'):
param_count =
trainable, non_trainable = calculate_grad_params(param_count, layer.weight)
total_trainable += trainable
total_non_trainable += non_trainable
flops += (2 * ic - 1) * oc
# Compute parameters and FLOPs for the bias
if hasattr(layer, 'bias') and hasattr(layer.bias, 'shape'):
param_count =
trainable, non_trainable = calculate_grad_params(param_count, layer.bias)
total_trainable += trainable
total_non_trainable += non_trainable
flops += oc
return total_trainable, total_non_trainable, flops
# Model summary function: calculates the total parameters and FLOPs for a model
def model_summary(model, input_data, target_data=None, is_coremodel=True, return_data=False):
summary_info = OrderedDict()
hooks = []
# Hook function to register layer and compute its parameters/FLOPs
def register_layer_hook(layer):
def hook(layer, input, output):
layer_name = f"{layer.__class__.__name__}-{len(summary_info) + 1}"
summary_info[layer_name] = OrderedDict()
summary_info[layer_name]['input_shape'] = list(input[0].shape)
summary_info[layer_name]['output_shape'] = list(output.shape) if not isinstance(output, (list, tuple)) else [list(o.shape) for o in output]
if isinstance(layer, nn.Conv2d):
trainable, non_trainable, flops = compute_conv_flops(layer, input, output)
elif isinstance(layer, (nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.GroupNorm)):
trainable, non_trainable, flops = compute_norm_flops(layer, input, output)
elif isinstance(layer, nn.Linear):
trainable, non_trainable, flops = compute_linear_flops(layer, input, output)
trainable, non_trainable, flops = 0, 0, 0
summary_info[layer_name]['trainable_params'] = trainable
summary_info[layer_name]['non_trainable_params'] = non_trainable
summary_info[layer_name]['total_params'] = trainable + non_trainable
summary_info[layer_name]['flops'] = flops
if not isinstance(layer, (nn.Sequential, nn.ModuleList, nn.Identity)):
if is_coremodel:
model(input_data, target=target_data, mode='summary')
for hook in hooks:
total_params, trainable_params, total_flops = 0, 0, 0
for layer_name, layer_info in summary_info.items():
total_params += layer_info['total_params']
trainable_params += layer_info['trainable_params']
total_flops += layer_info['flops']
param_size_mb = total_params * 4 / (1024 ** 2)
print(f"Total parameters: {total_params:,} ({format_flops(total_params)})")
print(f"Trainable parameters: {trainable_params:,}")
print(f"Non-trainable parameters: {total_params - trainable_params:,}")
print(f"Total FLOPs: {total_flops:,} ({format_flops(total_flops)})")
print(f"Model size: {param_size_mb:.2f} MB")
if return_data:
return total_params, total_flops
# Example usage with a convolutional layer
if __name__ == '__main__':
conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(50, 10, 3, padding=1, groups=5, bias=True)
model_summary(conv_layer, torch.rand((1, 50, 10, 10)), target_data=torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.long), is_coremodel=False)
for name, param in conv_layer.named_parameters():
print(f"{name}: {param.size()}")
# Save the model's summary details as a JSON file
def save_model_as_json(args, model_content):
"""Save the model's details to a JSON file."""
os.makedirs(args.model_dir, exist_ok=True)
filename = os.path.join(args.model_dir, f"model_{args.split_factor}.txt")
with open(filename, 'w') as f: