====== Simple shell function to clone and navigate git source respositories in a golang-style directory layout. golang dictates a strict directory layout and provides helper programs to fetch source code into the right structure. Other languages do not mandate such a layout, but neither do they have any problems if one is used. ```` was written to facilitate managing all of ones source repos in the same structure, regardless of whether one is programming in go or not. Installation ------------ Either copy the contents of ```` to your ``~/.bash_profile`` or copy the file into ``/etc/profile.d`` then re-login. It's also possible to ``source`` in the current shell if you don't want to re-login. A new shell function `src` will be available. Usage ----- ```` either clones or changes directories to a given source repo location. .. code-block:: bash src ansible/ansbile Results in the ``ansible/ansible`` repo being cloned to ``~/src/`` if it's not already there and that being set to the current directory. Configuration ------------- ```` uses the golang source directory layout scheme, but uses ``$SRCSRCDIR`` instead of ``$GOPATH`` as the primary variable. If ``$GOPATH`` is set and ``$SRCSRCDIR`` is not set, ``$SRCSRCDIR`` defaults to ``$GOPATH/src``. If neither are set, ``$SRCSRCDIR`` defaults to ``~/src``. ``$SRCSRCDIR``, while ugly, was chosen because the function is called "src" but ``$SRCDIR`` is much more likely to be already be used, possibly for some other purpose. ```` supports a configurable ordered list of prefixes to try, for folks who have frequent groups of things they work with. ``$SRCSRCPREFIXES`` defaults to "". For instance: .. code-block:: bash export SRCSRCPREFIXES=" \ \ \ \" src Results in shade being cloned to ``~/src/``. ```` defaults to using cd to change directories. Setting ``$SRCSRCUSEPUSHD=1`` will cause it to use pushd instead. Use of go get by default ------------------------ By default, ```` uses ``go get -d`` to do the cloning. If you do not have ``go get`` in your path, it will use a less efficient set of shell commands and attempt cloning directly. ``go get`` has a better idea of whether or not you're requesting a full path to something or not, so it's recommended to just have it installed somewhere in your path.