First version of the solution manager and the solver base class

Change-Id: Ic2817fe00528e28e7cbfb0203785337f7f1fd8df
This commit is contained in:
Geir Horn 2023-12-27 17:23:26 +01:00
parent 5ee0dbcad6
commit 53f6396d55
2 changed files with 427 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -40,8 +40,260 @@ License: MPL2.0 (
// Standard headers
#include <string_view> // Constant strings
#include <string> // Normal strings
#include <map> // Multimap for the work queue
#include <unordered_set> // Solver ready status
#include <list> // Pool of local solvers
#include <ranges> // Range based views
#include <algorithm> // Standard algorithms
#include <sstream> // For nice error messages
#include <stdexcept> // Standard exceptions
#include <source_location> // Error location reporting
// Other packages
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp> // JSON object definition
using JSON = nlohmann::json; // Short form name space
#include <boost/core/demangle.hpp> // To print readable types
// Theron++ headers
#include "Actor.hpp" // Actor base class
#include "Utility/StandardFallbackHandler.hpp" // Exception unhanded messages
#include "Communication/NetworkingActor.hpp" // Networking actors
// AMQ communication headers
#include "Communication/AMQ/AMQjson.hpp" // For JSON metric messages
#include "Communication/AMQ/AMQEndpoint.hpp" // For AMQ related things
// NebulOuS headers
#include "Solver.hpp" // The basic solver class
namespace NebulOuS
Solution Manager
template< SolverAlgorithm SolverType >
class SolverManager
: virtual public Theron::Actor,
virtual public Theron::StandardFallbackHandler,
virtual public Theron::NetworkingActor<
typename Theron::AMQ::Message::PayloadType >
// There is a topic name used to publish solutions found by the solvers. This
// topic is given to the constructor and kept as a constant during the class
// execution.
const Address SolutionReceiver;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Solver management
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The solution manager dispatches the application execution contexts as
// requests for solutions to a pool of solvers.
std::list< SolverType > SolverPool;
std::unordered_set< Address > ActiveSolvers, PassiveSolvers;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Application Execution Context management
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The contexts are dispatched in time sorted order. However, the time
// to solve a problem depends on the complexity of the the context and the
// results may therefore become available out-of-order. Each application
// execution context should carry a unique identifier, and this is used as
// the index key for quickly finding the right execution context. There is
// a second view of the queue of application context where the identifiers
// are sorted based on their time stamp.
std::unordered_map< Solver::ContextIdentifierType,
Solver:: ApplicationExecutionContext > Contexts;
std::multimap< Solver::TimePointType, Solver::ContextIdentifierType >
// When the new applicaton execution context message arrives, it will be
// queued, and its time point recoreded. If there are passive solvers,
// the handler will immediately dispatch the contexts to each of these in
// time order. Essentially, it implements a 'riffle' for the passive solvers
// and the pending contexts.The issue is that there are likely different
// cardinalities of the two sets, and the solvers should be marked as
// active after the dispatch and the context identifiers should be
// removed from the queue after the dispatch.
void DispatchToSolvers( void )
if( !PassiveSolvers.empty() && !ContextExecutionQueue.empty() )
for( const auto & [ SolverAddress, ContextElement ] :
ranges::views::zip( PassiveSolvers, ContextExecutionQueue ) )
Send( ContextElement.second ), SolverAddress );
// The number of contexts dispatched must equal the minimum of the
// available solvers and the available contexts.
std::size_t DispatchedContexts
= std::min( PassiveSolvers.size(), ContextExecutionQueue.size() );
// Then move the passive solver addresses used to active solver addresses
std::ranges::subrange( PassiveSolvers.begin(),
PassiveSolvers.begin() + DispatchedContexts ),
std::inserter( ActiveSolvers ) );
// Then the dispatched context identifiers are removed from queue
ContextExecutionQueue.erase( ContextExecutionQueue.begin(),
ContextExecutionQueue.begin() + DispatchedContexts );
// The handler function simply enqueues the received context, records its
// timesamp and dispatch as many contexts as possible to the solvers. Note
// that the context identifiers must be unique and there is a logic error
// if there is already a context with the same identifier. Then an invalid
// arguemtn exception will be thrown. This strategy should be reconsidered
// if there will be multiple entities firing execution contexts.
void HandleApplicationExecutionContext(
const Solver:: ApplicationExecutionContext & TheContext,
const Address TheRequester )
auto [_, Success] = Contexts.try_emplace(
TheContext[ ], TheContext );
if( Success )
TheContext[ ],
TheContext[ ] );
std::source_location Location = std::source_location::current();
std::ostringstream ErrorMessage;
ErrorMessage << "[" << Location.file_name() << " at line "
<< Location.line()
<< "in function " << Location.function_name() <<"] "
<< "An Application Execution Context with identifier "
<< TheContext[ ]
<< " was received while there is already one with the same "
<< "identifer. The identifiers must be unique!";
throw std::invalid_argument( ErrorMessage.str() );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Solutions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When a solution is received from a solver, it will be dispatched to all
// entities subscribing to the solution topic, and the solver will be returned
// to the pool of passive solvers. The dispatch function will be called at the
// end to ensure that the solver starts working on queued application execution
// contexts, if any.
void PublishSolution( const Solver::Solution & TheSolution,
const Addres TheSolver )
Send( TheSolution, SolutionReceiver );
PassiveSolvers.insert( ActiveSolvers.extract( TheSolver ) );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor and destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The constructor takes the name of the Solution Mnager Actor, the name of
// the topic where the solutions should be published, and the topic where the
// application execution contexts will be published. If the latter is empty,
// the manager will not listen to any externally generated requests, only those
// being sent from the Metric Updater supposed to exist on the same Actor
// system node as the manager.The final arguments to the constructor is a
// set of arguments to the solver type in the order expected by the solver
// type and repeated for the number of (local) solvers that should be created.
// Currently this manager does not support dispatching configurations to
// remote solvers and collect responses from these. However, this can be
// circumvented by creating a local "solver" transferring the requests to
// a remote solvers and collecting results from the remote solver.
SolverManager( const std::string & TheActorName,
const Theron::AMQ::TopicName & SolutionTopic,
const Theron::AMQ::TopicName & ContextPublisherTopic,
const auto & ...SolverArguments )
: Actor( TheActorName ),
StandardFallbackHandler( Actor::GetAddress().AsString() ),
NetworkingActor( Actor::GetAddress().AsString() ),
SolutionReceiver( SolutionTopic ),
SolverPool(), ActiveSolvers(), PassiveSolvers(),
Contexts(), ContextExecutionQueue()
// The solvers are created by the expanding the arguments for the solvers
// one by one creating new elements in the solver pool
( SolverPool.emplace_back( SolverArguments ), ... );
// If the solvers were successfully created, their addresses are recorded as
// passive servers, and a publisher is made for the solution channel, and
// optionally, a subscritpion is made for the alternative context publisher
// topic. If the solvers could not be created, then an invalid argument
// exception will be thrown.
if( !SolverPool.empty() )
std::ranges::transform( ServerPool, std::inserter( PassiveSolvers ),
[](const SolverType & TheSolver){ return TheSolver.GetAddress(); } );
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
SolutionTopic ), GetSessionLayerAddress() );
if( !ContextPublisherTopic.empty() )
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
ContextPublisherTopic ), GetSessionLayerAddress() );
std::source_location Location = std::source_location::current();
std::ostringstream ErrorMessage;
ErrorMessage << "[" << Location.file_name() << " at line "
<< Location.line()
<< "in function " << Location.function_name() <<"] "
<< "It was not possible to construct any solver of type "
<< boost::core::demangle( typeid( SolverType ).name() )
<< " from the given constructor argument types: ";
(( ErrorMessage << boost::core::demangle( typeid( SolverArguments ).name() ) << " " ), ... );
throw std::invalid_argument( ErrorMessage.str() );
} // namespace NebulOuS

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@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ License: MPL2.0 (
// Standard headers
#include <string_view> // Constant strings
#include <string> // Normal strings
#include <unordered_map> // To store metric-value maps
#include <concepts> // To test template parameters
// Other packages
@ -58,14 +61,13 @@ namespace NebulOuS
Solver Actor
class Solver
: virtual public Theron::Actor,
virtual public Theron::StandardFallbackHandler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Application Execution Context
@ -103,8 +105,178 @@ private:
static constexpr std::string_view ExecutionContext = "ExecutionContext";
// To ensure that the execution context is correctly provided by the senders
// The expected metric value structure is defined as a type based on the
// standard unsorted map based on a JSON value object since this can hold
// various value types.
using MetricValueType = std::unordered_map< std::string, JSON >;
// The identification type for the application execution context is defined
// so that other classes may use it, but also so that it can be easily
// changed if needed. It is assumed that the type must have a hash function
// so that the type can be used in ordered data structures.
using ContextIdentifierType = std::string;
// The same goes for the time point type. This is defined as the number of
// microseconds since the POSIX time epoch (1 January 1970) and stored as a
// long integral value.
using TimePointType = unsigned long long;
// The message is a simple JSON object where the various fields of the
// message struct are set by the constructor to ensure that all fields are
// given when the message is constructed.
class ApplicationExecutionContext
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONMessage
static constexpr
std::string_view MessageIdentifier = "Solver::ApplicationExecutionContext";
ApplicationExecutionContext( const ContextIdentifierType & TheIdentifier,
const TimePointType MicroSecondTimePoint,
const std::string ObjectiveFunctionID,
const MetricValueType & TheContext )
: JSONMessage(,
{ {, TheIdentifier },
{, MicroSecondTimePoint },
{, ObjectiveFunctionID },
{, TheContext } }
) {}
ApplicationExecutionContext( const ApplicationExecutionContext & Other )
: JSONMessage( Other )
ApplicationExecutionContext() = delete;
virtual ~ApplicationExecutionContext() = default;
// The handler for this message is virtual as it where the real action will
// happen and the search for the optimal solution will hopefully lead to a
// feasible soltuion that can be returned to the sender of the applicaton
// context.
virtual void SolveProblem( const ApplicationExecutionContext & TheContext,
const Address TheRequester ) = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Solution
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When a solution is found to a given problem, the solver should return the
// found optimal value for the given objective function, It should return
// this value together with the values assigned to the feasible variables
// leading to this optimal objective value. Additionally, the message will
// contain the time point for which this solution is valid, and the
// application execution context as the optimal solution is conditioned
// on this solution.
// Since the probelm being resolved can be multi-objective, the values of all
// objective values will be returned as a JSON map where the attributes are
// the names of the objective functions in the optimisation problem, and the
// values are the ones assigned by the optimiser. This JSON map object is
// passed under the global attribute "ObjectiveValues"
using ObjectiveValuesType = MetricValueType;
static constexpr std::string_view ObjectiveValues = "ObjectiveValues";
class Solution
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONMessage
static constexpr std::string_view MessageIdentifier = "Solver::Solution";
Solution( const ContextIdentifierType & TheIdentifier,
const TimePointType MicroSecondTimePoint,
const std::string ObjectiveFunctionID,
const ObjectiveValuesType & TheObjectiveValues,
const MetricValueType & TheContext )
: JSONMessage( ,
{ {, TheIdentifier },
{, MicroSecondTimePoint },
{, ObjectiveFunctionID },
{, TheObjectiveValues },
{, TheContext } } )
Solution() = delete;
virtual ~Solution() = default;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optimisation problem definition
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There are many ways the optimisation problem can be passed to the solver,
// and it is therefore not possible to give an exact format for the message
// to define or update the optimisation problem. The message is basically
// left as a JSON message and it will be up to the actual solver algorithm
// to implement this in a way appropriate for the algorithm.
class OptimisationProblem
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONMessage
static constexpr
std::string_view MessageIdentifier = "Solver::OptimisationProblem";
OptimisationProblem( const JSON & TheProblem )
: JSONMessage(, TheProblem )
OptimisationProblem() = delete;
virtual ~OptimisationProblem() = default;
// The handler for this message must also be defined by the algorithm that
// implements the solver.
virtual void DefineProblem( const OptimisationProblem & TheProblem,
const Address TheOracle ) = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor and destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The constructor defines the message handlers so that the derived soler
// classes will not need to deal with the Actor specific details, and to
// ensure that the handlers are called when the Actor receives the various
// messages. The constructor requires an actor name as the only parameter.
Solver( const std::string & TheSolverName )
: Actor( TheSolverName ),
StandardFallbackHandler( Actor::GetAddress().AsString() )
RegisterHandler( this, &Solver::SolveProblem );
RegisterHandler( this, &Solver::DefineProblem );
Solver() = delete;
virtual ~Solver() = default;
Solver concept
// A concept is defined to validate that solvers used inherits this standard
// base class and that they implement the virtual methods.
template< class TheSolverType >
concept SolverAlgorithm = std::derived_from< TheSolverType, Solver >;
} // namespace NebulOuS