Commit messages as follows: Change-Id: I631d374144efc540b158868fa65a0bac232a7548 --- Changed the comments for the SLO Violation handler --- Performance update: Adding a boolean flag to indicate when all metrics have been set to avoid a linear scan of all metrics on each SLO Violation message. --- Metric list and reconfiguration wait Metric updater now listening for a metric list from the Optimiser Controller and not frmo the EMS, and discards SLO Violations until the Optimiser Controller sends a message indicating that the previous application reconfiguration has finished. --- Log message to indicate that the "reconfiguration done" even message has been received --- Added the right topic for the metric list --- New messages Metric list from the controller New message format for AMPL model definition Fixed the AMQ message property settings
99 lines
1.9 KiB
99 lines
1.9 KiB
"folders": [
"path": "../../Theron++"
"path": "../../Theron++/Examples"
"path": "."
"settings": {
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"system_error": "cpp",
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"gerrit.gitRepo": "/home/GHo/Documents/Code/NebulOuS/Solvers"
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