pbr>=1.8 six python-dateutil>=2.0 pytz pyelasticsearch<1.0 gerritlib python-daemon>=2.2.0 # NOTE(mriedem): irc 17.0 dropped support for py2 so use a capped version in # that case. irc>=15.0.1,<17.0;python_version<'3.4' irc>=17.0;python_version>='3.4' pyyaml lockfile Babel>=0.9.6 lazr.restfulclient>=0.14.2 # LGPL httplib2>=0.12.0 # MIT License # NOTE(mriedem): launchpadlib has an uncapped dependency on keyring which # dropped support for python2.7 in version 19.0.0 so for py27 environments we # have to explicitly install a capped version of keyring first. keyring<19.0.0;python_version=='2.7' launchpadlib>=1.10.6 # LGPL Jinja2 requests subunit2sql>=0.9.0 SQLAlchemy>=0.9.7,!=1.1.5,!=1.1.6,!=1.1.7,!=1.1.8 PyMySQL>=0.6.2 # MIT License