gerrit gsql =========== NAME ---- gerrit gsql - Administrative interface to active database SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'ssh' -p 'gerrit gsql' \ [\--format \{PRETTY | JSON\}] \ [\-c QUERY] DESCRIPTION ----------- Provides interactive query support directly against the underlying SQL database used by the host Gerrit server. All SQL statements are supported, including SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE and ALTER. OPTIONS ------- \--format:: Set the format records are output in. In PRETTY (the default) records are displayed in a tabular output suitable for reading by a human on a sufficiently wide terminal. In JSON mode records are output as JSON objects using the column names as the property names, one object per line. -c:: Execute the single query statement supplied, and then exit. ACCESS ------ Caller must be a member of the privileged 'Administrators' group. SCRIPTING --------- Intended for interactive use only, unless format is JSON. EXAMPLES -------- To manually correct a user's SSH user name: ==== $ ssh -p 29418 gerrit gsql Welcome to Gerrit Code Review v2.0.25 (PostgreSQL 8.3.8) Type '\h' for help. Type '\r' to clear the buffer. gerrit> update accounts set ssh_user_name = 'alice' where account_id=1; UPDATE 1; 1 ms gerrit> \q Bye $ ssh -p 29418 gerrit flush-caches --cache sshkeys --cache accounts ==== GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]