Gerrit Code Review - Project Configuration ========================================== All Git repositories under gerrit.basePath must be registered in the Gerrit database in order to be accessed through SSH, or through the web interface. Create Through SSH ------------------ Creating a new repository over SSH is perhaps the easiest way to configure a new project: ==== ssh -p 29418 gerrit create-project --name new/project ==== See link:cmd-create-project.html[gerrit create-project] for more details. Manual Creation --------------- Projects may also be manually registered with the database. Create Git Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a Git repository under gerrit.basePath: ==== git --git-dir=$base_path/new/project.git init ==== [TIP] By tradition the repository directory name should have a `.git` suffix. To also make this repository available over the anonymous git:// protocol, don't forget to create a `git-daemon-export-ok` file: ==== touch $base_path/new/project.git/git-daemon-export-ok ==== Register Project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One insert is needed to register a project with Gerrit. [NOTE] Note that the `.git` suffix is not typically included in the project name, as it looks cleaner in the web when not shown. Gerrit automatically assumes that `project.git` is the Git repository for a project named `project`. ==== INSERT INTO projects (project_id ,use_contributor_agreements ,submit_type ,name) VALUES (nextval('project_id') ,'N' ,'M' ,'new/project'); ==== [NOTE] On MySQL use `nextval_project_id()` to obtain the next value in the sequences. This is contained in the `sql/mysql_nextval.sql` script, available from `java -jar gerrit.war --cat sql/mysql_nextval.sql`. [[submit_type]] Change Submit Action -------------------- The method Gerrit uses to submit a change to a project can be modified by any project owner through the project console, `Admin` > `Projects`. The following methods are supported: * Fast Forward Only + This method produces a strictly linear history. All merges must be handled on the client, prior to uploading to Gerrit for review. + To submit a change, the change must be a strict superset of the destination branch. That is, the change must already contain the tip of the destination branch at submit time. * Merge If Necessary + This is the default for a new project (and why `\'M'` is suggested above in the insert statement). + If the change being submitted is a strict superset of the destination branch, then the branch is fast-forwarded to the change. If not, then a merge commit is automatically created. This is identical to the classical `git merge` behavior, or `git merge \--ff`. * Always Merge + Always produce a merge commit, even if the change is a strict superset of the destination branch. This is identical to the behavior of `git merge \--no-ff`, and may be useful if the project needs to follow submits with `git log \--first-parent`. * Cherry Pick + Always cherry pick the patch set, ignoring the parent lineage and instead creating a brand new commit on top of the current branch head. + When cherry picking a change, Gerrit automatically appends onto the end of the commit message a short summary of the change's approvals, and a URL link back to the change on the web. The committer header is also set to the submitter, while the author header retains the original patch set author. Registering Additional Branches ------------------------------- Branches can be created over the SSH port by any `git push` client, if the user has been granted the `Push Branch` > `Create Branch` (or higher) access right. Additional branches can also be created through the web UI, assuming at least one commit already exists in the project repository. A project owner can create additional branches under `Admin` > `Projects` > `Branches`. Enter the new branch name, and the starting Git revision. Branch names that don't start with `refs/` will automatically have `refs/heads/` prefixed to ensure they are a standard Git branch name. Almost any valid SHA-1 expression can be used to specify the starting revision, so long as it resolves to a commit object. Abbreviated SHA-1s are not supported. GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]