suexec ====== NAME ---- suexec - Execute a command as any registered user account SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'ssh' -p 'Gerrit Code Review'@localhost -i 'suexec' \--as [\--from HOST:PORT] [\--] [COMMAND] DESCRIPTION ----------- The suexec command can only be invoked by the magic user Gerrit Code Review and permits executing any other command as any other registered user account. OPTIONS ------- \--as:: Email address of the user you want to impersonate. \--from:: Hostname and port of the machine you want to impersonate the command coming from. COMMAND:: Gerrit command you want to run. ACCESS ------ Caller must be the magic user Gerrit Code Review using the SSH daemon's host key or a key on this daemon's peer host key ring. SCRIPTING --------- This command is intended to be used in scripts. EXAMPLES -------- Approve the change with commit c0ff33 as "Verified +1" as user ===== $ sudo -u gerrit ssh -p 29418 -i site_path/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key \ 'Gerrit Code Review'@localhost suexec --as -- \ gerrit approve --verified=+1 c0ff33 ===== GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]