Initial commit
Change-Id: I27db4e65ae3b3d540a0f79831245ebc04fe8dac0
This commit is contained in:
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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OpenStack Project Infrastructure Manual
To build the manual, execute the following command::
$ tox
After running ``tox``, the documentation will be available for viewing
in HTML format in the ``doc/build/`` directory.
Normal file
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Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 79 KiB |
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# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
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u'OpenStack Contributors', 'infra-manual', 'OpenStack Project Infrastructure Manual.',
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# or en if the language is not set.
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
:title: Core Reviewer's Guide
.. _core_manual:
Core Reviewer's Guide
Maintaining the Core Group
+/-2 votes
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
:title: Developer's Guide
.. _developer_manual:
Developer's Guide
Quick Reference
.. image:: code_review.png
Getting Started
Account Setup
You'll need a `Launchpad account <>`_,
since this is how the Web interface for the Gerrit Code Review system
will identify you. This is also useful for automatically crediting bug
fixes to you when you address them with your code commits.
If you haven't already, `join The OpenStack Foundation
<>`_ (it's free and required for all
code contributors). Among other privileges, this also allows you to
vote in elections and run for elected positions within The OpenStack
Project. When signing up for Foundation Membership, make sure to give
the same email address you'll use for code contributions, since this
will need to match your preferred email address in Gerrit.
Visit and click the ``Sign In`` link at
the top-right corner of the page. Log in with your Launchpad ID.
Because Gerrit uses Launchpad OpenID single sign-on, you won't need a
separate password for Gerrit, and once you log in to one of Launchpad,
Gerrit, or any number of other OpenStack services, you won't have to
enter your password for the others.
Unless you are an U.S. Government Employee (see below), `agree to the
Individual Contributor License Agreement
<>`_ and provide
contact information. Your full name and email address will be public
(since they also appear in project commit logs) and the latter needs
to match the in your Git configuration. The other contact
information (postal address, phone numbers) will be kept confidential
and is only used as a fallback record in the unlikely event The
OpenStack Foundation needs to reach you directly over code
contribution related matters. This contact information can also be
easily `updated <>`_
later if desired, but make sure the primary email address always
matches the one you set for your OpenStack Foundation Membership --
otherwise Gerrit will give you an error message and refuse to accept
your contact information.
Employees of the the U.S. Government do not sign the Individual
CLA. Instead, someone with authority to sign on behalf of your agency
should sign the `U.S. Government Contributor License Agreement
<>`_. Please contact the
OpenStack Foundation to initiate this process.
If you are ``contributing on behalf of a company`` or organization,
you still need to sign the ICLA above but someone at your company or
organization also needs to sign the `Corporate Contributor License
Agreement <>`_
providing a list of people authorized to commit code to
OpenStack. Check `How to update the CCLA
<>`_ to provide
changes to such list. A list of current companies and organizations
with an existing `Corporate CLA
<>`_ is available
for your review.
You'll also want to `upload an SSH key
<>`_ while you're at
it, so that you'll be able to commit changes for review later.
Ensure that you have run these steps to let git know about your email
git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
git config --global ""
To check your git configuration::
git config --list
Installing git-review
We recommend using the ``git-review`` tool which is a git subcommand
that handles all the details of working with Gerrit, the code review
system used in OpenStack development. Before you start work, make
sure you have git-review installed on your system.
On Ubuntu Precise (12.04) and later, git-review is included in the
distribution, so install it as any other package::
apt-get install git-review
On Fedora 16 and later, git-review is included into the distribution,
so install it as any other package::
yum install git-review
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you must first enable the `EPEL
<>`_ repository, then install it as
any other package::
yum install git-review
On openSUSE 12.2 and later, git-review is included in the distribution
under the name python-git-review, so install it as any other package::
zypper in python-git-review
On MacOSx, or most other Unix-like systems, you may install it with
pip install git-review
All of git-review's interactions with gerrit are sequences of normal
git commands. If you want to know more about what it's doing, just
add -v to the options and it will print out all of the commands it's
Starting Work on a New Project
Clone a project in the usual way, for example::
git clone
You may want to ask git-review to configure your project to know about
Gerrit at this point. If you don't, it will do so the first time you
submit a change for review, but you probably want to do this ahead of
time so the Gerrit Change-Id commit hook gets installed. To do so
(again, using Nova as an example)::
cd nova
git review -s
Git-review checks that you can log in to gerrit with your ssh key. It
assumes that your gerrit/launchpad user name is the same as the
current running user. If that doesn't work, it asks for your
gerrit/launchpad user name. You can avoid that question by
configuring your Gerrit username, as follows::
git config --global gitreview.username yourgerritusername
If you don't remember your Gerrit user name go to the `settings page
on gerrit <>`_ to check it out
(it's not your email address).
Note that you can verify the SSH host keys for
Development Workflow
Working on Bugs
TODO: Finding a bug in launchpad and assigning it to yourself.
Working on Blueprints
TODO: Spec process.
Starting a Change
Once your local repository is set up as above, you must use the
following workflow.
Make sure you have the latest upstream changes::
git remote update
git checkout master
git pull --ff-only origin master
Create a `topic branch
to hold your work and switch to it. If you are working on a
blueprint, name your topic branch ``bp/BLUEPRINT`` where BLUEPRINT is
the name of a blueprint in launchpad (for example,
``bp/authentication``). The general convention when working on bugs
is to name the branch ``bug/BUG-NUMBER`` (for example,
``bug/1234567``). Otherwise, give it a meaningful name because it will
show up as the topic for your change in Gerrit::
git checkout -b TOPIC-BRANCH
Committing a Change
`Git commit messages
<>`_ should start
with a short 50 character or less summary in a single paragraph. The
following paragraph(s) should explain the change in more detail.
If your changes addresses a blueprint or a bug, be sure to mention them in the commit message using the following syntax::
Implements: blueprint BLUEPRINT
Closes-Bug: ####### (Partial-Bug or Related-Bug are options)
For example::
Adds keystone support
...Long multiline description of the change...
Implements: blueprint authentication
Closes-Bug: #123456
Change-Id: I4946a16d27f712ae2adf8441ce78e6c0bb0bb657
Note that in most cases the Change-Id line should be automatically
added by a Gerrit commit hook installed by git-review. If you already
made the commit and the Change-Id was not added, do the Gerrit setup
step and run: ``git commit --amend``. The commit hook will
automatically add the Change-Id when you finish amending the commit
message, even if you don't actually make any changes.
Make your changes, commit them, and submit them for review::
git commit -a
Caution: Do not check in changes on your master branch. Doing so will
cause merge commits when you pull new upstream changes, and merge
commits will not be accepted by Gerrit.
Submitting a Change for Review
Once you have committed a change to your local repository, all you
need to do to send it to Gerrit for code review is run::
git review
When that completes, automated tests will run on your change and other
developers will peer review it.
Updating a Change
If the code review process suggests additional changes, make and amend
the changes to the the existing commit. Leave the existing Change-Id:
footer in the commit message as-is. Gerrit knows that this is an
updated patch for an existing change::
git commit -a --amend
git review
Squashing Changes
If you have made many small commits, you should squash them so that
they do not show up in the public repository. Remember: each commit
becomes a change in Gerrit, and must be approved separately. If you
are making one "change" to the project, squash your many "checkpoint"
commits into one commit for public consumption. Here's how::
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout TOPIC-BRANCH
git rebase -i master
Use the editor to squash any commits that should not appear in the
public history. If you want one change to be submitted to Gerrit, you
should only have one "pick" line at the end of this process. After
completing this, you can prepare your public commit message(s) in your
editor. You start with the commit message from the commit that you
picked, and it should have a Change-Id line in the message. Be sure to
leave that Change-Id line in place when editing.
Once the commit history in your branch looks correct, run git review
to submit your changes to Gerrit.
Adding a Dependency
When you want to start new work that is based on the commit under the
review, you can add the commit as a dependency.
Fetch change under review and check out branch based on that change::
git checkout -b $DEV_TOPIC_BRANCH
Edit files, add files to git::
git commit -a
git review
NOTE: git review rebases the existing change (the dependency) and the
new commit if there is a conflict against the branch they are being
proposed to. Typically this is desired behavior as merging cannot
happen until these conflicts are resolved. If you don't want to deal
with new patchsets in the existing change immediately you can pass
the -R option to git review in the last step above to prevent
rebasing. This requires future rebasing to resolve conflicts.
If the commit your work depends on is updated, and you need to get the
latest patch from the depended commit, you can do the following.
Fetch and checkout the parent change::
Cherry-pick your commit on top of it::
git review -x $CHILD_CHANGE_NUMBER
Submit rebased change for review::
git review
The note for the previous example applies here as well. Typically you
want the rebase behavior in git review. If you would rather postpone
resolving merge conflicts you can use git review -R as the last step
Code Review
Log in to to see proposed changes, and
review them.
To provide a review for a proposed change in the Gerrit UI, click on
the Review button (it will be next to the buttons that will provide
unified or side-by-side diffs in the browser). In the code review, you
can add a message, as well as a vote (+1,0,-1).
Any Openstack developer may propose or comment on a change (including
voting +1/0/-1 on it). Openstack projects have a policy requiring two
positive reviews from core reviewers. A vote of +2 is allowed from
core reviewers, and should be used to indicate that they are a core
reviewer and are leaving a vote that should be counted as such.
When a review has two +2 reviews and one of the core team believes it
is ready to be merged, he or she should leave a +1 vote in the
"Approved" category. You may do so by clicking the "Review" button
again, with or without changing your code review vote and optionally
leaving a comment. When a +1 Approved review is received, Jenkins will
run tests on the change, and if they pass, it will be merged.
A green checkmark indicates that the review has met the requirement
for that category. Under "Code-Review", only one +2 gets the green
Automated Testing
When a new patchset is uploaded to Gerrit, that project's "check"
tests are run on the patchset by Jenkins. Once completed the test
results are reported to Gerrit by Jenkins in the form of a Verified:
+/-1 vote. After code reviews have been completed and a change
receives an Approved: +1 vote that project's "gate" tests are run on
the change by Jenkins. Jenkins reports the results of these tests back
to Gerrit in the form of a Verified: +/-2 vote. Code merging will only
occur after the gate tests have passed successfully and received a
Verified: +2. You can view the state of tests currently being run on
the Zuul Status.
If a change fails tests in Jenkins, please follow the steps below:
1. Jenkins leaves a comment in the review with links to the log files for the test run. Follow those links and examine the output from the test. It will include a console log, and in the case of unit tests, HTML output from the test runner, or in the case of a devstack-gate test, it may contain quite a large number of system logs.
2. Examine the console log or other relevant log files to determine the cause of the error. If it is related to your change, you should fix the problem and upload a new patchset. Do not use "recheck" or "reverify".
3. If the problem is due to non-deterministic behavior already merged, and is unrelated to your change, you should do the following to help other developers who may be affected by the same issue, and to focus attention of QA, CI, and other developers working to fix high-impact bugs and improve test systems:
1. Visit to see if one of the bugs listed there matches the error you've seen. If your error isn't there, then:
2. Identify which project(s) are affected, and search for a related bug on Launchpad. If you do not find an existing bug, file a new one (and be sure to include the error message). If the problem is due to an infrastructure problem (such as Jenkins, Gerrit, etc.), file (or search for) the bug against the openstack-ci project.
4. To update the rechecks status page to help others prioritize fixes for transient issues, leave a comment on the review referencing the bug causing the transient failure (not the bug you're attempting to fix with your patch):
1. To re-run the check jobs (before a change has been approved), leave a comment with the form "recheck bug ####".
2. To re-run the gate jobs (after a change has been approved), leave a comment with the form "reverify bug ####".
5. If a nice message from Elastic Recheck didn't show up in your patch when Jenkins failed, and you've identified a bug to recheck/reverify against, help out by writing an elastic-recheck query for the bug.
If you need to re-run tests and it does not make sense to include a bug number (perhaps there is no error, you've just made a draft change visible and want it tested or you're updating test results because you know that a related branch has changed since the last time they were run), you may leave a comment with the form "recheck no bug". Please only do this if you are certain there is no bug that needs to be addressed. A bug number is required to reverify.
Peer Review
Work in Progress
Project Gating
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
:title: Project Driver's Guide
.. _driver_manual:
Project Driver's Guide
Feature Branches
Merge Commits
Release Management
Create milestone-proposed Branch
Authoring Changes for milestone-proposed
Submit Changes in master to milestone-proposed
Submit Changes in milestone-proposed to master
Tagging a Release
End of Milestone
Targeting Blueprints
Gerrit IRC Notifications
Running Jobs with Zuul
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
:title: OpenStack Project Infrastructure User Manual
.. _infra_manual:
Infrastructure User Manual
The OpenStack project uses a number of specialized tools and processes
while developing software that is part of the project. This manual
will help you learn how to use them as a developer working on the
OpenStack project.
If you are not trying to contribute to OpenStack directly, but are
instead a user or developer looking for API documentation, see
`OpenStack documentation <>`_.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Core Reviewers:
Maintaining the Core Group
+/-2 votes
Project Drivers:
Feature Branches
Merge Commits
Release Management
Create milestone-proposed Branch
Authoring Changes for milestone-proposed
Submit Changes in master to milestone-proposed
Submit Changes in milestone-proposed to master
Tagging a Release
End of Milestone
Targeting Blueprints
Gerrit IRC Notifications
Running Jobs with Zuul
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name = infra-manual
summary = OpenStack Project Infrastructure Manual
description-file =
author = OpenStack
author-email =
home-page =
classifier =
Intended Audience :: Developers
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
all_files = 1
build-dir = doc/build
source-dir = doc/source
warnerrors = True
universal = 1
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import setuptools
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
minversion = 1.6
envlist = docs
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands = python testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
commands = {posargs}
commands = python build_sphinx
Reference in New Issue
Block a user