:: Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corp. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode =================================== Nodepool: Use Zookeeper for Workers =================================== Story: TBD. Replace the use of Gearman in coordinating nodepool workers with Zookeeper. Problem Description =================== In the `Nodepool Build Worker`_ spec, we created a separate worker process to handle image building and uploading. In order to schedule and coordinate that activity, we used Gearman to trigger builds and uploads, while keeping the authoritative information on image builds in the database accessed only by the central Nodepool daemon. This has worked well, but we have encountered some edge cases, and our method of dealing with them is awkward and race-prone partly due to limitations in the Gearman protocol, but also largely because there is no shared state between the central Nodepool daemon and its workers. In particular, if an error occurs or the worker is terminated while an image build or upload is in progress, it is difficult for the daemon to instruct the worker on what should be cleaned up -- the delete-image function is only registered if the image actually exists on disk, which is not something that the daemon can know without asking. It is similarly difficult fo the worker to know whether an image should be deleted without having access to the authoritative state -- it can see an image on disk but can not know whether or not it is known to the daemon. This could be solved by giving the worker access to the database used by the daemon; then all of the state information would be known by both parties and Gearman would be used merely to trigger events. However, this proposal recommends utilizing a single technology -- the distributed coordination service Zookeeper, to replace the functions served by both the database and Gearman. .. _Nodepool Build Worker: https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/infra-specs/latest/specs/nodepool-workers.html Proposed Change =============== All of the information in the `dib_image` and `snapshot_image` tables will be stored in ZooKeeper instead of MySQL. Zookeeper's data model is based on nodes in a hierarchy similar to a filesystem. If Nodepool is configured to build ubuntu-trusty DIB images there would be a node such as:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty With a subnode to contain all of the ubuntu-trusty builds at:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds And each build would appear as a child with a sequential ID and some associated metadata:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds/123 builder: build-hostname filename: ubuntu-trusty-123 state: ready state_time: 1455137665 /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds/124 builder: build-hostname filename: ubuntu-trusty-124 state: ready state_time: 1455141272 Similarly, uploaded images may appear as:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds/123/provider/infra-cloud-west/images/456 external_id: 406a9bd0-18b3-458a-8203-60642e759dc1 state: ready state_time: 1455137665 /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds/124/provider/infra-cloud-west/images/457 external_id: 9ed6ead0-98c6-4e9d-b912-f3bb369f916b state: ready state_time: 1455144872 This means that the worker and the daemon always share the same information about both image builds and uploads at all times. A request to delete an image or build would take the form of setting the state to `delete`. This could be acted on by the worker in a periodic job, or perhaps more quickly if the worker set a watch on each image node for which it is responsible. To support both scaling and building on multiple platforms, we expect more than one image builder to be running. To ensure that only one worker builds a given image type, we can use a `lock construct`_ based on Zookeeper primitives. When a builder decides to build an image, it would obtain the lock on:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds/lock Once it obtained the lock, it would create:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds/125 To record the state of the ongoing build. If the build is aborted, due to the use of an ephemeral node as the lock, it will automatically be released and another worker may decide to begin a new build. When the worker that failed restarts, it will see the incomplete build in Zookeeper and delete it from disk (if needed) and then delete the Zookeeper node. When launching a node, the Nodepool daemon will simply list the children of:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/builds/123/provider/infra-cloud-west/images/ And find the highest numbered ready image listed there. Note that because the state is entirely shared, the logic to determine when a build is necessary can be moved entirely within the builder. This kind of logic distribution may ultimately free us from needing a central daemon at all. The builder will not only ensure that missing images are built, but also will build updated replacement images according to a schedule in the config file (as nodepool does now). In order to avoid thundering herd issues and determinism based on clock precision, the replacement build schedule will be randomized slightly. We will still want a way to request that an image be built off-schedule. For that, we could simply create a node as a flag, e.g.:: /nodepool/image/ubuntu-trusty/request-build .. _lock construct: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/recipes.html#sc_recipes_Locks Future Work ----------- If this proves satisfactory, we could implement a similar mechanism for node launching. The `Nodepool Launch Worker`_ spec, describes moving the node launch and delete actions into separate workers (one per provider to maintain API rate limits). It could be altered to use the system described here to keep track of nodes. Further, the `Zuul v3`_ spec describes a rather complex protocol for Zuul and Nodepool to coordinate the use of nodes. This is likely to be subject to the same edge cases and race conditions as the Nodepool image build workers have been. Replacing that with a queue construct built on Zookeeper will significantly simplify the protocol as well as make it more robust. At this point there would no longer be any need for a central Nodepool daemon and Nodepool would be a fully distributed and highly fault-tolerant application. Later, after the rest of the Zuul v3 work is complete, we might consider storing Zuul pipeline state in Zookeeper and developing distributed Zuul queue workers to process it, thereby achieving the same fully-distributed application design in Zuul. .. _Nodepool Launch Worker: https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/infra-specs/latest/specs/nodepool-zookeeper-workers.html .. _Zuul v3: https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/infra-specs/latest/specs/zuulv3.html Alternatives ------------ The status quo is sufficient, if complex. The workers could be given access to the MySQL database to achieve shared state, but still use gearman as the trigger. The above, but a MySQL query could be used as the trigger instead of gearman. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Shrews Gerrit Branch ------------- Nodepool and Zuul will both be branched for development related to this spec. The "master" branches will continue to receive patches related to maintaining the current versions, and the "feature/zuulv3" branches will receive patches related to this spec. The .gitreview files will be updated to submit to the correct branches by default. Work Items ---------- TBD Repositories ------------ This affects the existing nodepool, system-config, potentially project-config repos. Servers ------- Affects the existing nodepool server. We will eventually want to run multiple Zookeeper services. DNS Entries ----------- N/A Documentation ------------- The infra/system-config nodepool documentation should be updated to describe the new system. Security -------- Zookeeper supports authentication, authorization, and SSL. Testing ------- This should be testable privately and locally. Dependencies ============ N/A.