:: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode .. This template should be in ReSTructured text. Please do not delete any of the sections in this template. If you have nothing to say for a whole section, just write: "None". For help with syntax, see http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html To test out your formatting, see http://www.tele3.cz/jbar/rest/rest.html =============================== The Title of Your Specification =============================== Include the URL of your StoryBoard story: https://storyboard.openstack.org/... Introduction paragraph -- why are we doing anything? Problem Description =================== A detailed description of the problem. Proposed Change =============== Here is where you cover the change you propose to make in detail. How do you propose to solve this problem? If this is one part of a larger effort make it clear where this piece ends. In other words, what's the scope of this effort? Alternatives ------------ This is an optional section, where it does apply we'd just like a demonstration that some thought has been put into why the proposed approach is the best one. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Who is leading the writing of the code? Or is this a blueprint where you're throwing it out there to see who picks it up? If more than one person is working on the implementation, please designate the primary author and contact. Primary assignee: Can optionally list additional ids if they intend on doing substantial implementation work on this blueprint. Work Items ---------- Work items or tasks -- break the feature up into the things that need to be done to implement it. Those parts might end up being done by different people, but we're mostly trying to understand the timeline for implementation. Repositories ------------ Will any new git repositories need to be created? Servers ------- Will any new servers need to be created? What existing servers will be affected? DNS Entries ----------- Will any other DNS entries need to be created or updated? Documentation ------------- Will this require a documentation change? If so, which documents? Will it impact developer workflow? Will additional communication need to be made? Security -------- Does this introduce any additional security risks, or are there security-related considerations which should be discussed? Testing ------- What tests will be available or need to be constructed in order to validate this? Unit/functional tests, development environments/servers, etc. Dependencies ============ - Include specific references to specs and/or stories in infra, or in other projects, that this one either depends on or is related to. - Does this feature require any new library or program dependencies not already in use? - Does it require a new puppet module?