Do not set meeting agenda in YAML
Removes support for meeting agenda in the YAML format. Meeting agendas change every week and would trigger a lot of unnecessary reviews. Better support them using plain wiki pages like we do today. Change-Id: I3331f528855bfc38f88c3fe63866f0af4338d1ff
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,8 +14,3 @@ description: |
* Notes for previous meetings can be found here.
* Notes for previous meetings can be found here.
* Chair (to contact for more information): jraim (#openstack-barbican @
* Chair (to contact for more information): jraim (#openstack-barbican @
agenda: |
* malini - update on Security Guide documentation
* alee_/atiwari - Crypto plugin changes
* arunkant - Target support in barbican policy enforcement
* jaraim - Support for debug mode start in barbican, can be merged?
@ -9,9 +9,3 @@ description: >
Everyone is welcome. The blueprints that are used as a basis for the
Everyone is welcome. The blueprints that are used as a basis for the
ceilometer project can be found at
ceilometer project can be found at
agenda: |
* Release Status
* TC gap analysis for ceilometer (eglynn)
* Tempest integration
* Release python-ceilometerclient?
* Open Discussion
@ -13,6 +13,3 @@ description: |
* Chair (to contact for more information): mattray (#openstack-chef @
* Chair (to contact for more information): mattray (#openstack-chef @
agenda: |
* The blueprints that are used as a basis for the Chef Cookbooks can be found
@ -11,9 +11,3 @@ description: >
Please feel free to add items to the agenda below. NOTE: When adding topics
Please feel free to add items to the agenda below. NOTE: When adding topics
please include your IRC name so we know who's topic it is and how to get more
please include your IRC name so we know who's topic it is and how to get more
agenda: |
* Cinder-specs discussion (jungleboyj)
** When is a review considered done/is there a timeout?
** What will the specs for a driver look like?
*** Quick path for adding driver functions?
*** Templates for core infrastructure versus drivers?
@ -8,9 +8,3 @@ chair: Sylvain Bauza / Dina Belova
description: |
description: |
The Climate project team holds a weekly team meeting in #openstack-meeting
The Climate project team holds a weekly team meeting in #openstack-meeting
on Friday at 15:00 UTC.
on Friday at 15:00 UTC.
agenda: |
* Action items from the last meeting + reviews queries
* Summit session status
* Unassigned bugs and BPs
* Climate -> Blazar renaming (approved by foundation)
* Open Discussion
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ description: >
#openstack-meeting-3 on freenode, on every other Tuesday at 17:00 UTC.
#openstack-meeting-3 on freenode, on every other Tuesday at 17:00 UTC.
We use the logs of previous meetings to record action items, and we do a
We use the logs of previous meetings to record action items, and we do a
quick survey at the start of each meeting to see what is on the agenda.
quick survey at the start of each meeting to see what is on the agenda.
@ -8,10 +8,3 @@ chair: Sergey Lukjanov
description: >
description: >
The Sahara project team holds a weekly team meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt
The Sahara project team holds a weekly team meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt
on Thursday at 18:00 UTC.
on Thursday at 18:00 UTC.
agenda: |
* News/updates
* Actions items from the last meeting
* Icehouse release status
* When to start backward compat?
* Roadmap update / cleanup
* Open Discussion
@ -9,6 +9,3 @@ description: >
DefCore Meetings do not follow a set schedule we meet based on needs for
DefCore Meetings do not follow a set schedule we meet based on needs for
process deliverables and other action items. Typically, they are every 3
process deliverables and other action items. Typically, they are every 3
weeks with additional working sessions.
weeks with additional working sessions.
agenda: |
* RefStack is the development arm of the DefCore committee responsible to
collecting Tempest results and crowdsourcing the results.
@ -9,10 +9,3 @@ description: >
The DNSaaS team holds a weekly IRC meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt on
The DNSaaS team holds a weekly IRC meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt on
Wednesdays at 17:00 UTC Meeting logs are available at
Wednesdays at 17:00 UTC Meeting logs are available at
agenda: |
* Review action items from last week
* Specific Items
** DNSpy update
** Clarify details on
* Open Discussion
@ -13,12 +13,3 @@ description: >
If you are interested in documentation and the web content for OpenStack, we
If you are interested in documentation and the web content for OpenStack, we
hold public meetings weekly in #openstack-meeting or #openstack-meeting-alt,
hold public meetings weekly in #openstack-meeting or #openstack-meeting-alt,
every Wednesday at alternating times for different timezones.
every Wednesday at alternating times for different timezones.
- Action items from the last meeting
- Final run of configuration scripts to land before April
- Installation guide updates for Icehouse in progress
- User survey doc question
- Doc contribution survey - please post everywhere
- Doc tools news
- Icehouse status
- Open discussion
@ -10,18 +10,3 @@ description: >
The OpenStack Networking Team (Neutron) holds public meetings in
The OpenStack Networking Team (Neutron) holds public meetings in
#openstack-meeting-3 on Wednesdays at 1830 UTC. Everyone is encouraged to
#openstack-meeting-3 on Wednesdays at 1830 UTC. Everyone is encouraged to
agenda: |
* Bugs
* Blueprint Tracking
** Tempest test
** Integration with service type framework
** FWaaS service insertion (also allows overcoming single firewall
*** Service Objects
*** Commit/apply operation
* Vendor Blueprints
* Discussion Topics
** zones
** Adress Objects
** Counts API
* Open Discussion
@ -10,10 +10,3 @@ description: >
us if you are interested in Openstack deployment. This meeting is where
us if you are interested in Openstack deployment. This meeting is where
we talk about the Fuel project. Anyone is welcome to add items to the agenda,
we talk about the Fuel project. Anyone is welcome to add items to the agenda,
or bring up their topic during the open discussion at the end of each meeting.
or bring up their topic during the open discussion at the end of each meeting.
agenda: |
* Greetings, announcements
* Blueprints
* Bugs
* Review requests
* Open discussion
@ -6,5 +6,3 @@ schedule:
frequency: weekly
frequency: weekly
chair: Don Dugger
chair: Don Dugger
agenda: |
* How will the current API work lead to actual scheduling
@ -10,5 +10,3 @@ schedule:
frequency: weekly
frequency: weekly
chair: Mark Washenberger
chair: Mark Washenberger
agenda: |
* loacted at
@ -14,11 +14,3 @@ description: >
alternating times on Wednesday at 2000 and Thursday at 0000. Everyone is
alternating times on Wednesday at 2000 and Thursday at 0000. Everyone is
Welcome. The blueprints that are used as a basis for the heat project can be
Welcome. The blueprints that are used as a basis for the heat project can be
found at:
found at:
agenda: |
* Review action items
** Adding items to the agenda
* We need an Oslo Liaison
** therve has kindly volunteered
* Meeting times for the Juno cycle
* Design Summit sessions
** Proposals must be submitted by the end of this week
@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ description: >
have stalled out because of the amount of collaboration required. For this
have stalled out because of the amount of collaboration required. For this
reason, the goal is to make a small cross-functional team to design and
reason, the goal is to make a small cross-functional team to design and
implement this feature by producing real code.
implement this feature by producing real code.
@ -8,6 +8,3 @@ chair: David Lyle
description: >
description: >
The OpenStack Horizon Team holds public meetings in #openstack-meeting-3.
The OpenStack Horizon Team holds public meetings in #openstack-meeting-3.
Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Everyone is encouraged to attend.
agenda: |
* Release status
* Juno summit
@ -14,8 +14,3 @@ description: >
If you're interested in internationalisation, we hold bi-weekly public
If you're interested in internationalisation, we hold bi-weekly public
meetings on Thursdays in #openstack-meeting, alternating between two different
meetings on Thursdays in #openstack-meeting, alternating between two different
agenda: |
* Including the final : with strings
* Contextual-markers for better translation
* I18N related sessions in design summit
* Open Discussion
@ -10,23 +10,3 @@ description: >
This meeting is whre we'll talk about the Ironic project, an evolution of the
This meeting is whre we'll talk about the Ironic project, an evolution of the
Nova Baremetal driver. Anyone is welcome to add items to the agenda below, or
Nova Baremetal driver. Anyone is welcome to add items to the agenda below, or
bring up their topic during the open discussion at the end of each meeting.
bring up their topic during the open discussion at the end of each meeting.
agenda: |
* Greetings, Announcements, etc
* Sub-team status reports
** Integration Testing
*** Tempest CI status
*** TripleO CI status
** Status of Fedora on devstack with Ironic
*** IPv6 enabled boxes vs TFTP (xinet.d defaults to listening on IPv6 endpoint
only, at least on Fedora)
**** - DevStack patch
**** - TripleO patch
*** Ironic Python Agent
* Discussion Topics
** Do we really need the Chassis object? Should we replace it with tag groups?
* Open Discussion:
** How to merge large amount of tests refactoring review requests? These
include at least: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Nearly any change to tests break some
or all of these review requests, so it seems hard to finish and merge them
without stopping approving other changes for a while.
** Hardware discovery extension for agent. blueprint
@ -9,7 +9,3 @@ description: >
If you're interested in identity for OpenStack, we hold public meetings in
If you're interested in identity for OpenStack, we hold public meetings in
IRC in #openstack-meeting, on Tuesdays at 1800 UTC. Please feel free to
IRC in #openstack-meeting, on Tuesdays at 1800 UTC. Please feel free to
add items to the agenda below with your name and we'll cover them.
add items to the agenda below with your name and we'll cover them.
agenda: |
* Reminder: Design summit session proposals open until April 20th
* Oslo Liaison for Keystone:
@ -9,12 +9,3 @@ description: >
This page tracks Neutron Loadbalancer as a Service (LBaaS) meeting
This page tracks Neutron Loadbalancer as a Service (LBaaS) meeting
information. The OpenStack Networking Team (Neutron) holds public meetings in
information. The OpenStack Networking Team (Neutron) holds public meetings in
#openstack-meeting on Thursday at 1400 UTC. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
#openstack-meeting on Thursday at 1400 UTC. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
agenda: |
* Stephen's API proposal
** The document proposes the API that covers pretty much of the features that
we've identified on the requirements page. The use cases are being
addressed also. We need to converge on general approach proposed there.
* Summit Agenda
** We have two sessions at the neutron track. It makes sense to focus on the
topics that will benefit most from face-to-face discussion.
@ -6,4 +6,3 @@ schedule:
frequency: daily
frequency: daily
chair: isviridov, setho, dukhlov, ikhudoshyn
chair: isviridov, setho, dukhlov, ikhudoshyn
@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ schedule:
frequency: weekly
frequency: weekly
chair: isviridov
chair: isviridov
@ -11,11 +11,3 @@ description: >
UTC. Please feel free to add items to the agenda below. NOTE: When adding
UTC. Please feel free to add items to the agenda below. NOTE: When adding
topics, please include your IRC name so we know who's topic it is and how to
topics, please include your IRC name so we know who's topic it is and how to
get more info.
get more info.
agenda: |
* Open Items
** Manila's entities do not require setting of name before creation. Should it
be changed to required?
** Manila's share-network can be created with any value of neutron-net-id.
Should it be so, or only valid id's of neutron entities allowed?
* Development Status
* Open Discussion
@ -8,29 +8,3 @@ chair: Kurt Griffiths
description: >
description: >
The Marconi project team holds a weekly team meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt
The Marconi project team holds a weekly team meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt
on Tuesday at 1500 UTC.
on Tuesday at 1500 UTC.
agenda: |
* The blueprints that are used as a basis for the Marconi project can be found
* Extra Stuff
** Introducing two Rackspace Summer Interns (balajiiyer)
** Proposal to change program name: voting (kgriffs)
** Support the OSSG: (kgriffs)
** Cut a new python-marconiclient release for PyPI (kgriffs, flaper87)
** Write the Docs! (kgriffs)
** Plain keyword:
* Usual Stuff
** Review actions from last time
** Review Graduation BPs/Bugs
** Updates on other blueprints
** Updates on bugs
** Open discussion (time permitting)
* Discuss Later
** Proposal to support claim delay to posted messages in v1.1 (kgriffs)
** Remove bulk delete by id, also get/delete by a single id in v1.1 or v2.0 of
the API? (kgriffs)
** Preflight Checklist for releases, including milestones (kgriffs)
** Blueprint review process (kgriffs)
** Concurrency strategy for client (flaper87)
** When people say they want polling what they often mean is... (kgriffs)
@ -7,6 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: sarob
chair: sarob
description: >
description: >
The milk team meets weekly on Monday at 2200 UTC on #openstack-meeting.
The milk team meets weekly on Monday at 2200 UTC on #openstack-meeting.
agenda: |
* Review last week's action items
* Any other business
@ -7,9 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: Renat Akhmerov
chair: Renat Akhmerov
description: >
description: >
We have IRC meetings on #openstack-meeting weekly on Mondays at 16:00 UTC.
We have IRC meetings on #openstack-meeting weekly on Mondays at 16:00 UTC.
agenda: |
* Review action items
* Current status (quickly by team members)
* Summit preparation
* Further plans
* Open Discussion
@ -7,23 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: Bob Kukura / Sukhdev Kapur
chair: Bob Kukura / Sukhdev Kapur
description: >
description: >
Weekly on Wednesdays at 1600 UTC on #openstack-meeting-alt
Weekly on Wednesdays at 1600 UTC on #openstack-meeting-alt
agenda: |
* Announcements
** Neutron design summit runs through Friday - check your travel plans
** New BP review process is up and running
* Action items from last week
** None
* Design Summit Sessions
** Mestery is finalizing schedule, combining sessions
*** ML2 Roadmap
*** Agent
*** Hierarchical Network Topologies
** Neutron pod at summit
* Bugs
* Spec Reviews
* Code Reviews
* Open Discussion
@ -7,8 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: Georgiy Okrokvertskhov
chair: Georgiy Okrokvertskhov
description: >
description: >
We have meetings in #openstack-meeting-alt weekly on Tuesdays at 17:00 UTC.
We have meetings in #openstack-meeting-alt weekly on Tuesdays at 17:00 UTC.
agenda: |
* Roll call
* Action items review
* Release status
* Open Discussion
@ -11,12 +11,3 @@ description: >
public meetings in ##openstack-meeting-3. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
public meetings in ##openstack-meeting-3. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
This meeting will discuss the common requirements for FWaaS, LBaaS, VPNaaS,
This meeting will discuss the common requirements for FWaaS, LBaaS, VPNaaS,
L3/routers, Group Policy. The meetings are on Wednesdays at 1730 UTC.
L3/routers, Group Policy. The meetings are on Wednesdays at 1730 UTC.
agenda: |
* Neutron Advanced Services' Framework
* Key/certificate management using Barbican for VPN and LBaaS
* Flavors BP and PoC update
* Service insertion Proposal update
* Port Chaining Proposal
* Group Policy requirements
* Atlanta Design Summit session
* Service VM progress update
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ description: >
#openstack-meeting-alt channel. NOTE: The Monday meetings 22.00UTC in
#openstack-meeting-alt channel. NOTE: The Monday meetings 22.00UTC in
#openstack-meeting channel has been suspended for now, since all sub-team
#openstack-meeting channel has been suspended for now, since all sub-team
members are at different time zone.
members are at different time zone.
@ -9,13 +9,3 @@ description: >
Weekly meeting page for the Neutron Group Policy Sub-team occurring Thursdays
Weekly meeting page for the Neutron Group Policy Sub-team occurring Thursdays
at 1800 UTC on #openstack-meeting-3. The group wiki page can be accessed
at 1800 UTC on #openstack-meeting-3. The group wiki page can be accessed
agenda: |
* GP spec gerrit review -
* PoC Status Update
** Policy Model and code
** Policy Plugin Driver (Classical Neutron resources mapping)
** Client, CLI
** Horizon
** Heat
** Atlanta Design Summit Session
** Atlanta Conference Session
@ -10,17 +10,3 @@ description: >
to deploy Neutron in IPv6 networks, and bring feature parity between Neutron
to deploy Neutron in IPv6 networks, and bring feature parity between Neutron
IPv4 & IPv6. Our meetings are held weekly on Tuesdays at 1400 UTC - in
IPv4 & IPv6. Our meetings are held weekly on Tuesdays at 1400 UTC - in
agenda: |
* Blueprints
** All blueprints for Juno must be created as RST files in neutron-specs.
** Ipv6-provider-nets-slaac
** Neutron-ipv6-radvd-ra
** Nat64
** Multiple-ipv6-prefixes
* Code Reviews
** Instal SNAT rules for ipv4 only
** Add ipv6 support in devstack
* Bugs
* Open Discussion
** Floatingip involving ipv6 addresses to be opened
** Etherpad for design summit
@ -8,63 +8,3 @@ chair: Carl Baldwin
description: >
description: >
Meetings, with their notes and logs, will be found under
Meetings, with their notes and logs, will be found under
agenda: |
* Bugs
* Announcements
** Summit is May 12-16. Just a couple of weeks.
** In general, I encourage you to add your action items. Please feel free.
Look up meetbot for commands that you can use during the meeting. Example:
#action carl_baldwin will get something specific done this week.
* Blueprint: l3-svcs-vendor-* (pcm)
** Specifications: l3-svcs-vendor-validation, l3-svcs-vendor-client-cap,
** Gerrit Topics: None
** This is a new topic for April 17th's meeting.
*** Discussed in Neutron Meeting Here
*** pcm has filed a session topic for this
* Blueprint: l3-high-availability (safchain)
** Specifications: l3-high-availability, l3-high-availability active/active
** Gerrit Topics bp/l3-high-availability
** The contact for this blueprint is Sylvain Afchain
** Reviewing HA Router Functionality
*** There are some relationships between the reviews.
*** After reading the blueprint, a good starting place for review is the Add
L3 VRRP HA base classes review. It does not have any dependencies and
adds the framework. It creates the HA management network and ports, adds
database support, etc. After that, there are two patches to be reviewed.
They are mostly independent of each other.
**** Add a new scheduler for the l3 HA
**** Introduces a keepalived manager for HA
*** Finally, the Add HA support to the l3 agent review seems to pull them all
*** Introduces a conntrackd manager for HA
** Testing HA Router Functionality
*** How to test L3 HA VRRP
* Blueprint: bgp-dynamic-routing (nextone92)
** Specifications dynamic routing use cases, bgp-dynamic-routing
** Gerrit Topics None
* Blueprint: rootwrap-daemon-mode (ajo, YorikSar)
** Thierry has a design summit discussion about this. "oslo.rootwrap:
performance and other improvements." Attend it if you're interested.
** Specifications: etherpad discussion, rootwrap-daemon-mode
** Gerrit: Topics bp/rootwrap-daemon-mode
* Blueprint: neutron-ovs-dvr (Swami)
** Distributed-Virtual-Router2 meetings are still on-going.
** Specifications neutron-ovs-dvr, DVR-L2-Agent Blueprint, DVR-L3-Agent
Blueprint, decentralized-snat
** Gerrit Topics bp/neutron-ovs-dvr
* Blueprint: pluggable-ext-net (carl_baldwin)
** Specifications pluggable-ext-net
** Gerrit Topics bp/pluggable-ext-net
* Blueprint: internal-dns-resolution, external-dns-resolution (carl_baldwin)
** Specifications: internal-dns-resolution, internal-dns-resolution
** Gerrit Topics: bp/internal-dns-resolution, bp/external-dns-resolution
** Please join the etherpad for the summit discussion! See you there.
* Other possibly relevant blueprints
** Is there interest in discussing these or any other blueprints under review
or development?
** router-port-forwarding
** l3-agent-consolidation?
** (l3-router-service-type-framework)?
* Open Discussion
@ -11,20 +11,3 @@ description: |
** Meeting log:
** Meeting log:
agenda: |
* Patch review
* Integrating code
* Admin/tenant policy/accounting/quota
* Cooperation with advanced services
* Design summit plan
** Unconference
* Status update
* New project planning
** Project name
*** Code name: virtue, ginie, jeeve,...
*** Topic name: servicevm, hosting device,...
** Design API/model
*** Way to review: gerrit or google-doc?
*** Design strategy
* Open discussion
@ -8,217 +8,3 @@ chair: Mark McClain
description: >
description: >
The OpenStack Networking Team (Neutron) holds public meetings in
The OpenStack Networking Team (Neutron) holds public meetings in
#openstack-meeting. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
#openstack-meeting. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
agenda: |
* Announcements / Reminders
** A note about the neutron-specs repository
*** Instructions for Neutron BPs in Juno here:
*** We already have a large number of BPS filed in gerrit:
*** Encourage everyone to review specs
** Mid-Cycle Sprint focused on nova-network parity and core refactoring
** Converging on date and location
** Will email plans out likely next week
* Bugs
** This one is back:
*** Possible partial fix here, would be good to get core reviews on this ASAP
** Stable branch is still having stability problems in the test runs.
** Critical Open Bugs
*** grenade-dsvm-neutron Failure in upgrade-swift - jlibosva
** This bugs are in nova that are related to neutron that would be great if we
could get neutron reviews on:
*** [1] Remove unneeded call to fetch network info on shutdown - arosen
*** [2] remove unneeded call to network_api on detach_interface - arosen
*** [3] remove unneeded call to network_api on rebuild_instance - arosen
*** [4] Optimize validate_networks to query neutron only when needed - arosen
*** [5] deallocate_for_instance should delete all neutron ports on error - arosen
*** [6] Fix port_security_enabled neutron extension - arosen
*** [7] Fix pre-created ports in neutron from being deleted by nova - arosen
* Docs (emagana)
** Network Documentation Wiki (Refactoring of the installation guide)
** BPs associated:
*** [1]
*** [2]
*** [3]
** High Priority Tickets:
*** - Steven Weston
*** - Summer Long -
Release Notes
*** - Edgar Magana -
In Review
** Medium Priority Tickets:
*** - Edgar Magana -
WIP Based on Mate Lakat Blog
*** - Edgar Magana -
*** - Nachi Ueno -
*** - Diane F. -
*** - Unassigned
*** - Nachi Ueno
*** - Edgar Magana -
*** HA Neutron - Proposal
*** Current list of bugs against neutron docs:
* Juno Design Summit (mestery)
** Summit is now scheduled
*** If you have conflicts, please unicast mestery at this point
** Please also add your etherpad before the summit
* Nova Parity (markmcclain)
** (updated April 14, 2014) - no parity specific updates this week.
* Neutron Tempest (mlavalle)
** Full Tempest Test Update (salv-orlando)
*** ML Thread for Full Tempest
*** Latest analysis of the failures
** Juno design summit
*** QA / Tempest etherpad
|||||| was created and
added to
Four areas of work proposed for Juno cycle:
**** Special focus on increase the number and coverage of scenario tests
**** Conclude gaps that might have been left in api tests during Icehouse
**** Support nova parity sub-project if needed
**** Support other Neutron sub-projects if needed
*** Message sent to the ML pointing to the etherpad asking for input on the
four areas of work proposed
** API tests pending to merge
*** Edgar Magana (Add test for subnet
gateway IPv4 and IPv6)
*** Ann Kamyshnikova (Verify more
information in floating ip tests)
*** Evgeny Fedoruk (Extending quota
support for neutron LBaaS entities)
*** Sylvain Afchain (Improve the extra
routes test on router)
*** Miguel Lavalle (VPNaaS API Tests
*** Miguel Lavalle (Neutron Allowed
Address Pair API test)
** API tests abandoned (as of 5/5)
*** (Test for neutron api with provider
extension). This patchset will be restored by mlavalle
** List of api tests merged during Icehouse:
*** Patchsets merged beween 4/22 and 4/28
**** Ann Kamyshnikova (Verify more
information for member in lbaas api tests)
**** Dane LeBlanc (Add network API test
to create/update a port with 2 IP addresses)
*** Patchsets merged between 4/8 and 4/14
**** Ann Kamyshnikova (Verify more
information for pools in lbaas tests)
*** Patchsets merged between 4/1 and 4/7
**** MH Raies (Network fwaas API test)
*** Patchsets merged between 3/25 and 3/31
**** Nayna Patel (Adds "add_dhcp_agent"
to test_dhcp_agent_scheduler)
*** Patchsets merged between 3/18 and 3/24
**** Ann Kamyshnikova (Verify more
information in floating ip tests)
**** Elena Ezhova (Add api tests for
load balancer's VIPs and health monitors)
**** Sukhdev Kapur (Networks,Ports:
delete with subnet, port with no IP)
**** Ann Kamyshnikova (Add tests for
external network extension)
*** Patchsets merged between 3/11 and 3/17
**** Ann Kamyshnikova (Verify more
information in API tests for LBaaS)
**** Nanya Patel (Adds L3 agent test
case to test_l3_agent_schedule)
**** Elena Ezhova (Add tests for
binding extended attributes for ports)
*** Patchsets merged between 3/3 and 3/10
**** Nanya Patel (Test to update
neutron security group)
**** Ann Kamyshnikova (Add namespaces
to xml in Network client)
*** Patchsets merged between 2/25 and 3/2
**** Jun Xie (test create router
setting tenant_id)
**** Dong Liu (test more attributes for
routers operation)
**** Nanya Patel (json and xml client
refactoring for security group operations)
*** Patchsets merged between 2/17 and 2/24
*** Henry Gessau (Network API
framework: default to ipv4, add ipv6 tests)
*** Miguel Lavalle (lbaas agent
*** Miguel Lavalle (Neutron Extra DHCP
Options API test)
*** Emilien Macchi (api metering labels
and rules)
* API (salv-orlando)
** No report
* L3 (carl_baldwin)
** See Meetings/Neutron-L3-Subteam for detail.
** Team meeting on Thursdays at 1500 UTC.
** Active Projects
*** neutron-ovs-dvr (meeting page)
**** Preparing for design summit discussion
***** etherpad
**** Specification and WIP code: bp/neutron-ovs-dvr gerrit topic
*** l3-svcs-vendor-*
**** Preparing for design summit discussion.
***** etherpad.
*** bgp-dynamic-routing
**** Preparing for design summit discussion.
***** No etherpad created yet
*** rootwrap-daemon-mode
**** Preparing for design summit discussion.
***** Topic is under Oslo track and will move under Oslo permanently.
*** pluggable-ext-net
**** Preparing for design summit discussion.
***** etherpad
*** Multiple subnets on external networks (carl_baldwin).
**** This works with this patch.
**** This is an alternative to Multiple floating IP pools in the admin guide.
*** DNS (carl_baldwin)
**** internal-dns-resolution, external-dns-resolution
**** Design summit discussion did not make the cut. Would like to have an
informal discussion at summit: etherpad
*** l3-high-availability
**** Patches are in review on bp/l3-high-availability gerrit topic.
* Advanced Services (sumitnaiksatam)
** High level plan for an advanced services common framework has been
submitted for review:
** Individual components identified in the above spec are being worked on independently.
** Wiki (including weekly IRC meetings):
* IPv6 (sc68cal)
** Weekly Meetings/Neutron-IPv6-Subteam meeting
** Atlanta Summit
*** Etherpad for IPv6 Design Summit Session
** Blueprints
*** Add ipv6-provider-nets-slaac
*** Add IPv6 RA support in neutron
*** Other blueprints need to be submitted to neutron-specs - some have only
been registered in LP.
* ML2 (rkukura/Sukhdev)
** Weekly Meetings/ML2 are held, please attend if interested!
** Working towards Juno Summit Sessions
*** Etherpad created for ML2 sub-team to share ideas:
*** Please add ML2 ideas here for the team to discuss Wednesday!
** OVS TypeDriver refactoring
*** asomya working to get WIP patch out, discussion around this Wednesday
** OVS Firewall Driver
*** asadoughi rebasing his patches, discussion around this Wednesday
* Group Policy (SumitNaiksatam)
** Weekly meeting here:
** Proof of Concept work in progress
** Blueprint spec:
** Talking through how services work in the GBP model
* Open Discussion
@ -12,8 +12,3 @@ description: >
reviewing incomplete bugs, removing assignees from stale bugs so others
reviewing incomplete bugs, removing assignees from stale bugs so others
can pick them up (especially low hanging fruit). In general we will follow
can pick them up (especially low hanging fruit). In general we will follow
the policies documented here
the policies documented here
agenda: |
* Tag untagged
* Triage New
* Review Critical
* Open Discussion
@ -6,4 +6,3 @@ schedule:
frequency: weekly
frequency: weekly
chair: Peter Pouliot
chair: Peter Pouliot
@ -8,6 +8,3 @@ chair: Stefano Maffulli
description: >
description: >
The Community team meets weekly on Wednesday at 2300 UTC on
The Community team meets weekly on Wednesday at 2300 UTC on
agenda: |
* Review action items from last meeting
* Community Office hours: talk to the community managers, ask questions freely
@ -9,9 +9,3 @@ description: >
The whole OpenStack Team holds a public weekly Project & Release Status
The whole OpenStack Team holds a public weekly Project & Release Status
meeting in #openstack-meetings, Tuesdays at 2100 UTC. Everyone is
meeting in #openstack-meetings, Tuesdays at 2100 UTC. Everyone is
encouraged to attend.
encouraged to attend.
agenda: |
* Design Summit schedule finalization
** Last-minute changes
** Scheduling conflicts we need to solve
* Other questions about the design summit
* Open discussion
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ chair: Bryane Payne
description: >
description: >
The OpenStack Security Group will begin holding public meetings in
The OpenStack Security Group will begin holding public meetings in
#openstack-meeting on 24 Jan 2013. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
#openstack-meeting on 24 Jan 2013. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
@ -10,10 +10,3 @@ description: >
If there's an Oslo topic you think warrants a project meeting, please add it
If there's an Oslo topic you think warrants a project meeting, please add it
to the agenda section below and notify the
to the agenda section below and notify the
mailing list. Please give everyone at least 24 hours notice.
mailing list. Please give everyone at least 24 hours notice.
agenda: |
* Review action items from previous meeting
* Red flags from liaisons
* oslo.messaging adoption status
* Review status for graduating libs
** oslo.db
** oslo.i18n
@ -7,7 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: Robert Li
chair: Robert Li
description: >
description: >
Next meeting will be on Wed May 7th at 1300 UTC on #openstack-meeting-alt
Next meeting will be on Wed May 7th at 1300 UTC on #openstack-meeting-alt
agenda: |
* PCI SR-IOV Networking use case
* Refer to
@ -8,5 +8,3 @@ chair: Marr Farina
description: |
description: |
* Meeting Time: Every Wednesday at 15:30 UTC in #openstack-meeting-3
* Meeting Time: Every Wednesday at 15:30 UTC in #openstack-meeting-3
* Next Meeting: April 9 2014
* Next Meeting: April 9 2014
agenda: |
* Intro to the PHP SDK if there is anyone new? (mfer)
@ -11,7 +11,3 @@ description: >
infrastructure and process surrounding automated testing and deployment
infrastructure and process surrounding automated testing and deployment
is encouraged to attend. Please feel free to add agenda items (and your IRC
is encouraged to attend. Please feel free to add agenda items (and your IRC
nick in parenthesis).
nick in parenthesis).
agenda: |
* Actions from last meeting
* manage-projects status (mordred)
* Open discussion
@ -10,4 +10,3 @@ description: >
experience of OpenStack end-users by consolidating the various
experience of OpenStack end-users by consolidating the various
OpenStack python-* client back-ends and common code into a unified,
OpenStack python-* client back-ends and common code into a unified,
well designed and user focused SDK ("Software Development Toolkit").
well designed and user focused SDK ("Software Development Toolkit").
@ -22,13 +22,3 @@ description: |
** If you add an item to the agenda, please include your ircnick (i.e. sdague)
** If you add an item to the agenda, please include your ircnick (i.e. sdague)
to the end of your item, so we know who did, and who should lead the
to the end of your item, so we know who did, and who should lead the
agenda: |
* Reminder about summit etherpads
* Specs Review
* Blueprints
** Status updates
* Neutron testing
* Heat testing
* Bugs
* Critical Reviews
@ -9,8 +9,3 @@ chair: Boris Pavlovic
description: >
description: >
The Rally project team holds a be-weekly (starting from Oct 29st) team
The Rally project team holds a be-weekly (starting from Oct 29st) team
meeting in #openstack-meeting: Weekly on Tuesdays at 1700 UTC
meeting in #openstack-meeting: Weekly on Tuesdays at 1700 UTC
agenda: |
* Discuss current Rally status
* Road map
* Answer on all questions
* Open Discussion
@ -12,11 +12,3 @@ description: >
topology of the infrastructure and what software is running on each server,
topology of the infrastructure and what software is running on each server,
as well as, pertinent settings for commonly encountered software like
as well as, pertinent settings for commonly encountered software like
apache, varnish, and mysql.
apache, varnish, and mysql.
agenda: |
* Review action items from previous meeting
* Discuss upated Satori Schema proposal
* Discuss SSH output bug
* Discuss Share SSH connection for less noise traffic
* Discuss Allow custom template
* Discuss Allow local plugins instead of built-in '--system-info'
* Discuss Create 'ip_info' and 'netloc_info'
@ -10,11 +10,3 @@ description: >
#openstack-meeting-alt on freenode. Because the Solum team is globally
#openstack-meeting-alt on freenode. Because the Solum team is globally
distributed, we use different meeting times on alternating weeks to allow
distributed, we use different meeting times on alternating weeks to allow
for attendance from those on the opposite side of the globe.
for attendance from those on the opposite side of the globe.
agenda: |
* Roll Call
* Announcements
* Review Action Items
** [none]
* Review Tasks
* Open Discussion
@ -9,9 +9,3 @@ chair: Ilya Shakhat
description: >
description: >
The Stackalytics project team holds a be-weekly (starting from Oct 21st)
The Stackalytics project team holds a be-weekly (starting from Oct 21st)
team meeting in #openstack-meeting on Mondays at 1500 UTC.
team meeting in #openstack-meeting on Mondays at 1500 UTC.
agenda: |
* Roadmap for 0.4 release
* New metrics vs drill-down reports
* Opened blueprints
* Marketing reports vs development metrics
* General Discussion
@ -11,11 +11,3 @@ description: >
patterns to incrementally move toward a programming model which hopefully can
patterns to incrementally move toward a programming model which hopefully can
be easier to ['audit', 'automate', 'extend', 'resume', 'revert', 'review',
be easier to ['audit', 'automate', 'extend', 'resume', 'revert', 'review',
'schedule', 'understand', '...'].
'schedule', 'understand', '...'].
agenda: |
* Discuss any action items from last meeting.
* 0.2 Release FTW!
* 0.2.1 and 0.3 planning and ideas [blueprints and features and ideas]
* Lazy engine idea, concept, thoughts ... and supporting threads
* Discuss about any other potential new use-cases for said library.
* Discuss about any other ideas, reviews needing help, questions and answers
(and more!).
@ -7,24 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: cody-somerville / ttx
chair: cody-somerville / ttx
description: >
description: >
Storyboard is a task tracker for OpenStack.
Storyboard is a task tracker for OpenStack.
agenda: |
* High Priority Items:
** All stories listed in project list view (krotscheck)
* Ongoing work:
** Timeline API (nkonovalov)
** Task Priorities (krotscheck)
** Filter by priority (krotscheck)
** Dashboard (krotscheck)
** Task Authors (krotscheck)
** Project Groups (nkonovalov)
** Teams (nkonovalov)
* Future work:
** OAuth Is Not Secure Interwebz Pannik!!1!11
** User Admin & OAuth Key Management (For API Consumers)
* Summit!
** Storyboard Session (ttx)
** UX Testing
* Open Discussion topics (Bring them up if you are interested):
** Event Subscription
** Code Reviews
** Fulltext Search
@ -7,26 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: John Dickinson
chair: John Dickinson
description: >
description: >
Meeting Time: Every Wednesday at 19:00 UTC in #openstack-meeting
Meeting Time: Every Wednesday at 19:00 UTC in #openstack-meeting
agenda: |
* Summit Prep
** Conference Talks
*** Storage policies [peluse, notmyname]:
*** Global clusters [joearnold]:
*** Swift perf [Eamonn, mjseger]:
*** Swift + Gluster [lpabon, notmyname]:
*** Cinder and Swift [jgriffith, notmyname]:
*** Swift as a backend for Git [chmouel]:
*** Developing your own Swift middleware [cschwede]:
** Summit Sessions
*** creiht, notmyname, fifield, kota tsuyuzaki, mjseger, peluse, portante
* Functional tests [portante]
** Current status
** Next steps needed to get it gating
@ -11,8 +11,3 @@ description: >
contributors to the project, and has oversight on all technical matters.
contributors to the project, and has oversight on all technical matters.
The Technical Committee is formally defined in the OpenStack Foundation
The Technical Committee is formally defined in the OpenStack Foundation
bylas and further refined in the Technical Committee charter.
bylas and further refined in the Technical Committee charter.
agenda: |
* Integrated projects and new requirements, Gap analysis for Ceilometer
* Bylas subcommitte report, proposed changes to the OpenStack Bylas
* Minor governance changes
* Open Discussion
@ -6,4 +6,3 @@ schedule:
frequency: weekly
frequency: weekly
chair: JayPipes
chair: JayPipes
@ -8,5 +8,3 @@ chair: sarob
description: >
description: >
The training-manuals team meets weekly on Monday at 1700 UTC on
The training-manuals team meets weekly on Monday at 1700 UTC on
agenda: |
* Run down previous meeting action items
@ -7,11 +7,3 @@ schedule:
chair: Robert Collins
chair: Robert Collins
description: >
description: >
Weekly meeting every Tuesday at 1900 UTC in openstack-meeting-alt
Weekly meeting every Tuesday at 1900 UTC in openstack-meeting-alt
agenda: |
* Bugs
* Reviews
* Project needing releases
* CD Cloud status
* CI
* Insert one-off agenda items here
* Open discussion
@ -8,38 +8,3 @@ chair: Michael Basnight / Vipul Sabhaya / Nikhil Manchanda / Tim Simpson
description: >
description: >
For those interested, we have blueprint meetings in #openstack-trove weekly,
For those interested, we have blueprint meetings in #openstack-trove weekly,
Mondays at 18:00 UTC. Feel free to add items in the agenda below.
Mondays at 18:00 UTC. Feel free to add items in the agenda below.
agenda: |
* Percona support [mattgriffin]:
* Instance database log manipulations [denis_makogon]
* Update database instance name [nehav]
* Pluggable conductor manager [boden]
* Allow configs to be rendered based on datastore version [cp16net]
* Trove client for cross-region-backup [esmute]
* Cassandra configuration management support [denis_makogon]
* Cassandra incremental backup support [denis_makogon]
* Volume data snapshoting/applying [denis_makogon]
* Configurable DB plugins [boden]
* Multi-path plugin support; added notes to existing BP [boden]
* Pluggable conductor manager [boden]
* Configurable DB plugins [boden]
* Multi-path plugin support; added notes to existing BP [boden]
* Allow configs to be rendered based on datastore version [cp16net]
* Trove client for cross-region-backup [esmute]
@ -10,6 +10,3 @@ description: |
* Want to add an agenda item? Please append your item to the upcoming weekly
* Want to add an agenda item? Please append your item to the upcoming weekly
agenda while keeping in mind guidelines for writing clear agenda items.
agenda while keeping in mind guidelines for writing clear agenda items.
agenda: |
* How do Gerrit changes get approved? [mat-lowery]
** More details to be provided. See thread on DL.
@ -11,8 +11,3 @@ description: >
these out into separate sub-teams. We maintain a channel for general
these out into separate sub-teams. We maintain a channel for general
discussion of VMwareAPI on freenode IRC at openstack-vmware but formal
discussion of VMwareAPI on freenode IRC at openstack-vmware but formal
meetings are held in the official IRC meeting rooms for OpenStack.
meetings are held in the official IRC meeting rooms for OpenStack.
agenda: |
* Refactorings priority order & assignments and schedule
* Blueprint priority order after refactorings
** Any exceptional blueprints which should be exempt from this rule
* Open Discussion
@ -10,12 +10,3 @@ description: >
layer in #openstack-meeting, every Wednesday at 1500 UTC. (It used to be
layer in #openstack-meeting, every Wednesday at 1500 UTC. (It used to be
every Wednesday at 1700 UTC, but this proved to late for the UK folks at
every Wednesday at 1700 UTC, but this proved to late for the UK folks at
Citrix after daylight savings kicked in)
Citrix after daylight savings kicked in)
agenda: |
* Actions from last meeting
* Blueprints
** Discuss Icehouse-2 progress
* Docs
* Bugs & QA
** Gating progress
* Open Discussion
Reference in New Issue
Block a user