================== OpenStack Meetings ================== This project aims to provide an easier way to manage OpenStack team meetings. Currently, each team's meeting time and agenda are listed at: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings This project replaces each meeting with well-defined YAML files. YAML Meeting File Format ======================== Each meeting consists of: * ``project``: the name of the project * ``meeting_id``: the name given to the ``#startmeeting`` meetbot command * ``agenda_url`` the URL to the page with the agenda for the meeting, usually in the wiki * ``schedule``: a list of schedule each consisting of * ``time``: time string in UTC * ``day``: the day of week the meeting takes place * ``irc``: the irc room in which the meeting is held * ``frequency``: frequent occurrence of the meeting * ``chair``: name of the meeting's chair * ``description``: a paragraph description about the meeting The file name should be a lower-cased, hyphenated version of the meeting name, ending with ``.yaml`` . For example, ``Keystone team meeting`` should be saved under ``keystone-team-meeting.yaml``. Example ------- This is an example of the yaml for the Nova team meeting. The whole file will be imported into Python as a dictionary. * The project name is shown below. :: project: Nova Team Meeting * The schedule is a list of dictionaries each consisting of `time` in UTC, `day` of the week, the `irc` meeting room, and the `frequency` of the meeting. Options for the `frequency` are `weekly`, `biweekly-even`, and `biweekly-odd` at the moment. :: schedule: - time: '1400' day: Thursday irc: openstack-meeting-alt frequency: biweekly-even - time: '2100' day: Thursday irc: openstack-meeting frequency: biweekly-odd * The chair is just a one liner. The might be left empty if there is not a chair. It's recommended to mention his/her IRC nick. :: chair: Russell Bryant (russellb) * The project description is as follows. Use `>` for paragraphs where new lines are folded, or `|` for paragraphs where new lines are preserved. :: description: > This meeting is a weekly gathering of developers working on OpenStack. Compute (Nova). We cover topics such as release planning and status, bugs, reviews, and other current topics worthy of real-time discussion. sample.yaml ----------- If creating a new yaml meeting file please consider using ``sample.yaml`` and editing as appropriate.