project: Cinder Team Meeting meeting_id: cinder agenda_url: schedule: - time: '1400' day: Wednesday irc: openstack-meeting-alt frequency: weekly start_date: 20191204 chair: Brian Rosmaita (rosmaita) description: > The Cinder team is responsible for the OpenStack Block Storage Service, the os-brick library, the python-cinderclient, and cinderlib. In addition to writing code, we are also responsible for documenting all this stuff, and we can always use help with that. And we're also working on improving automated testing using the cinder-tempest-plugin, which we also maintain. So if you are interested in any of this, please join us at our weekly meeting on IRC, and feel free to add items to the meeting agenda. NOTE: When adding topics please include your IRC name so we know whose topic it is and how to get more info.