OpenStack IRC meetings
OpenStack IRC channels and meetings are logged. You can find them here:
Meeting schedule
The IRC meetings schedule is driven by the
openstack-infra/irc-meetings repository.
To propose a change, please submit a change to that repository in Gerrit.
Here is the link to an ICS file containing all OpenStack IRC meetings, for
use in your favorite calendaring app:
Here is a list of current meetings with their descriptions:
{% for meeting in meetings|sort(attribute='project') %}
{{ meeting.project }}
{% for schedule in meeting.schedules %}
- {{ schedule.recurrence }} on {{ }} at
{{ schedule.utc }} UTC
in #{{ schedule.irc }}
{% endfor %}
- Chair (to contact for more information): {{ meeting.chair }}
- {{ meeting.description|urlize }}
{% if meeting.extras.meeting_id %}
- Logs from past meetings
{% endif %}
{% if meeting.extras.agenda_url %}
- Agenda
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Page generated on {{ timestamp }} UTC