Adds basic voting support to meetbot.
Fixes bug #902948. Add new commands (#startvote, #endvote, #vote, and #showvote) to meetbot to facilitate basic voting support and results logging. Basic usage would be: foo #startmeeting foo #startvote What color should we use? blue, red, green bar #vote blue foo #endvote foo #endmeeting Change-Id: I0ff70da8e7df66d420203eb20366c8943d0d5113
This commit is contained in:
@ -290,3 +290,5 @@ class Link(_BaseItem):
def mw(self, M):
repl = self.get_replacements(M,
return self.mw_template%repl
class Vote(GenericItem):
itemtype = 'VOTE'
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import time
import os
import re
import stat
import textwrap
import writers
import items
@ -66,6 +67,12 @@ class Config(object):
# regular expression for parsing commands. First group is the cmd name,
# second group is the rest of the line.
command_RE = re.compile(r'#([\w]+)[ \t]*(.*)')
# Regular expression for parsing the startvote command.
startvote_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<question>.*)\?\s*(?P<choices>.*)')
# Regular expression for parsing the startvote options.
choicesSplit_RE = re.compile(r'\W+')
# default voting options if none are given by the user
defaultVoteOptions = ['Yes', 'No']
# The channels which won't have date/time appended to the filename.
specialChannels = ("#meetbot-test", "#meetbot-test2")
specialChannelFilenamePattern = '%(channel)s/%(channel)s'
@ -85,7 +92,7 @@ class Config(object):
"The chair is %(chair)s. Information about MeetBot at "
"Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link "
"#topic #startvote.")
endMeetingMessage = ("Meeting ended %(endtime)s %(timeZone)s. "
"Information about MeetBot at %(MeetBotInfoURL)s . "
"(v %(__version__)s)\n"
@ -450,6 +457,63 @@ class MeetingCommands(object):
"""Add informational item to the minutes."""
m = items.Link(M=self, **kwargs)
def do_startvote(self, nick, line, **kwargs):
"""Begin voting on a topic.
Format of command is #startvote $TOPIC $Options.
eg #startvote What color should we use? blue, red, green"""
if not self.isChair(nick) or self._voteTopic is not None: return
voteDetails = self.config.startvote_RE.match(line)
if voteDetails is None: return
self._voteTopic ="question")
voteOptions ="choices")
if voteOptions == "":
self._voteOptions = self.config.defaultVoteOptions
self._voteOptions = self.config.choicesSplit_RE.split(voteOptions)
self.reply("Begin voting on: %s? Valid vote options are %s." % \
(self._voteTopic, ", ".join(self._voteOptions)))
self.reply("Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.")
def do_endvote(self, nick, line, **kwargs):
"""End voting on topic."""
if not self.isChair(nick) or self._voteTopic is None: return
m = 'Voted on "%s?" Results are' % self._voteTopic
for k,s in self._votes.iteritems():
m += ", %s: %s" % (k, len(s))
m = items.Vote(nick=nick, line=m, **kwargs)
self._voteTopic = None
self._voteOptions = None
self._votes = { }
self._voters = { }
def do_vote(self, nick, line, **kwargs):
"""Vote for specific voting topic option."""
if self._voteTopic is None: return
if line in self._voteOptions:
oldvote = self._voters.get(nick)
if oldvote is not None:
self._voters[nick] = line
v = self._votes.get(line, set())
self._votes[line] = v
m = "%s: %s is not a valid option. Valid options are %s." % \
(nick, line, ", ".join(self._voteOptions))
def do_showvote(self, **kwargs):
"""Show intermediate vote results."""
if self._voteTopic is None: return
for k, s in self._votes.iteritems():
# Attempt to print all the names while obeying the 512 character
# limit. Would probably be better to calculate message overhead and
# determine wraps()s width argument based on that.
ms = textwrap.wrap(", ".join(s), 400)
for m2 in ms:
m1 = "%s (%s): " % (k, len(s))
self.reply(m1 + m2)
def do_commands(self, **kwargs):
commands = [ "#"+x[3:] for x in dir(self) if x[:3]=="do_" ]
@ -490,6 +554,9 @@ class Meeting(MeetingCommands, object):
self._meetingname = ""
self._meetingIsOver = False
self._channelNicks = channelNicks
self._voteTopic = None
self._votes = { }
self._voters = { }
if filename:
self._filename = filename
Reference in New Issue
Block a user