# Richard Darst, 2009 import os import re import sys import tempfile import unittest os.environ['MEETBOT_RUNNING_TESTS'] = '1' import ircmeeting.meeting as meeting import ircmeeting.writers as writers running_tests = True def process_meeting(contents, extraConfig={}): return meeting.process_meeting(contents=contents, channel="#none", filename='/dev/null', dontSave=True, safeMode=False, extraConfig=extraConfig) class MeetBotTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_replay(self): """Replay of a meeting, using __meeting__. """ sys.argv[1:] = ["replay", "test-script-1.log.txt"] sys.path.insert(0, "..") sys.path.insert(0, "../ircmeeting") try: execfile("../ircmeeting/meeting.py", {}) finally: del sys.path[0] def test_supybottests(self): """Test by sending input to supybot, check responses. Uses the external supybot-test command. Unfortunantly, that doesn't have a useful status code, so I need to parse the output. """ os.symlink("../Meeting", "Meeting") try: output = os.popen("supybot-test ./Meeting 2>&1").read() print output assert 'FAILED' not in output, "supybot-based tests failed." assert '\nOK\n' in output, "supybot-based tests failed." finally: os.unlink("Meeting") trivial_contents = """ 10:10:10 #startmeeting 10:10:10 blah 10:10:10 #endmeeting """ full_writer_map = { '.log.txt': writers.TextLog, '.log.1.html': writers.HTMLlog1, '.log.html': writers.HTMLlog2, '.1.html': writers.HTML1, '.html': writers.HTML2, '.rst': writers.ReST, '.rst.html': writers.HTMLfromReST, '.txt': writers.Text, '.mw': writers.MediaWiki, '.pmw': writers.PmWiki, '.tmp.txt|template=+template.txt': writers.Template, '.tmp.html|template=+template.html': writers.Template, } def M_trivial(self, contents=None, extraConfig={}): if contents is None: contents = self.trivial_contents return process_meeting(contents=contents, extraConfig=extraConfig) def test_script_1(self): process_meeting(contents=file('test-script-1.log.txt').read(), extraConfig={'writer_map':self.full_writer_map}) #def test_script_3(self): # process_meeting(contents=file('test-script-3.log.txt').read(), # extraConfig={'writer_map':self.full_writer_map}) def test_actionNickMatching(self): script = """ 20:13:50 #startmeeting 20:13:50 20:13:50 #action say somenickLONG 20:13:50 #action say the somenicklong 20:13:50 I should not have an item assisgned to me. 20:13:50 I should have some things assigned to me. 20:13:50 #endmeeting """ M = process_meeting(script) results = M.save()['.html'] print results assert not re.search(r'\bsomenick\b(?! \()', results, re.IGNORECASE), \ "Nick full-word matching failed" all_commands_test_contents = """ 10:10:10 #startmeeting 10:10:10 #topic h6k4orkac 10:10:10 #info blaoulrao 10:10:10 #idea alrkkcao4 10:10:10 #help ntoircoa5 10:10:10 #link http://bnatorkcao.net kroacaonteu 10:10:10 http://jrotjkor.net krotroun 10:10:10 #action xrceoukrc 10:10:10 #nick okbtrokr # Should not appear in non-log output 10:10:10 #idea ckmorkont 10:10:10 #undo # Assert that chairs can change the topic, and non-chairs can't. 10:10:10 #chair y 10:10:10 #topic topic_doeschange 10:10:10 #topic topic_doesntchange 10:10:10 #unchair y 10:10:10 #topic topic_doesnt2change 10:10:10 #endmeeting """ def test_contents_test2(self): """Ensure that certain input lines do appear in the output. This test ensures that the input to certain commands does appear in the output. """ M = process_meeting(contents=self.all_commands_test_contents, extraConfig={'writer_map':self.full_writer_map}) results = M.save() for name, output in results.iteritems(): self.assert_('h6k4orkac' in output, "Topic failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('blaoulrao' in output, "Info failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('alrkkcao4' in output, "Idea failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('ntoircoa5' in output, "Help failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('http://bnatorkcao.net' in output, "Link(1) failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('kroacaonteu' in output, "Link(2) failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('http://jrotjkor.net' in output, "Link detection(1) failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('krotroun' in output, "Link detection(2) failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('xrceoukrc' in output, "Action failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('okbtrokr' in output, "Nick failed for %s"%name) # Things which should only appear or not appear in the # notes (not the logs): if 'log' not in name: self.assert_( 'ckmorkont' not in output, "Undo failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('topic_doeschange' in output, "Chair changing topic failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('topic_doesntchange' not in output, "Non-chair not changing topic failed for %s"%name) self.assert_('topic_doesnt2change' not in output, "Un-chaired was able to chang topic for %s"%name) #def test_contents_test(self): # contents = open('test-script-3.log.txt').read() # M = process_meeting(contents=file('test-script-3.log.txt').read(), # extraConfig={'writer_map':self.full_writer_map}) # results = M.save() # for line in contents.split('\n'): # m = re.search(r'#(\w+)\s+(.*)', line) # if not m: # continue # type_ = m.group(1) # text = m.group(2) # text = re.sub('[^\w]+', '', text).lower() # # m2 = re.search(t2, re.sub(r'[^\w\n]', '', results['.txt'])) # import fitz.interactnow # print m.groups() def t_css(self): """Runs all CSS-related tests. """ self.test_css_embed() self.test_css_noembed() self.test_css_file_embed() self.test_css_file() self.test_css_none() def test_css_embed(self): extraConfig={ } results = self.M_trivial(extraConfig={}).save() self.assert_('