This is particularly useful if the chair forgot to end the meeting or has been net split out and the nick is no longer useable. Change-Id: Id5c0c11ec94898f3a79ac253a9d804baec79a85d
368 lines
15 KiB
368 lines
15 KiB
# Richard Darst, 2009
import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
os.environ['MEETBOT_RUNNING_TESTS'] = '1'
import ircmeeting.meeting as meeting
import ircmeeting.writers as writers
running_tests = True
def process_meeting(contents, extraConfig={}, dontSave=True,
filename='/dev/null', existingMeeting=None):
"""Take a test script, return Meeting object of that meeting.
To access the results (a dict keyed by extensions), use M.save(),
with M being the return of this function.
return meeting.process_meeting(contents=contents,
channel="#none", filename=filename,
dontSave=dontSave, safeMode=False,
class MeetBotTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_replay(self):
"""Replay of a meeting, using 'meeting.py replay'.
old_argv = sys.argv[:]
sys.argv[1:] = ["replay", "test-script-1.log.txt"]
sys.path.insert(0, "../ircmeeting")
gbls = {"__name__":"__main__",
execfile("../ircmeeting/meeting.py", gbls)
assert "M" in gbls, "M object not in globals: did it run?"
del sys.path[0]
sys.argv[:] = old_argv
def test_supybottests(self):
"""Test by sending input to supybot, check responses.
Uses the external supybot-test command. Unfortunantly, that
doesn't have a useful status code, so I need to parse the
os.symlink("../MeetBot", "MeetBot")
os.symlink("../ircmeeting", "ircmeeting")
sys.path.insert(0, ".")
output = os.popen("supybot-test ./MeetBot 2>&1").read()
assert 'FAILED' not in output, "supybot-based tests failed."
assert '\nOK\n' in output, "supybot-based tests failed."
del sys.path[0]
trivial_contents = """
10:10:10 <x> #startmeeting
10:10:10 <x> blah
10:10:10 <x> #endmeeting
full_writer_map = {
'.log.txt': writers.TextLog,
'.log.1.html': writers.HTMLlog1,
'.log.html': writers.HTMLlog2,
'.1.html': writers.HTML1,
'.html': writers.HTML2,
'.rst': writers.ReST,
'.rst.html': writers.HTMLfromReST,
'.txt': writers.Text,
'.mw': writers.MediaWiki,
'.pmw': writers.PmWiki,
'.tmp.txt|template=+template.txt': writers.Template,
'.tmp.html|template=+template.html': writers.Template,
def M_trivial(self, contents=None, extraConfig={}):
"""Convenience wrapper to process_meeting.
if contents is None:
contents = self.trivial_contents
return process_meeting(contents=contents,
def test_script_1(self):
"""Run test-script-1.log.txt through the processor.
- Check all writers
- Check actual file writing.
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='test-meetbot')
filename=os.path.join(tmpdir, 'meeting'),
# Test every extension in the full_writer_map to make sure
# it was written.
for extension in self.full_writer_map:
ext = re.search(r'^\.(.*?)($|\|)', extension).group(1)
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'meeting.'+ext))
assert len(files) > 0, \
"Extension did not produce output: '%s'"%extension
#def test_script_3(self):
# process_meeting(contents=file('test-script-3.log.txt').read(),
# extraConfig={'writer_map':self.full_writer_map})
all_commands_test_contents = """
10:10:10 <x> #startmeeting
10:10:10 <x> #topic h6k4orkac
10:10:10 <x> #info blaoulrao
10:10:10 <x> #idea alrkkcao4
10:10:10 <x> #help ntoircoa5
10:10:10 <x> #link http://bnatorkcao.net kroacaonteu
10:10:10 <x> http://jrotjkor.net krotroun
10:10:10 <x> #action xrceoukrc
10:10:10 <x> #nick okbtrokr
# Should not appear in non-log output
10:10:10 <x> #idea ckmorkont
10:10:10 <x> #undo
# Assert that chairs can change the topic, and non-chairs can't.
10:10:10 <x> #chair y
10:10:10 <y> #topic topic_doeschange
10:10:10 <z> #topic topic_doesntchange
10:10:10 <x> #unchair y
10:10:10 <y> #topic topic_doesnt2change
10:10:10 <x> #endmeeting
def test_contents_test2(self):
"""Ensure that certain input lines do appear in the output.
This test ensures that the input to certain commands does
appear in the output.
M = process_meeting(contents=self.all_commands_test_contents,
results = M.save()
for name, output in results.iteritems():
self.assert_('h6k4orkac' in output, "Topic failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('blaoulrao' in output, "Info failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('alrkkcao4' in output, "Idea failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('ntoircoa5' in output, "Help failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('http://bnatorkcao.net' in output,
"Link(1) failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('kroacaonteu' in output, "Link(2) failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('http://jrotjkor.net' in output,
"Link detection(1) failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('krotroun' in output,
"Link detection(2) failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('xrceoukrc' in output, "Action failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('okbtrokr' in output, "Nick failed for %s"%name)
# Things which should only appear or not appear in the
# notes (not the logs):
if 'log' not in name:
self.assert_( 'ckmorkont' not in output,
"Undo failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('topic_doeschange' in output,
"Chair changing topic failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('topic_doesntchange' not in output,
"Non-chair not changing topic failed for %s"%name)
self.assert_('topic_doesnt2change' not in output,
"Un-chaired was able to chang topic for %s"%name)
#def test_contents_test(self):
# contents = open('test-script-3.log.txt').read()
# M = process_meeting(contents=file('test-script-3.log.txt').read(),
# extraConfig={'writer_map':self.full_writer_map})
# results = M.save()
# for line in contents.split('\n'):
# m = re.search(r'#(\w+)\s+(.*)', line)
# if not m:
# continue
# type_ = m.group(1)
# text = m.group(2)
# text = re.sub('[^\w]+', '', text).lower()
# m2 = re.search(t2, re.sub(r'[^\w\n]', '', results['.txt']))
# import fitz.interactnow
# print m.groups()
def test_actionNickMatching(self):
"""Test properly detect nicknames in lines
This checks the 'Action items, per person' list to make sure
that the nick matching is limited to full words. For example,
the nick 'jon' will no longer be assigned lines containing
script = """
20:13:50 <x> #startmeeting
20:13:50 <somenick>
20:13:50 <someone> #action say somenickLONG
20:13:50 <someone> #action say the somenicklong
20:13:50 <somenick> I should not have an item assisgned to me.
20:13:50 <somenicklong> I should have some things assigned to me.
20:13:50 <x> #endmeeting
M = process_meeting(script)
results = M.save()['.html']
# This regular expression is:
# \bsomenick\b - the nick in a single word
# (?! \() - without " (" following it... to not match
# the "People present" section.
assert not re.search(r'\bsomenick\b(?! \()',
results, re.IGNORECASE), \
"Nick full-word matching failed"
def test_urlMatching(self):
"""Test properly detection of URLs in lines
script = """
20:13:50 <x> #startmeeting
20:13:50 <x> #link prefix http://site1.com suffix
20:13:50 <x> http://site2.com suffix
20:13:50 <x> ftp://ftpsite1.com suffix
20:13:50 <x> #link prefix ftp://ftpsite2.com suffix
20:13:50 <x> irc://ircsite1.com suffix
20:13:50 <x> mailto://a@mail.com suffix
20:13:50 <x> #endmeeting
M = process_meeting(script)
results = M.save()['.html']
assert re.search(r'prefix.*href.*http://site1.com.*suffix',
results), "URL missing 1"
assert re.search(r'href.*http://site2.com.*suffix',
results), "URL missing 2"
assert re.search(r'href.*ftp://ftpsite1.com.*suffix',
results), "URL missing 3"
assert re.search(r'prefix.*href.*ftp://ftpsite2.com.*suffix',
results), "URL missing 4"
assert re.search(r'href.*mailto://a@mail.com.*suffix',
results), "URL missing 5"
def test_lateEnd(self):
"""Test that anyone can end a meeting late
script = """
20:13:50 <x> #startmeeting
20:43:57 <y> #endmeeting
M = process_meeting(script)
assert M._meetingIsOver == False, "Early call from non-chair should fail"
process_meeting("22:13:52 <z> #endmeeting", existingMeeting=M)
assert M._meetingIsOver, "Late call from non-chair should succeed"
results = M.save()['.txt']
assert 'Meeting ended at 22:13:52' in results
def t_css(self):
"""Runs all CSS-related tests.
def test_css_embed(self):
extraConfig={ }
results = self.M_trivial(extraConfig={}).save()
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' not in results['.html'])
self.assert_('body {' in results['.html'])
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' not in results['.log.html'])
self.assert_('body {' in results['.log.html'])
def test_css_noembed(self):
M = self.M_trivial(extraConfig=extraConfig)
results = M.save()
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' in results['.html'])
self.assert_('body {' not in results['.html'])
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' in results['.log.html'])
self.assert_('body {' not in results['.log.html'])
def test_css_file(self):
tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
magic_string = '546uorck6o45tuo6'
extraConfig={'cssFile_minutes': tmpf.name,
'cssFile_log': tmpf.name,}
M = self.M_trivial(extraConfig=extraConfig)
results = M.save()
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' not in results['.html'])
self.assert_(magic_string in results['.html'])
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' not in results['.log.html'])
self.assert_(magic_string in results['.log.html'])
def test_css_file_embed(self):
tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
magic_string = '546uorck6o45tuo6'
extraConfig={'cssFile_minutes': tmpf.name,
'cssFile_log': tmpf.name,
'cssEmbed_minutes': False,
'cssEmbed_log': False,}
M = self.M_trivial(extraConfig=extraConfig)
results = M.save()
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' in results['.html'])
self.assert_(tmpf.name in results['.html'])
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' in results['.log.html'])
self.assert_(tmpf.name in results['.log.html'])
def test_css_none(self):
tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
magic_string = '546uorck6o45tuo6'
extraConfig={'cssFile_minutes': 'none',
'cssFile_log': 'none',}
M = self.M_trivial(extraConfig=extraConfig)
results = M.save()
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' not in results['.html'])
self.assert_('<style type="text/css" ' not in results['.html'])
self.assert_('<link rel="stylesheet" ' not in results['.log.html'])
self.assert_('<style type="text/css" ' not in results['.log.html'])
def test_filenamevars(self):
def getM(fnamepattern):
M = meeting.Meeting(channel='somechannel',
M.addline('nobody', '#startmeeting')
return M
# Test the %(channel)s and %(network)s commands in supybot.
M = getM('%(channel)s-%(network)s')
assert M.config.filename().endswith('somechannel-somenetwork'), \
"Filename not as expected: "+M.config.filename()
# Test dates in filenames
M = getM('%(channel)s-%%F')
import time
assert M.config.filename().endswith(time.strftime('somechannel-%F')),\
"Filename not as expected: "+M.config.filename()
# Test #meetingname in filenames
M = getM('%(channel)s-%(meetingname)s')
M.addline('nobody', '#meetingname blah1234')
assert M.config.filename().endswith('somechannel-blah1234'),\
"Filename not as expected: "+M.config.filename()
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.'))
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
for testname in sys.argv[1:]:
print testname
if hasattr(MeetBotTest, testname):