Storyboard Web Client ===================== A WebClient for the OpenStack Storyboard project. Project Resources ----------------- - [Project status, bugs, and blueprints]( - [Source code]( - [Documentation]( - [Additional resources are linked from the project wiki page]( - [How to contribute to OpenStack]( - [Code reviews workflow]( Getting Started --------------- First of all be sure to have tox installed on your machine then: - Install the virtualenv containing nodejs: `tox -evenv` - Source the new path containing grunt: `source .tox/venv/bin/activate` - Now you can launch the grunt tasks of storyboard-webclient, by default run the development server with the following command: `grunt serve` Grunt tasks ----------- Here are the grunt tasks available with the storyboard-webclient project, the following commands must be prefixed by grunt, example for the first one, the command to run will be `grunt jshint`, the virtualenv must have been activated see previous section: - `jshint`: Runs a linter on the javascript sources files of the project, this will help us keeping style consistency across our files and can reduce the risk of bugs. - `clean`: Erases the temporary folders created by various grunt tasks, such as reports, cover and dist. - `less`: Compiles the themes files present in `/src/theme/custom` and `/src/theme/custom` using [less compiler](, the result which is a plain css file is stored into `dist/styles/main.css` - `compile`: Compiles all of our sources in the dist directory. - `package`: Built code into a release package. - `build`: Compile and packages our code. - `serve:dist`: This task performs a full build of our application, and then runs that source in a local web server. It does no watching, it simply hosts the files. - `serve:prod`: This task is identical to 'server:dist', with the exception that it will proxy the API requests against the production API. *USE WITH CAUTION* - `serve`: Development server - runs a build and sets up concurrent watchers that will automatically lint, test, and refresh the code when a change is detected. - `test`: Run all the tests. - `test:unit`: This command will create a clean build against which our unit tests will be run. For more information, please see karma-unit.conf.js - `test:integration`: This command will create a clean build against which our integration tests will be run. For more information, please see karma-integration.conf.js - `test:functional`: This command will create a clean build against which our functional tests will be run. For more information, please see karma-functional.conf.js