For most of the tests for storyboard sqlite is around 10 times faster than MySQL (more for non-SSD systems). An sqlite database does not support some operations, like modifying constraints or dropping columns, so we cannot avoid testing with MySQL. We can however use sqlite for local development to reduce the pain involved with running tests as part of the development process. This patch adds a tox environment for running the tests against sqlite3. The new tox environment is intended to be used by developers as well as the new check and gate job defined in .zuul.yaml. The new job ensures that changes to alembic migration scripts continue to work with sqlite. This patch also modifies the existing alter scripts to skip steps not supported under sqlite. Those steps aren't strictly needed, and they are still tested when the CI system runs the tests with MySQL. Change-Id: Icb979cb03e10c56519a90ea3976a4da2d9bddb05 Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
Storyboard is a task tracker created to serve the needs of highly-distributed systems that span multiple projects, to enable cross-project work on a massive scale. Concepts were adapted from existing tools, and as many potential points of contention were removed as possible, to better facilitate coordination of project work by stakeholders with widely varied interests and needs.
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